posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 01:12 PM
a long time ago the Earth was inhabited by humankind that lived very close to the Earth. This humankind was in constant contact with its own inner
awareness, its own higher self. This was not a human who was advanced by today’s scientific standards. But in fact this human was more advanced, as
this human could communicate directly ad at any time with those from other planets. Humankind was allowed to travel through space in the space
friends’ crafts and see the universe. Humans communicated with the spirit realm in a way that was so instinctive that it was part of its daily live.
Humans communicated with all things around it. There were no wheels for travelling or moving heavy objects and large loads. Yet this humankind could
move the largest of objects without any physical effort. There was communications with all energies, including those in large stones, the trees, the
flowers – everything. And this was a loving communication. And with love, the stones would move on their own.
This species of humankind was overseen by many space friends. It was agreed that the space brothers would be there to help when they were asked to,
but would not infringe upon their choices. This arrangement worked quite well as humankind knew that it was on this planet to develop its own gifts
and to work in harmony with the Earth and all of nature to develop and grow in the physical and the spiritual sense. So the space friends did not
intrude in any way and humankind did not make unreasonable requests either, such as certain technologies to make life easier. Humankind knew why it
was on this planet and did not wish to avoid any of its pleasurable growth.
There was a time during humankind’s development that certain of those from other worlds decided that they (the non-humans) would better be served if
the Earth’s and humankind’s energies were directed in a way as to not inhibit their own personal growth as a species. For they did not wish to
share the energies of the Earth. They had their own reasons for wanting to control the energies of humankind.
It is no secret to humankind that there is ”good” and there is ”evil” or ”bad”. Humanity’s understanding of this, in general, is based
on the teachings from the Bible or other similar sources. It should be no surprise to humankind, then, that the universe as a whole contains good and
”bad”, or as we say, positive and negative. We say this also with the understanding that humankind as a whole, may be able to accept some form of
existence beyond the physical realm.
There are many kinds of negative energies. Some of these have extraterrestrial existences, and many of these are very advanced by human standards. But
they too are of the One Creator. They simply are on a path that is not pleasing to the God Source. Keep in mind we say this as a general statement.
There are those extraterrestrials who feel, in fact believe, that to allow the Earth and humankind a freedom of choice, a free will to pursue their
own path, is not in the best interest of these particular ET’s or beings. For they wish to draw on the energies of humankind and the Earth, to the
extent they can. These human energies can ”feed” these ET’s and even be a part of their livelihood. Also by controlling humans in certain ways,
it allows other energies that humans would have utilised, to be accepted by these other beings.
The negative ET’s do not abide by all of the universal laws (at least from our perspective). They may infringe on the will of another if it is to
their own advantage. This they believe they can do. So they spent long periods of time trying to determine ways to control humankind. After many
different attempts at various ways, they finally became successful at altering the DNA of humankind and other life forms on the planet. How this was
done can be explained and is extremely ”technical”. We will do this for some who feel they need to know. But it (the technology) is not that
important at this time. They were able to change the direction of humankind. They altered humankind’s filtering processes so that it became
difficult for humankind to be as ”open” and connected to its higher self and the many available spiritual gifts. Humankind was filled with doubts.
It was not so much a physical alteration as it was a screening of sorts, so that humankind began to loose sight of its Source and its own self-power.
To this was added certain new concepts, all of which were very specifically designed to cause humankind to lower its own self esteem as an equal in
the universe. These ideas were designed to have humans place certain limitations on its own powers and abilities. The focused intent of all of these
was to place certain controls on humankind by having it control itself. Also introduced were the ideas of materialism and the interest and desire to
acquire materialistic goods and pleasures, with these being the main focus.
Religion was the major new concept that was introduced. It was ingenious. It pretended to give humankind a direct link with the One God, while at the
same time it said humanity was not worthy. Humankind was guilty of transgressing the love of God. And it was only through hard work and sacrifice that
humans could even begin to approach being the least bit worthy of God. It is not our intent to show religion in a negative light. Instead, we only
wish to give a brief explanation of how and why it began. In time there will be more information on religion, but, again only as a clarification for
reference only.
It was through these different mechanisms, these different tools, these different new concepts that those negative ET’s were able to exert control
over humankind. For when humankind did not believe in its own powers, then it did not grow in a spiritual sense. Humankind in fact regressed. Many
ideas were introduced. Here we are referring to such things as industrialisation, such things as competition, and such things as money, the power of
money and the greed that came with that power.
There were those energies on other planets who did not wish to share the Sun’s total energies and who at the same time did not want the Earth to
gain a status equal to or greater than their own planetary systems. They recognised that this could only be done by redirecting the focus of humanity,
and by interfering with the growth, evolvement and energy fields of the Earth
It was then a challenge for the ”war lords”, as I will call them, to learn how to defeat humankind and the planet as well. The war lords were very
experienced at this as they have had millions of your years to perfect their styles of dominance – whether it is through direct conflict or through
more subtle ways. But humankind was determined it its path.
Over the next 10,000 – 15,000 years many different types of approaches were made to change the focus of those on the Earth. I will say there was
considerable success with certain individuals and even certain groups, but these did not meet with the total affect the war lords had wanted. One
thing was happening though. The human resolve was weakening somewhat as it was experimenting with certain emotional systems and even certain belief
systems. Understand that this humankind knew full well the power of the mind and the spiritual connections to the universe and the Infinite Creator.
Humans knew and practised the creating of its own realities. But it was becoming more daring and began to experiment on its own. However this did not
deter humankind from its ultimate objective. It was creating some diversion for humanity.
The war lords were also aware of the DNA or basic structure of humankind as a physical being. There were experiments in this regard with some
small-scale success. Approximately 5,000 years ago the incessant experiments and probes by the war lords began to show certain progress. They found
that a certain alteration in the DNA structure could create a very subtle filtering affect on humans as relates to its total being. It was like a very
slight ”memory loss”.
Now these war lords had also determined that they were more allowed to operate if they too could incarnate as humans. This they did, even though there
was a risk that the incarnate agent would forget its ties to them. They took these risks without any regard to the human side of them. After working
with their own incarnate agents over extended periods of time, they had those on the Earth who could teach their own truths. The loving space friends
could not interfere in this process. Humankind was now faced with other humans who might full well convince them of a ”better way”. At the same
time the DNA ”virus” was taking hold. While it was not a complete filter and did not obstruct the total physical self from the spiritual self, it
was becoming quite affective when used in conjunction with the teachings of certain high priests. Soon a battle ensued, a war of teachings. This also
caused some physical fighting as well. Humankind was starting to doubt itself. Then a brilliant idea was introduced – religion – controlled
worship. Separatism was alive and well and flourishing. God and the spirit realm were separate and distinct and not part of the One (in the sense of
effective communication – compiler’s comment). With these concepts came ”guilt and need to repent” for your sins and evil ways, lest you be
cast into the eternal flames of the evil gods. Religion in it itself was a virus, a self-perpetuating virus. The agents were gaining such a stronghold
that they began to physically purge those who could not accept their ways.
The creativity of the war lords did not end here. They introduced concepts that further enhanced their control over humankind. Commerce and industry
were introduced with the ideas of reward, wealth and power. Materialism then became a focus for a species that previously knew there was no need to
focus on those things that were not spiritually connected – things that did not enhance spiritual development. It was not that material things were
not used. After all, it was a physical existence. Simply, materialism was secondary to living in harmony with each other and the Earth. Human needs
were met when the harmony and balance were maintained.
Certainly there is love and truth within the concepts of religion. This is why it began to be accepted. It seemed to embrace many of the
spiritualistic beliefs, but made it ”easier” as things were then set forth in an orderly, black or white, right or wrong fashion
[edit on 27-3-2005 by DarkCyrus]