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Tell me your Ouija Board Experiences

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posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 08:31 PM
Hi everyone, I would love to hear about everyones experience with ouija boards and the messages they received. Only true stories please.

I will start with mine; my family and I had experienced strange activity in the last house we lived in from the first week we moved in. Myself and my friend were upstairs one evening when we heard a loud bang from downstairs. Shocked, we froze, only to hear the same bang repeated over and over again. It was so loud I was convinced it must be someone in the house, when we finally got the nerve to walk downstairs there was no one, except a kitchen cupboard door slightly ajar. The front and back door were locked and all the windows closed.
I know it sounds cliche but when I went up to the cupboard to check inside it, I turned freezing cold, a type of chill I had never felt before in my life. It felt other worldly.
I tried my best to put that night to the back of my mind but a few weeks later my 7 year old daughter came downstairs one night saying she could hear weird noises coming from her room like someone was walking around in there. Barely taking any notice I told her not to worry that it must be next door but with that I heard running and I mean heavy RUNNING footsteps from her bedroom above us from one side to the other. It was only us home that night, we were both so freaked out we slept in the same room.
My 2 year old son also used to get hysterical when I would put him in his room to sleep at night and had never done that before living there. When he got older and could talk more he would say there was a scary monster man that would sit on his bed.
I know it sounds crazy when people carry on living in houses that seem to be haunted but we lived there for 2 years altogether and in that time we all experienced more weird things. There was a heavy sliding glass patio door that was old and always dodgy on its runners, but one morning I came down to find it half open and half hanging off diagonally, the door was so heavy that I couldn't relift it back on by myself and I had locked it the night before so it really spun me out.

My dad has always been into the paranormal world so when we were finally moving out of the house and packing everything up he suggested we do a ouija board, seeing as I thought the house was haunted. I had never done one before but me and my fiancee agreed so the three of us drew one up in black ink on the wooden kitchen table.
My dad had done loads over the years so he done the talking and it didnt take long for the glass to start slowly moving. But the more it spelled the faster it seemed to charge and was soon moving with such force from letter to letter it instantly didnt feel right, and definitley didnt feel human. Enough to make me stop thinking it was my dad or fiancee moving the glass put it that way!
We all couldn't believe how quick it was going so we asked it to spin the glass round in a circle as fast it could. It got faster and faster to the point our fingers were slipping off, not quite like what you see in films lol, it was more like an invisable hand on the glass pushing it in circles as quickly as it could.
Suddenly it stopped and without us asking anything it spelled out FUN, we all smiled at this thinking we had literally played and communicated soundly with some cool spirit but no. It then spelt out another two words, FEED ME. Colour drained from our faces but eventually I managed to ask "feed you what" and it spelt out BLOOD.
Of course we instantly tried to wrap it up and say goodbye but it refused a few times before it moved there.
We moved out the next day.. and many bad things have happened since then, especially to my dad but that obviously could be coincidental.
Interestingly the guy who moved into that house next worked with my stepdad! but he couldn't speak much english so my stepdad never told him about the weird things I had experienced in that house (probably also because he didnt believe me lol) but a year or so later the guy came into work telling them all that him and his family were moving out because evil lived there and too many unexplainable situations kept happening.

Has anyone else ever had anything similar spelt out on a Ouija board? Or does anyone have any theories on why that spirit said that to us, do you think it was trying to scare us into leaving?
Please let me know what you all think, thanks

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 08:43 PM
I've never used one and this may sound stupid and most likely a coincidence but one time I was walking through a antique store to kill time in the mall and they had a aisle of board games and on the middle shelf was a oujia board. When I saw it I joked with my brother like oooh watch out a oujai board and it fell off the shelf and hit me on the head besides the manager my brother and I were the only ones in there and weren't touching it. I know kind of dumb but makes you think!

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 08:48 PM
I have a few ouija board stories that sound like they came from a movie they’re so perfect. I’ll be back sometime tomorrow to tell about them. I’m on the clock now.
But I don’t recommend them. Bad luck and just general negativity follows you around for a long time after using them.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

I love stories like this! We have a Ouija Board but I can never convince my husband to try it out with me. I want to try it so bad. But I think he is scared or something. Hopefully lots more people post stories. GREAT TOPIC!
edit on 16-10-2021 by Chalcedony because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 08:55 PM
Your story is creepy. We have an Ouija board in our house but my wife says we have to be careful how we use it. We have to pray for "the spirits of the divine white light" to enter the board every time we were to use it; otherwise, anything could come to the board including evil or malicious spirits.

So anyway, I asked the board if there was life on other worlds and it said yes but mainly on the Moons of the Solar System. The board specifically named the Moon Enceladus as a place where life could be found. That's my Ouija board story.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

I have a quija board story for you as well, but it takes a bit of time to tell and a lot of typing so I won't put it up right now.

I posted the story years ago when I joined ATS but somehow, though I have looked and looked for it in my history, I can't find it any where..

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 10:11 PM
I used to date a girl, that had a 12' x 16' Ouija Board area rug on her living room floor.

It was honestly pretty cool... Then, she got a "Roomba"...

That was the last time I talked to her... she just disappeared...

edit on 16-10-2021 by madmac5150 because:

edit on 16-10-2021 by madmac5150 because: Optics

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 03:32 AM
Ok I’m back
I want to reiterate that I do not recommend the ouija board. It lies. It brings bad luck. It drains the positive energy out of your life. All my stories happened when I was between the ages of 17-20 so it’s been 20 years since I’ve touched one and I don’t miss it.

1st story: my first experience was with a woman who called herself a witch. She had a ouija. I was 17 and curious so we did it. The board worked almost right away but I didn’t believe it. I assumed it was just the ‘witch’ taking a piss. So I began to act like a smartass and the board starting giving nasty answers. She claimed that this was her pet spirit and she knows his personality well and I’ve made him mad. As soon as she said that a phone rang in the room at the end of her trailer. Except the only phone in the trailer was in the kitchen. It didn’t ring. She says “ there’s no phone in there, there’s nothing in there.”
I didn’t believe her so I got up and went in the room and there was absolutely nothing in the room except carpet.
I was spooked and I wanted to leave so we went into town to get a pizza. I drove her car on the way back to her house so I had her keys. I put the key in the doorknob and gently twisted and the key snapped like I was Superman. I told her “I’m sorry. I barely turned it, it just broke” she blamed the ghost and said we forgot to tell the ouija board goodbye.
Then she licked her thumb and made a cross on her door and said some words I didn’t understand and the door opened like it wasn’t even locked.

I’ve got 2 more crazy stories to share if y’all want to hear but that was a lot to type on my phone and I don’t know if anyone’s even really reading this.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: UNOHOO
Wow interesting story I would love to hear more

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: UNOHOO

Very interesting. Yes, I would like to read more stories. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 10:42 AM
My Ex Mother In Law told me a story about her using the damned thing one night at a party.
She Swore that they were Horsing around and asking stupid Questions and
that Her Fingers stuck to the piece whatever it's called and wouldn't come loose.
She Cringes every time its mentioned or when she sees a board.
a reply to: reachingnirvana

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

Do not "play" with any Ouija board! They are tools of evil
and you will regret getting one.If you do have one,destroy
it,don't give it away.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: reachingnirvana

Hi. I"m back with keyboard.

My board story comes from 1969. I was living in a two bedroom apartment with my brother, my best friend from high school, my best friend from college and a guy named Sutten. For the sake of privacy, I had chosen to put my mattress in the closet under the stair case so I had my own little room. The two bedrooms were upstairs. The down stairs living area was separated from the kitchen area by a large curtain that could be drawn across the room.

There had been this young woman who floated around in our group who gave off one of those mystical vibes you know? KInda occultist, astrological vibe. That was her stchick. Anyway there had been a few times when she had pulled out a Ouija board at parties and we had dabbled. Mostly party stuff and nothing to recall, just goofing around like kids do.

She had filled our heads with her beliefs as if they were the truth of what it was all about. Dunno if it was but it became the operating system for our ensuing experiences. In general, it was that each person on earth has a spirit guide and that with the use of the Ouija board, we might be able to contact the guide of anyone involved with the people using the board. Again, I dunno.....

So, one evening I was alone in the apartment. I had been in my closet room listening to some Sibelius on earphones. I had a small stereo in there as well. I had been ecstatic to the music and as the symphony ended, my high school friend came home. I got out of the closet and proceeded to talk with him about the music as we had been in the orchestra in school.
We talked for a bit and as we had no weed to smoke tried to figure out what we could do to entertain ourselves. For the sack of this story it is important to understand that throughout our experiences, I had not been indulging in pot or any other substances to alter my consciousness.

So we figured we would play with the board. As we used it we did not sit in chairs with the board on our knees but rather sat across from one another with the board on a small table . We used a store bought board with the plastic planchet with the little hole in the middle that would sit over any letters being found.

We tried to contact my guide and got nothing. We tried his and got nothing. So we tried to contact that woman's guide and it began to to work. Nothing special, just howdy kind of stuff and generally talking nonsense bs. One of the things it kept saying was that nuts and bolts was coming. We asked what it meant and it would only say nuts and bolts is coming.

(Please note that all of this now is generalized from my memory, that it in no way is verbatim as to the exactness of our experiences)

So as we were just doing the back and forth with her guide, it may have by this time claimed to be my guide, I can't remember, the planchet all of a sudden jerked to a stop in the middle of the board. We tried to move it with our hands on the planchet but it would not move. Suddenly it began to circle the board, faster and faster and faster, similar to what you described in your story. I could feel the energy surging up from my hands into my arms. It was crazy. Then it stopped again with a jerk.

We looked at each other excitedly. We asked the board, '' who are you''. and it replied, ''Nuts and Bolts''. We looked at each other again and shrugged our shoulders. We asked it who's guide it was but it remained silent. Then Mike, said to me, maybe it's an Elemental or some such type of name. He asked the board, are you the guide for things with no souls. It said yes.

So again, as we at that time believed that each of us humans with souls had a soul guardian in spirit that watched over us, this Nuts and Bolts ws the soul guardian for the physical world around us. If this claim was true then we knew we had a big one on the line.

So we asked it for proof. it asked what kind of proof. We said can you move something and it said yes. We asked what and it said what do you want. We looked around and saw a cigarette lighter that we had. The lighter was an old antique made in the shape of a bull dog sitting on it's haunches. It was smoking a cigar and it wore a top hat on it's head. It was maybe four inches tall and when the head was removed it exposed the lighter.

So we said can you move the head on the dog and it said yes. We watched the dog hoping for the head to spin or something but nothing happened. We kept asking the board to do it and kept getting replies kind of like have patience. We asked it ''when will you move it'' and it's reply was ''before anyone else comes home...

Finally as nothing was happening I said I had to go to the bathroom and Mike wanted a cup of coffee so we both got up and headed for the bathroom and kitchen on the other side of the curtain. I went and Mike began to fix himself some coffee. I finished and walked back to the other side of the curtain leaving Mike in the kitchen. I went back to where I had been sitting and looked at the dog. The head hadn't turned, it was gone.

So either Mike, my best friend was screwing with me or the head had been disappeared by this entity. Mike came back in and we proceeded to question the board some more. We asked it if it would bring back the dog's head and the reply was soon. We asked it if we should just wait and it said yes. We asked it where should we wait and it said ''in your room''. So we got up and I headed for my closet. As I got in on top of the mattress and ......Oh wait, I remember better now.

Go back before the dogs head was gone. We had been asking it to move something and it had been saying something about matches, matches. We had asked it where would we wait for something to move and it said in your room. So this was when I got back into my room and while scrunching down to make room for Mike my leg encountered something sharp. Something that had not been there half an hour earlier when I had been in there listening to music. I reached down and picked up a small box. It was a box of wooden matches. That shook me.

So that was when we went back to the board and settle in to asking it to move the dog's head.

OK, back to where I was. It told us to again wait in my closet. At that point, going into the closet I found the dog's head on my pillow.

Now at this point, my options were again to trust my best friend was not messing with me or we had witnessed a real psychic event. We picked up the head , walked back to where we had been at the board, put the dog's head back and sat down. That is when the door opened in in walked my brother and Sutten. The board had said it would do it's stuff before anyone else got home.

We filled them in with our evening, my brother began to get into it and Sutten just shrugged and remained on the periphery. So we asked again if it could move the dog's head and it kept saying yes. We would ask when and it would say soon. It kept saying other things like ''cone'' but it made no sense to us.

Finally we asked it where should we wait and it said ''up stairs''. So up we went with me playing caboose and going up last. The dog's head was in place on the dog. That is when we remembered that we had a road cone that we had turned into a big bong sitting in one of the up stairs rooms. I looked back down the stairs and the dogs head was gone. We looked under the cone and nothing. We looked around all over the place and nothing, so we decided to head back down stairs.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Mike and Sutten started back down the stairs, and I lifted up the cone one last time and found nothing. That was when, behind me, my brother screamed and fell to the floor. I turned and looked at him and he said, Terry, one second it wasn't and the next, ''it was''. I picked the cone back up and there was the dogs head, sitting on the floor.

For all I can recall, the rest of the evening slid off into nonsense.

Over the next two weeks we used the board a lot. Noting as dramatic as that first night though. There was a lot of crazy stuff with the planchette. A favorite was for it to tip back wards like it was doing a wheelie and scoot around the board with our fingers lightly touching the top of it. It would spin circles to which we had to accommodate by moving our hands around with it. I recall that at least once, likely more times it shot off of the board and across the room into the kitchen.

During this period we had been receiving messages of generalized information. At this point it's hard to recall whether this information came from the board itself, that woman who had heard our stories and was showing more or just from our own attempts to explain to ourselves what was going on. During this period there was a lot of non-nonsensical stuff as well.
The idea that there were good spirits and bad spirits that wanted to talk over the board and that there was often a struggle to take control of it, hence a lot of the planchette just moving around aimlessly or things being said that made no sense. At one point though, maybe it was Nut's and Bolts again or maybe just my guide that told us to use the letters FLQ to clear the board. That if we took the planchette beneath our fingers and forced it to move though the letters FLQ several times it would clear the board of the goof balls on the other side and make it clear for the ones we wanted to talk to.

It seemed to work.

Anyway two weeks later, I had moved up stairs as my college friend and Sutten had moved out. I worked an evening ''on call job'' at that time so I was sleeping in the afternoon when Mike and the woman and someone else had come home. They had been working the board when they got hungry and wanted to know where they could get some money. The board told them to go up stairs and get some out of my wallet, which they did. They got a five dollar bill, just as I was waking up. The strangeness to me was that I was broke as well, I had checked my wallet a couple of times in the previous day or so, looking in hop of finding some hidden cash but to no avail. Yet they had gone right to it and gotten the fiver.

At this point it gets fuzzy as to the exact timing of events. We set up the cone and a cup at the boards request and in some order, the five dollar bill or dogs head would disappear from beneath one and appear beneath the other, or back and forth one replacing the other beneath one of the cone or cups. At one point the fiver disappeared from beneath the cone in one room and appeared beneath the cup in the other. I picked up the cup a minute later and it was empty, put the cup back down and immediately picked it back up again only to find the fiver sitting there where it had not been a second or two earlier.

I do recall that as we were asking the board why it was doing all of this it would say, ''for Terry''. We would ask why and it would say somehing like so he will know or he will need it or some such clutter. I don't remember much more than that.

So what we had been witnessing was from doing some reading were called apports. There is teleport which is supposed to be when a person travels from one place to another instantaneously. An Apport is when a physical object does the same thing. Moves from one physical space to another physical space with no apparent physical agency.

Finishing off this story, the only time I had had any substance was maybe a month later, I had moved my mattress back down into the living room and was laying in my bed as others were using the board in the kitchen. I sensed someone or someting come though the wall and sit on the bottom of my bed. I asked the two at the board to ask it if any new spirits were coming. They did and it replied that Nut's and Bolts had just come and was sitting on the bottom of my bed.

Maybe ten years later, I had gotten married. My wife at that time had had some psychic experiences of her own and finally we decided to play with the board. Of the two memories from this I remember one spirit that seemed to be lost. We were told she could see nothing and did not know where she was. How she was talking to us also seemed to be beyond her knowledge. I asked what was the last thing she remembered. She said she had been driving in her car. I asked if she might have been in an accident. She said, oh, why, yes, I was. I told her she was likely dead and that we were alive working a Oujia board. Then I suggested that she look around for anyone she might know like a father or a mother who had died before here and a minute later she came back on and said that yes, she had looked for her mother and that she now had found family and then thanked us very much.

The other thing though was more to a darker side. In our brief dealings with the board at this time, my wife felt that she had made her presence known to an evil spirit that had plagued her. This spirit would take over the board and say the vilest things and make threats. We quit using it but my wife persisted in her fears. Finally we had to take the board to an exorcist and have that person break what ever the connection between it and my wife was. That was the last time I used the board.

I don't recommend using a Ouija board. For what it might accomplish towards finding truth, there is such a great possibility that it can drag one down into confusion and fear that I think it is best left alone.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 12:35 PM
2nd experience: some time went by and I eventually bought a ouija of my own. It was just a $20 board that glows in the dark, I think I got it from Toys R Us but it worked fine. No hoodoo or magic words needed.
One day ,while was driving down some country roads in my hometown, I discovered on old, abandoned shotgun house. It looked about a hundred years old and even had a water well in the front yard.
I decided it would be a good house to tell my friends it was haunted even though I knew nothing about it. It just had a spooky atmosphere.
So one Friday night I took a buddy and our girlfriends to this house and we begin a seance with the ouija board. It responded quickly and my buddy got really spooked really quickly and began acting angry and obnoxious towards the board and the board started giving vulgar responses in return. About this time his girlfriend ran to the busted out window and began throwing up. We were all drinking a little and I just assumed she couldn’t hold her alcohol but the more she threw up , the more it sounded like she enjoyed it.....sexually. Until she made a sound that sounded like a climax.
This whole time me and my girlfriend still have our hands on the planchette and it spells out HAHA while the other girl is making these inappropriate sounds.
Now my buddy is getting angry because of the embarrassment and he is still obnoxiously taunting this board he claims he doesn’t believe in. As if in response to his taunts we hear a sound go over the house. Kind of like thunder but not as boomy. It just sounded like a wave of energy passing over the house, then again in the opposite direction.
Then coming from the back of this shotgun house we hear the sound of footsteps. Heavy and slow just like the cliche horror movie sound effect. At this point I didn’t care if it was a ghost or a homeless squatter I got up and ran right through the front screen door and my friends were right behind me. None of us had the guts to look behind us, we just ran.
Once we were in my ride and realized we were going to survive I noticed my girlfriend had grabbed the board and planchette and I made fun of her for grabbing it. She made fun of me for leaving it. She left the box though. lol.
I met up with my buddy about five years ago and we discussed that night for the first time. He confirmed that his girlfriend did orgasm while throwing up in front of us and it was a moment for them that doomed their relationship. He just couldn’t let that incident go.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 02:28 PM
3rd experience: It’s another boring weekend in my small southern town and me and my clique are riding around in my blazer looking for something to do. I had the ouija in the back and someone had the idea to talk to it. We were on old highway 3 and nearby just off the highway was a cemetery that was said to be haunted as well (though I don’t believe those stories, they involve statues animating), so I pull into the cemetery and the five of us get out and select a grave to sit on and use the board.
The only thing the board would say is ‘Ida’ and it only said that a couple of times then stopped working so we left and ended up in a small church cemetery that was basically in a cotton field (weird location for a church looking back). So, in this cemetery of like 8 graves one of the stones says Ida Johnson. What a coincidence, right? So we sit in a circle around this grave and still the only thing the board will say is Ida.
So we leave before we’re caught trespassing and end up back at my best friends mom’s apartment and we’re still trying to get something more out of it when a four of his friend girls just spontaneously show up (to be 19 again) and they’re like “oh cool a ouija board” and they kinda stand around and watch and the board reacts to their presence and starts answering every question asked.
One girl got really angry when she realized we weren’t trying to trick her and started rebuking spirits in the name of Jesus. It was cringe. As she was screaming at a Milton Bradley toy like a crazy person ,the power in the apartment went out. No one reacted. We’re standing in silence and darkness and with movie like timing my cell phone rings. It’s 1998 and I’m the only teenager in the room with a cellphone. Most adults didn’t have them then lol. It was an old Nokia candy bar phone and it rang Bach’s toccata and fugue, but it was set to default ringer. It was a strange number from the Chicago area ,I found out later.
So I answer “hello”
“Is Derrick there?” An old woman asked?
“This is Derrick, who is this?”
“This is Ida, the shaky voice said”
My skin was already crawling but that made my blood turn cold.
Still standing in darkness and trying to look like am not shaken in front of my friends I say
“I’m sorry, who did you say you were looking for?”
“Derrick, Derrick Strickland”
“Oh I’m sorry, you have the wrong number, that’s not my last name, I’m Derrick somebody else”
and I hung up before she could say anything else. Then, just like a movie, the lights came back on.
That was enough for all of us to be done with the board pretty much forever.
edit on 17-10-2021 by UNOHOO because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2021 by UNOHOO because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: mamabeth
Thank you for your comment and after experiencing what I have I wouldnt do it again.
Can you elaborate on how they are tools of evil? Do you think that only negative entities can communicate? I'm genuinely intrigued to peoples opinions on ouija boards

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire
Thank you so much for sharing your story I highly enjoyed reading it while smoking a big one lol.
Objects disappearing and appearing like that right in front of your eyes must have been seriously chilling! It's made me want to try it myself but I will try to resist the urge!
I too really believe that a bad energy follows you around for a long time afterwards, my dads entire life fell apart after we did our one and he really suffered mentally because of it. It was like something was truly 'feeding' off of his downfall.
When I lived in that house i was the most depressed I had ever been, it felt like a dark cloud was constantly over my head and I would constantly think negative dark thoughts, as soon as I moved out I felt suddenly free and light again - Even though my personal life got considerably harder. Its still a struggle today 3 years later but I somehow seem to cope fine 99% of the time.
I often wander if whatever we spoke to on that board was originally feeding off of my energy, and then moved onto my dad after the ouija board.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:44 PM
For most a ouija board is harmless.

My sole experience with one, which I will not repeat has convinced me, along with other experiences that there are things out there that are not to be trifled with.

I won't be in the same house with one, much less the same room, ever again.

Evil in and of themselves? No. Can they be conduits for evil? Yes, most emphatically.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: UNOHOO

Christ that story about the girl being sick and Ida chilled me to the bone!!
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, that phone call must have been the most weirdest and scariest that you've ever gone through. I really believe that somehow sometimes spirits can connect through phones, especially with the old mobiles and land lines. Our entire universe is energy so it makes sense for a spirit of energy to be able to tap into a phone / radio connection just like they admit EMFs.

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