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Mind Control Framework: Level Increase Acceptance, by Matt Marriott

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posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 07:40 AM
Level Increase Acceptance consists in making the sheeple accept a new higher level of enslavement, aka brainwash.

Level Increase Acceptance techniques require for each new level:

- clear delivery of what is the new level, i.e. providing all the details that the average person needs to understand it

- packaging the delivery, to keep the refusal level below the critical mass, during the process of acceptance.

- as soon as the process is completed, the bill can be presented.

So for the average person to understand what the bill is, it only needs to rewrite the delivery as a question.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 11:30 AM
Matt Marriott................

My apologies if this sounds a bit really need to work on your are difficult to understand.

From what I can gather, your post has to do with the dissemination of information to get an abstract and connotative concept in a position to be accepted in the real world.....

Maybe you could specify further....I am interested in what I think you're trying to say.......

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 03:18 PM
Take Terri's death through starvation and dehydration for instance - what information do you recognise as delivery? What as package?

For a start, some packaging of the delivery:

Packaging the Delivery
Some of the mind control work done to package the delivery:
- the media keeps repeating the official story of a vegetable dying 
- "$1 million dollar baby" to present "euthanasia" as good for the victims: Hollywood made it film of the year
- $1 million dollar hoax to present the "husband" as good: the noble husband refused a (hoax) offer of $1 million to keep Terri alive 
- $1 million dollar hoax to present mass murder of elder, disabled and sick people as good for the economy: costs for Terri so far $1,1 million
- the "liberal democrats" criticise the "christian fundamentalist" Bush, who "jumped out bed" to "sign a law" that is "interfering" with the "justice" to make people say "The Bushes have done everything possible."

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 04:13 PM
I get it.....

The answer would be to objectify any response to there diluted and repetitive news stories. I don't doubt for a second that Hollywood isn't manipulated for it's ability to communicate ideals and concepts that may support or draw against the popular issues the media of the day is concentrating on. The money and suspension of disbelief inherent in the viewing of a film is perfect for suggestion.

Originally posted by MattMarriott
the media keeps repeating the official story of a vegetable dying

Repetition is a very effective tool, especially in the news formats used today, where everything said is generally accepted as fact. There is no encouragement of critical thinking.

My point is you don't invite conversation. You make statements that are inaccessible to comment. You assume that people have inroads to your mentality and can see it as simply as you do......they don't.

Please take this as constructive criticism.......I believe what you are talking about, I do believe that all medias are connected and manipulated.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 04:20 PM
look at the end results of the shiavo's fiasco...

...Bush signed into law the Texas Futile Care Act, a law that removes people from life support if they are brain-damaged and can't pay for their care, even against the family's wishes...

[edit on 27-3-2005 by mwen]

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 04:26 PM

Three, The new bankruptcy law will prevent Terry's husband and others in the same situation from decalring Chapter 7 bankruptcy should the bills be more than he can pay.

From mwen's link........

I believe that is a pretty important fact........yikes.....the poor will stay poor....

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 08:32 PM
Matt, thanks a ton.

All I know is that my thinking about this case stopped when I realized the extent to which the story had been manipulated.

But then you got the specifics of how it had been manipulated, and were able to clearly espouse it.

I don't think the point was for Matt to deliver his message in a way that encouraged discussion of the method, he wants to discuss INFORMING people, which he has done a great job of.

Let the people connect their own dots, but atleast Matt frames the questions so people can see how their thinking has been manipulated.

posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 09:07 PM

Three, The new bankruptcy law will prevent Terry's husband and others in the same situation from decalring Chapter 7 bankruptcy should the bills be more than he can pay.

Here's a link to show how important this aspect of the Texas Futile Care Act is..........a significant amount of people are now prevented from escaping medical bills....

46% of all bankruptcies caused by medical bills

Akilles I agree, people should connect their own dots, however, the terms used are kind of inaccessible to be used in a discussion format.....

Originally posted by MattMarriott
Level Increase Acceptance techniques require for each new level:

How many people are going to translate this as "the way media communicates information and their insistence on overdramatizing human interest stories has a direct impact on the amount of tolerance people are going to have for a gradual increase in the 'subtle aggression' of our governments efforts to ensure that we as a population never look past our noses and agree only with what they have to say."

I'll stop now, as I understand and will not detract from the point anymore.....

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 07:33 AM
I would be interested if you extended / filled the framework I provided.
The "vegetable" was the best shot in the packaging section.
Here is how it should start being extended:

- the media keeps repeating the official story of a vegetable dying, ... in the scope of the dehumanization of Terri, one of the reasons being it's a measurable link to the Florida Law that considers killing animals by starvation a crime;

posted on Mar, 29 2005 @ 02:27 AM

- the media keeps repeating the official story of a vegetable dying, in the scope of the dehumanization of Terri, one of the reasons being it's a measurable link to the Florida Law that considers killing animals by starvation a crime;

Adding new items
- media manufactures "polls" (the big lie sky, i.e. 80%, is no more the limit ...), "proving" that the large majority is behind the "husband" -The CBS News poll that reported 82 percent of all Americans wanted the government out of the case - which provide the right excuse for people to say "Bush sure turned silent in a hurry." 

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