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The Truth of the Bible

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posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
One of my theories concerning the bible is that theories about the bible are a dime a dozen. Add em all up and you got enough to pay someone to make up more.

People forget that there's noone around to validate which parts of the Bible are true. So they pick and choose what they like and don't like from the books that make up the Holy Bible.

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

You would be correct

I'll help you out with a bit of it

Genesis (Bere#) - BIOLOGY
Exodus (Shemot) - GEOMETRY
Leviticus (Va-yikra) - ENTROPY
Numbers (Bamidbar) - SYMBOLOGY
Deuteronomy (Devarim) - DICHOTOMY

Psalms - ELEMENTS (Table and description of 150 different elements, which parallels the Sumerian table of elements, misunderstood to be a a list of kings - The Sumerian Kings list)

Matthew - Chemical
Mark - Molecule
Luke - Element
John - Compound

Lord = Body
Theos/God = Thought/Water
Thoth = Thought
Thor = Thought
El'ohim = Equilibrium
Jesus = Emotion(al)
Christ = Conscious(ness)
Angel = Intelligence
Annunaki = Intelligence
Ankh = Intelligence
Arch = Conscious
Enki = Conscious
Enki Ea = Conscious Thought
Enlil = Consciousness
Ea - Thought
Ra - Mind

Apply these and you should be able to understand most of the stories and mythology

"Jesus Christ is the son of God"
"Emotional Conscious is born of Thought"
edit on 19 10 21 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Compendium

Wow thank you for your amazing comment that is very helpful indeed.
Can I ask you what your thoughts are on how the writers of these texts knew this information back then? Do you believe at one time there was a civilisation more advanced than we are today?

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Indeed. An to ascertain the validity of their choice of what is correct to believe and what is not it is necessary to believe that it is God that has pointed out the correct interpretation.

I hold with the bible being a repository of a certain amount of wisdom and I use it as such. Truth? That's a different matter. I would rather wisdom than truth.

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

They knew it because it was passed down from generation to generation. Each generation learned a little more, based on what they already knew

It was only in recent times the meaning has been obscured

More advanced? Yes. Sumerian

More technological? No

They knew what they knew, and they needed little more

We think massive stones were transported, when they were actually poured like concrete

We think ancient warriors used to "have their heads cut off when they lost", when really the texts are talking about them "losing their lead" in the overall competition

Like being "ahead" on a ladder, and losing that head/lead, because you lose

We think the ancient cultures were dumb, when the reality is we are
edit on 19 10 21 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Compendium
Thank you I will research further into the Sumerians, it was my interest of the ancient cultures that has brought me to the Bible, there is just so much to learn at once, my mind flits to subject to subject.
I have thought the same about them not using technology, and instead being at a higher consciousness than we are today.
I think advanced technology will ultimately never be good for humanity.
Maybe the ancients knew that.

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: reachingnirvana
a reply to: Compendium
Thank you I will research further into the Sumerians, it was my interest of the ancient cultures that has brought me to the Bible, there is just so much to learn at once, my mind flits to subject to subject.
I have thought the same about them not using technology, and instead being at a higher consciousness than we are today.
I think advanced technology will ultimately never be good for humanity.
Maybe the ancients knew that.

A few things to keep in mind during your research.

In 1611 a conspiracy was formed to "Control" any information about the time of the giants, and before the flood. This group of conspirators have gone to great lengths to control virtually all information, to the point of creating their own version of events and, to put that version out globally, using their own "Institutions".

These conspirators, traitors are having a difficult time with some of the most recent archeological discoveries in the form of physical evidence and scriptural, that expose their conspiratorial program for what it really is, a well processed and controlled, LIE!

My personal belief is that to get to the truth you must read all materials that have been discovered, untouched, before 1611, or, before the flood. There is a great deal of it to consider.

Admittedly, humanity today, in our present physical bodies have been compromised, from the original. The greater part of humanity comes from 200,000 years ago, while a smaller segment from only 36,000 years. Not all of humanity today, were created equally.

The "Ancients" know of the different humans and is the primary reason we cant be trusted, at least, not completely.
My opinion.

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
I had gathered a cover up had happened at some point in history but found it difficult to pin point exactly where, so thanks for that information it will make research much easier for me.
I also knew there are two types of people, but I am undecided on what exactly those two types are.

The Ones who See and the Ones who don't
Us v.s Them - aka Souls vs. 'Reptilian' Bloodline

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: reachingnirvana
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
I had gathered a cover up had happened at some point in history but found it difficult to pin point exactly where, so thanks for that information it will make research much easier for me.
I also knew there are two types of people, but I am undecided on what exactly those two types are.

The Ones who See and the Ones who don't
Us v.s Them - aka Souls vs. 'Reptilian' Bloodline

From what I have gathered it doesn't really follow bloodlines, though, it seems one is preferred over the other. It has more to do with, selling ones soul. This can be done in the dept of night or in a large gathering of like minded souls. The ones at night are ask one question, "Do you want to be good, or, bad". Both of the folks I took testimony from said they said good, but would I really get a honest answer from the one who said "Bad"? One was a upright person and proved it. The other, was a Wicca witch. What would you think? Both had the preferred blood lines. The witch even admitted she spoke with departed family members.

I wonder if they were green lol lol lol.

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 05:32 PM
The 6 days of creation aren't actually 24 hour days but are ages.

Flash of light, creation of the universe, planets, stars, moons, plants then animals then humans.

Considered like this it's a fair description of the big bang and evolution.

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Agreed with nearly all of this,

Except, I would suggest the deception is much older even than this

edit on 19 10 21 by Compendium because: Edit

posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

Remember that the Sumerian mythology, like all mythos, has been corrupted as well

Annunaki has been translated to mean "Those who from the heavens came to Earth", and people interpret this to mean Angels or Extraterrestrials, when it is actually describing "Intelligence". Our ability to "Wonder"

You need to examine things in the basic sense that they are/were intended when they were written ...

So that everyone can relate to them and understand them

They aren't talking myths of Gods and phenomena beyond mans understanding, they are describing things such as the workings and characteristics of our bodies and minds

They use allegory and personification, because they believed it would be the best way for anyone to read it and work out what they were talking about

Thor was not a literal historical figure with a hammer that called lightning. He is the personification of "Thought". Someone who has the ability to think and move to provide for, and fulfill need

He is able to wield a hammer for protection and production

But it more represents the fact that he was intelligent enough to work out how to build a hammer in the first place, to make life easier

The Egyptians showed people holding a Ankh. This means that the person represented a characteristic or virtue of people, not a literal person

They are literally holding a stick-figure representation of themselves. With an emphasised head. "Intelligence"

They thought this would be clear enough for anyone who looked at it to understand, without having to know how to read any of the various written language scripts

Wings were used on characters to symbolise the fulfillment of want. Pleasures. Joys. Things like this

If the Egyptians were holding a staff, it symbolised the fulfillment of need, over want. Similar to the hammer

The Burney relief, is literally a picture for a pub, brothel

The owls are guards, meaning it is safe

Lions relaxing symbolise people at rest. Recreation

The woman in the picture is literally depicted with her head being inserted into a vagina

Wings on her back, "at rest", meaning "pleasure"

She is holding in both her hands, a relative symbol to the Ankh for intelligence. Meaning she can handle whatever you mind desires

And she has owls (safety) as her feet, grasping the lions. Meaning, risk free, to the public

All the ancient artwork works similar to this

A Sumerian (or "Babylonian") man offering another man a pine cone, when they both have wings, means to share knowledge that can/will make all our lives easier

This is why they are both depicted as having people behind them. It shows them coming together, for their people

Sumerian, is the easiest mythology to understand and decipher from things such as their artwork, and re-translating the intended meaning of their writings

Egyptian is second to this

But allot of Egyptian hieroglyphs talk about systems of Government, philosophy and classifications of various things, so they are very, very easy to misunderstand

One group of "Deities", actually refer to the principles of Supply and Demand. That's how badly translated allot of the texts are


One other thing that is important to remember,

It is well and good to consider "who" or "what" may be behind things such as the veil and deception ...

But do not get wrapped up in it. It is a trap

It is designed to keep you guessing and chasing your own tail

It distracts you from understanding the things which can be known, by confusing them with things that cannot be known, only speculated on

The more time you waste trying to work out "who" or "what" is behind things in this world, the further you actually get from understanding it, if it indeed can be known

Consider it, sure, if it is relative to the mechanics of the things you are investigating. But don't waste too much time speculating

They want you to keep guessing, to keep you busy. They want you to populate disinformation, by guessing

Don't play the game

Look for the facts that can be known, hidden within the deception

Through this, the Wizard will eventually be exposed behind the curtain


Peaking behind the veil may/might bring you into some very strange/unusual phenomena

If this happens, consider why it is being done. Not who is doing it

Do not concede to it. Follow your natural course and be true to yourself

Most importantly, do not fear it/them

Curse them. Hate them, sure. But do not fear them

If you have reason to fear? Then such fear is your own conscience. Don't allow them to be anything more than a mirror, to help you cleanse yourself of what repressed pain and fear you need release

If you fear them, they control you

There are gatekeepers of all sorts, on all levels, that will try stop you, for various reasons

Do what you think is right for greater good in all you choose to do, even at the cost of yourself (ESPECIALLY, in some circumstance) and you won't/can't walk the wrong path

Have fun
edit on 19 10 21 by Compendium because: Added picture and edited

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Can you recommend any books that are unlike David Icke touching upon this same subject?

Also, not Sitchin.

Any recommendations would be highly appreciated.

I would also like to hear your recommendations, Compendium.

a reply to: Compendium
edit on 20-10-2021 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Compendium
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Agreed with nearly all of this,

Except, I would suggest the deception is much older even than this

We agree on that point as well. I was only pointing out 1611 as the starting point for the "New" named group. The group itself, regardless of name was instituted at the "Pillar of Laws" in the "Ringed City" where the demigod's vowed a blood oath to each other. Before the destruction of the world by the great flood, there was no need for "Secret Societies", Mystery Schools".

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Can you recommend any books that are unlike David Icke touching upon this same subject?
Also, not Sitchin.

The book, or series of books I think your looking for, do not exist. And the chances of producing a book at that level would never be allowed to go to press.

When we go to school, any school, what happens is you are actually being preloaded with a agenda, bias's the average person would never be able to see. Not because of lack of intelligence, but because of a lack of knowledge. The present educational system is actually compartmentalized, not to further knowledge, but to keep people from connecting the major dots. It is assumed "Books" are made to share information, and make a profit, valid reason for the most part. But some write books for nefarious reasons. You mention two examples not to consider. But in reality, you need to.

Who can you trust for the truth? You! But you have to understand the truth is in plain sight, but out of the original context. You will have to, not just read a book, but know how to dissect it for the pearls of truth it may contain. To understand any subject and defeat any covert agenda, you must read all materials by all authors on that subject, and fight the bias's the author may try to relay.

I cant give you a list of books, but I can give you a list of subjects to scrutinize. Sumerian gods, Greek/ roman gods (Anunnaki). Plato's Atlantis retold in the Timaeus and Critias (Pillar of Law). Archeological discoveries. Secret Societies with a heavy leaning towards the Freemasons. Histories of scriptures and the Bible. Religions, all. UFO's!

There are many documentaries on each one of those subjects, no one will have all the answers and why its necessary to combine the trains of thought, information.

Good luck.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Thank you that's quite a comprehensive answer and some things I haven't looked into.

posted on Oct, 20 2021 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

All Seeing Eye is right in regards to there being no book(s) in particular

To give you context, try Googling "Book Adam means Atom Bible", or something similar

You'll find very few printed/published texts promoting such concepts and ideas, if any. I couldn't find any at all. Some appear to relate the two things, but when you read, they are books supporting the dogma, with the science. Nothing relating to the science as the source

You are already in rarified air, as far as your ability to see straight through the veil to a underlaying concept, which is likely the source of the allegory, and more likely correct

Such concepts are not generally well received, even in forums such as this

There are plenty of people out there that have put bits and pieces together, but it is almost always used in such a way as to support the allegory and dogma

Example: Religion used to oppose and discount scientific principles, that could be likened to religious allegory. Now, as it is impossible to do so, they embrace it as being examples of God, supporting their religion

Like, Hillsong Church using clips of scientific advancement, astronauts walking on the moon, genetics and things like this, with the slogan "There is more", to promote their conference, where they exploit thousands of followers, charging hundreds of dollars a ticket (seriously ... have a look at the pricing for their tickets, it's insane)

To preach to them of concepts that are the very opposite of what they purport to promote

The concept of "There is always something more", which argues against the concept of a supreme God, is turned around into "There is more" to promote it

You just need to see it for what it is

Hillsong are disgusting, and promote a type of pseudo-life, that I think is actually as close to something that could be defined as evil, as anything I've ever seen in this world

Watching the ad for their conference, where he encourages all members to "Make it a priority this year, to come to their conference" makes you feel physically sick. Because it translates to "Save up your money, to pay us the $500 ticket price" ... "Make it a priority! Forget food, clothes and other necessities of life. Paying us this money, is priority"

If they really had something to offer, they would be offering the conferences for as little as they possibly could

They are absolutely sickening

If indeed I believed in evil. Which I don't (I believe there is love, and there is pain. And that all perceived as evil is a result of some type of pain, or the manifestation of pain, or repressed pain)

But I digress

The point is, that most times when people begin to see or understand source concepts hidden within the Bible, they are either ignored

Or, if they can't be ignored, they are acknowledged as something attributed to the dogma, rather than being the source ...

So they can then be ignored

Like saying, "Yes, we see what you found. Our God did that too. Now go away"

To this end ...

You will find pieces of understanding everywhere, but it will always be coated in, attached to, or drowning in bulls#$t, or religious agenda

You are better off using what you already understand, to decipher the allegory

Think of:

Eve being tempted to receive DNA (Serpent) into her. Apple being her egg. Creating a baby. "Tempting Adam" to eat of the Apple, to fertilise her egg

Adam and Eve, both naked in the eyes of God. Meaning, their base genetic code, being used to form a child

And when the baby is fully developed, it is kicked out of the Garden of Eden. As in, mother gives birth

Things like this

It becomes fairly easy to understand most of the texts. If you understand that they apply to real founding concepts of our existence

They are all allegory and personification

Not real people

It's Genetics (Genesis) ... Or Biology (Beresh!t in Hebrew)

You will learn allot more, allot quicker, if you look at things for the perspective you seem to already have

Many of the books and interpretations of texts you could read, are written from the agenda of those who have already decided what the books are talking about, or what beliefs they will fit them in to

You need to look at it from the perspective of deciphering an understanding of where they sit, for yourself, without such bias

I would suggest even, that you challenge anything I, or anyone else tells you, to consider if we could be wrong

Because even if what I, or someone else, tells you seems perfect and correct, it could always be wrong

As long as you keep that understanding, and are willing to accept constantly revising and upgrading your interpretations, as they develop over the years ...

You will find a truer understanding than any book, or stack of books could offer

I'm not saying not to read anything which could help you understand

Read everything you can

I'm just saying that most truths are isolated and obscured across too many different sources to name

You are better off just picking at the threads of what you can see "Eg: Atom / Adam" to see what you can find on the topic, to take you a little further along

Also ...

Be prepared to jump from topic to topic, as necessary, as your mind draws you to them

It may seem crazy and erratic to you to do this ...

But I have found that the pieces seem to fall together allot easier, when you follow the path wherever it may take you

You may have no clue as to why you are suddenly drawn to something completely different to what you are originally researching

But it is like putting together a jig-saw

You stop working on the part of the puzzle you are focusing on, when you notice a piece that might easily fit somewhere else you remember on the puzzle

Trust your instinct on what seems correct

Until the day you find something that seems more correct

It is a process of constant revision

My alignments of meaning with numerical and alphabetic symbology, have gone through up to 100 different revisions, over the years I've been working on them

To the point where it helped me realise the algorithm within them, where many versions are correct, because they are relative

Once I realised that 4 or 5 different version are correct, because they all have the same underlaying structure, it lead me to a common "more correct" understanding, that can define all of them

This is what I used to find root meaning within Biblical words

Revision, after revision, after revision

My latest revision of a key word meaning, was only days ago

Each time, they become more and more accurate, because they work with more and more of the other words, and allow me to understand more and more of the texts

Make sense?

If you adopt the same "Best understanding" approach to what you are analysing and studying ... you can't go wrong

Remember that it doesn't matter whether or not what you have worked out is "definitively correct" ...

It only has to be "more correct" than the current translations and understandings

If you can relate them in such a way as you did with Adam/Atom? Then you are already more correct than the Biblical versions

If it aligns with supporting understanding like the principles and foundations of biology and geometry (Genesis and Exodus)?

Then it works better than the Bible version

Meaning it is "more correct"

In years to come, our understanding of science, like Biology and Geometry, may/might get better

These texts work the same way

edit on 21 10 21 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Compendium

All Seeing Eye is right in regards to there being no book(s) in particular

You had me rolling on the floor lol. "Come on man", I got more right than that lol lol.

Then you expand and expand and expand lol lol lol. Saying the same thing I did lol lol.

Anyways, umm, we need to write a book titled "The Idiots guide to extricating ones self from the matrix, or, how to become a Iconoclast". LOL


posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I was agreeing that you answered the question 👍😊

19Bones79, I found this documentary very interesting when I was first starting out on my journey

Mainly because it gives an example of different approaches to conventional understanding. Going into things like the exact angles and geometry. As well as the oral spoken tradition, from elders in the area, which is a bit different from written traditions

It's pretty long. But interesting
edit on 22 10 21 by Compendium because: Added documentary

posted on Oct, 22 2021 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: XipeTotex
a reply to: reachingnirvana

I love comparing rituals and text from different religions, it still amazes me how similar Judaism, Christianity and Muslim are, the prayers, the hats, the medical operations, kosher,halal. Everything.

That's because the Old Testament is one of the holy books on which these three religions are based. Those who use the Old Testament as part of their scriptures (including the Sabeans) are known colloquially as "the people of the Book". See Wikipedia

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