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Apple Cider Vinegar w/ mother??

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posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: Enduro
What do you mean ? The mother? I knew a guy many moons ago that drank a bunch of apple cider vinegar cause he thought it would make him pass a urine test and he ended up pooping his pants. a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Hahaaaa! I have been addicted to vinegar from the time of my childhood up to this day, according to one of my friends equal to that of a h.eroin addict needing a fix. I will declare I have picked the better/healthier addiction.

Sorry about your friends misfortune, lol. I will say though, indeed if you drink too much you will be needing to go to the toilet many times in the next couple of hours. And as for your friends pants, I imagine he did not do them a solid. It will definitely clean you out.

Apologies to anyone that may have been grossed out by my post.

edit on 10/16/2021 by Tundra because: Words

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Anyone else here take apple cider vinegar w/ the mother for therapeutic reasons?

Does it work / help?


In the past I had a painful wart on the crease of my upper index finger for 2-3 years. Tried to freeze it off many times. Tried to cut it out (yeah, makes me cringe too.) I like to research the things I put in my body and eventually found out that ACV can kill warts. So because most of the time I have vinegar around to support my addiction
I tried it.

I took a piece of paper towel folded it down to the size of the absorbent part of a bandaid, it needs to be a little thick to hold the vinegar. Wrapped the bandaid around the paper towel and poured a cap full of ACV on the paper towel. Did that every day 1-2 times, most of the time while asleep. Within the first week the wart started to die, and within a month completely gone and has never returned. Also this was ACV without The Mother.

There are many beneficial uses for it and there are many websites that can list the multiple uses. If you don't mind me asking, what has sparked your interest on this?

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 12:01 PM
I always have a bottle of organic ACV. Sometimes I take a tablespoon by itself. Sometimes I add about a tablespoon to my sliced up cucumber. It has a strong taste and could bother your esophagus so some suggest adding ACV to water.

Lots of benefits but could also harm the enamel on your teeth so if you take it straight, just swallow it. Don't gargle it and swish it around your mouth. lol

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