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What's really going on ... "Random Tiktok Bloke" Nails It ...

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+31 more 
posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 12:50 PM
I ran across this Tiktok video posted to FascistTube. The guy disclaims any real expertise, but he nails it. Nothing here that anybody with a couple of active brain cells wouldn't have already figured out, but he lays it all out precisely and clearly. Gotta appreciate the dude; he has his head together. He pretty much outlines what's happening.

As I said there's nothing revelatory in his rant, but I've seldom seen it all laid out so clearly from soup to nuts. The video is only three minutes long, so I won't outline it here, but he just lays out the whole game from where it started - or, rather, where it began to ramp up - to where it is now to where it's headed. He just gives you a clear outline.

Some of the comments are golden:

Homeboy jus tsumed up 10 years of my own research in 3 minutes.

A "theory" so plausible, it actually looks, sounds and smells like reality.

This would have sounded crazy just a few yeas ago. Now ... not so much.

I wish I could say you were a nutter conspiracy theorist! Your theory sounds about right.

(Some strong language for the sensitive. "Take it with a pinch of salt," as he says ... )

edit on 2021 10 18 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: incoserv

That's probably why they're using various brainwashing schemes for the vaccine. So they know what works because if they can't get people to stay safe and secure and return to normal through a simple shot, they certainly can't convince everyone to get on the digital society bandwagon of global communism.

Not to mention people like my 84 year old mother would have no clue how to do any of it.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:00 PM
Digitalization and cataloging everything are well underway, and it is not only those in control to blame, everyone is doing it. willingly and unwillingly. there is no stopping it. Let us just pray the data does not fall into the wrong hands.

+6 more 
posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:07 PM
Random TikTok dude acts like Russell Brand time traveled back from a dystopian future to warn us about how it all goes sideways.

+17 more 
posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

Let us just pray the data does not fall into the wrong hands.


Dude, the data is already in the wrong hands. The wrong hands have been collecting it since the beginning.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:11 PM
where is one of those "He's Right, you know" memes right about now?

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: billxam
a reply to: incoserv

That's probably why they're using various brainwashing schemes for the vaccine. So they know what works because if they can't get people to stay safe and secure and return to normal through a simple shot, they certainly can't convince everyone to get on the digital society bandwagon of global communism.

Not to mention people like my 84 year old mother would have no clue how to do any of it.

They knew from the beginning that not everyone would acquiesce. They are trying to whittle away at the resistance.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv

What's up with the way he keeps lunging his head forward as he talks? I don't find anything he's said to be wrong, but most people will see that and just think "what a weirdo, then move on to the next tik tok.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:16 PM
why do you think it is called a vax "passport"?

passport: an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

nothing about that definition includes vaccination

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: sraven

Here you go ...

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: tamusan

Sadly too typical. So many people I see get hung up on the platform or the messenger or the style of delivery and totally miss the veracity of the message.

He did it because that's how he wanted to do it. But people who do not want to see the reality, people who have embraced their own cognitive dissonance, people who are forging their own chains of slavery will find any excuse to dismiss the truth.

Sorry, I can't help them. As my tag line says, Populus vult decipi ergo decipiatur.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:25 PM
Yeah, ok, fine.

So what's the problem here if he is right? His premise opens with a simple concept. The present economic system is, as he says ''ferrked'' . Irreparable, all the governments know it.

So from this premise we are doomed.....He recognizes it and according to OP, anyone with a couple of active brain cells will have figured this out already.

He then lays out what the governments of the world are doing about it, hence the screed though must of the rest of the video. Ok.

His solution to averting this plan of the world governments is that this might be the time to do some serious consideration as to what to do about. it.

And I agree with that. Serious consideration, not just griping and pissing and moaning. If we are, according to to his original premise that the existing economic system has us screwed, what are we going to replace it with.

Those who are leading this campaign that he lays out are the people who have benefited the most from the system that is ferrked. So should we trust them? What have any of us little folk come up with to combat their plans, just squabble amongst ourselves? Piss and moan at each other Iike I'm doing?

Or are we going to take his advice and do some serious considerations. One consideration I might entertain for myself is to quit repeating myself ... How about anyone else?

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: tamusan
Well, the whole video with him lunging his head forward made me tune out of his talk wishing my fist could be going forward to clash with his fu##ing nose.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: sraven
why do you think it is called a vax "passport"?

passport: an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

nothing about that definition includes vaccination

Yes,these vaxports will be required not just for foreign travel but local travel, admission to concerts,restaurants, salons and everything considered non essential.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:31 PM
Struggling to locate that European social engineering brochure that was circulating a while back, regarding identity and culture reconfiguration to prepare society for a more integrated socioeconomic environment or some cleverly worded waffle.

No luck yet, maybe someone can reupload because that's the community identity aspect of the civil politics/cultural programming/economic restructuring trilateral initiative that is being built on the technological foundation this TikTok dude described.

"The great transformation"

edit on 18-10-2021 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:33 PM
PS. I forgot to answer the OP. He sounds Australian and all he's seeing is China. There are too many currencies and countries to actually do what he's saying. No matter how clever you think the NWO, illuminati, banksters etc. they aint got that much power.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I don't know that there is a single good universal answer. When he says that the system is "ferrked," I think he's right; the old military acronym FUBAR is probalby most apropos. And when something is FUBAR it is no longer what it previously was; it is beyond recognition.

What's that mean for you an me? I have no friggin' idea. All I know is that it means that I, personally, cannot and will not participate in the system as it stands. I have my own ideas of what that means, tailored to my specific location, set of skills and resources, and life circumstances. Yours will be very different.

At this point, maybe all anybody can do is talk about it in the hopes that some of those who have thus far been asleep might hear and wake up. Myself, I have given up any hope of actually informing anybody. As I point out elsewhere, my tag line here is Populus vult decipi ergo decipiatur, and that's the tack I've taken.

Maybe some of us will weather this through the other side. Maybe we won't. We'll see. I honestly believe that we are facing down an enemy that would rather see the entire world burn to cinders rather than lose this war. There will be no compromise, no quarter, no capitulation. There are a couple of reasons for this which I have enumerated elsewhere.

There are other considerations beyond the scope of this OP and thread that do give me hope but that hope is NOT in anything that any human being can do.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Uh, duh?

Not even conspiracy theory anymore.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
Yeah, ok, fine.

So what's the problem here if he is right? His premise opens with a simple concept. The present economic system is, as he says ''ferrked'' . Irreparable, all the governments know it.

So from this premise we are doomed.....He recognizes it and according to OP, anyone with a couple of active brain cells will have figured this out already.

He then lays out what the governments of the world are doing about it, hence the screed though must of the rest of the video. Ok.

His solution to averting this plan of the world governments is that this might be the time to do some serious consideration as to what to do about. it.

And I agree with that. Serious consideration, not just griping and pissing and moaning. If we are, according to to his original premise that the existing economic system has us screwed, what are we going to replace it with.

Those who are leading this campaign that he lays out are the people who have benefited the most from the system that is ferrked. So should we trust them? What have any of us little folk come up with to combat their plans, just squabble amongst ourselves? Piss and moan at each other Iike I'm doing?

Or are we going to take his advice and do some serious considerations. One consideration I might entertain for myself is to quit repeating myself ... How about anyone else?

Do you not think that it has already been decided for us?

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

You have been successfully and properly condition to focus on the messenger or the platform instead of the message. Professionally produced news and trained news presenters have trained you to respond to only certain types of delivery and to reject out-of-hand others. The truth does not ring true with you, only the style in which it is presented. Facts have little meaning, just optics.

You are a faithful member of modern society. Sorry for you.

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