a reply to:
Hi. I"m back with keyboard.
My board story comes from 1969. I was living in a two bedroom apartment with my brother, my best friend from high school, my best friend from college
and a guy named Sutten. For the sake of privacy, I had chosen to put my mattress in the closet under the stair case so I had my own little room. The
two bedrooms were upstairs. The down stairs living area was separated from the kitchen area by a large curtain that could be drawn across the room.
There had been this young woman who floated around in our group who gave off one of those mystical vibes you know? KInda occultist, astrological vibe.
That was her stchick. Anyway there had been a few times when she had pulled out a Ouija board at parties and we had dabbled. Mostly party stuff and
nothing to recall, just goofing around like kids do.
She had filled our heads with her beliefs as if they were the truth of what it was all about. Dunno if it was but it became the operating system for
our ensuing experiences. In general, it was that each person on earth has a spirit guide and that with the use of the Ouija board, we might be able to
contact the guide of anyone involved with the people using the board. Again, I dunno.....
So, one evening I was alone in the apartment. I had been in my closet room listening to some Sibelius on earphones. I had a small stereo in there as
well. I had been ecstatic to the music and as the symphony ended, my high school friend came home. I got out of the closet and proceeded to talk with
him about the music as we had been in the orchestra in school.
We talked for a bit and as we had no weed to smoke tried to figure out what we could do to entertain ourselves. For the sack of this story it is
important to understand that throughout our experiences, I had not been indulging in pot or any other substances to alter my consciousness.
So we figured we would play with the board. As we used it we did not sit in chairs with the board on our knees but rather sat across from one another
with the board on a small table . We used a store bought board with the plastic planchet with the little hole in the middle that would sit over any
letters being found.
We tried to contact my guide and got nothing. We tried his and got nothing. So we tried to contact that woman's guide and it began to to work. Nothing
special, just howdy kind of stuff and generally talking nonsense bs. One of the things it kept saying was that nuts and bolts was coming. We asked
what it meant and it would only say nuts and bolts is coming.
(Please note that all of this now is generalized from my memory, that it in no way is verbatim as to the exactness of our experiences)
So as we were just doing the back and forth with her guide, it may have by this time claimed to be my guide, I can't remember, the planchet all of a
sudden jerked to a stop in the middle of the board. We tried to move it with our hands on the planchet but it would not move. Suddenly it began to
circle the board, faster and faster and faster, similar to what you described in your story. I could feel the energy surging up from my hands into my
arms. It was crazy. Then it stopped again with a jerk.
We looked at each other excitedly. We asked the board, '' who are you''. and it replied, ''Nuts and Bolts''. We looked at each other again and
shrugged our shoulders. We asked it who's guide it was but it remained silent. Then Mike, said to me, maybe it's an Elemental or some such type of
name. He asked the board, are you the guide for things with no souls. It said yes.
So again, as we at that time believed that each of us humans with souls had a soul guardian in spirit that watched over us, this Nuts and Bolts ws the
soul guardian for the physical world around us. If this claim was true then we knew we had a big one on the line.
So we asked it for proof. it asked what kind of proof. We said can you move something and it said yes. We asked what and it said what do you want. We
looked around and saw a cigarette lighter that we had. The lighter was an old antique made in the shape of a bull dog sitting on it's haunches. It was
smoking a cigar and it wore a top hat on it's head. It was maybe four inches tall and when the head was removed it exposed the lighter.
So we said can you move the head on the dog and it said yes. We watched the dog hoping for the head to spin or something but nothing happened. We
kept asking the board to do it and kept getting replies kind of like have patience. We asked it ''when will you move it'' and it's reply was ''before
anyone else comes home...
Finally as nothing was happening I said I had to go to the bathroom and Mike wanted a cup of coffee so we both got up and headed for the bathroom and
kitchen on the other side of the curtain. I went and Mike began to fix himself some coffee. I finished and walked back to the other side of the
curtain leaving Mike in the kitchen. I went back to where I had been sitting and looked at the dog. The head hadn't turned, it was gone.
So either Mike, my best friend was screwing with me or the head had been disappeared by this entity. Mike came back in and we proceeded to question
the board some more. We asked it if it would bring back the dog's head and the reply was soon. We asked it if we should just wait and it said yes. We
asked it where should we wait and it said ''in your room''. So we got up and I headed for my closet. As I got in on top of the mattress and ......Oh
wait, I remember better now.
Go back before the dogs head was gone. We had been asking it to move something and it had been saying something about matches, matches. We had asked
it where would we wait for something to move and it said in your room. So this was when I got back into my room and while scrunching down to make room
for Mike my leg encountered something sharp. Something that had not been there half an hour earlier when I had been in there listening to music. I
reached down and picked up a small box. It was a box of wooden matches. That shook me.
So that was when we went back to the board and settle in to asking it to move the dog's head.
OK, back to where I was. It told us to again wait in my closet. At that point, going into the closet I found the dog's head on my pillow.
Now at this point, my options were again to trust my best friend was not messing with me or we had witnessed a real psychic event. We picked up the
head , walked back to where we had been at the board, put the dog's head back and sat down. That is when the door opened in in walked my brother and
Sutten. The board had said it would do it's stuff before anyone else got home.
We filled them in with our evening, my brother began to get into it and Sutten just shrugged and remained on the periphery. So we asked again if it
could move the dog's head and it kept saying yes. We would ask when and it would say soon. It kept saying other things like ''cone'' but it made no
sense to us.
Finally we asked it where should we wait and it said ''up stairs''. So up we went with me playing caboose and going up last. The dog's head was in
place on the dog. That is when we remembered that we had a road cone that we had turned into a big bong sitting in one of the up stairs rooms. I
looked back down the stairs and the dogs head was gone. We looked under the cone and nothing. We looked around all over the place and nothing, so we
decided to head back down stairs.