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Town with 99.7% fully vaccinated adults has highest COVID-19 rate in Ireland

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posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

Over population concerns are justified , the more of us there are the more of us there will be until the planet can no longer support us , Gene Roddenberry voiced his over population concerns in the 60s in Mark of Gideon.

7.8 billion people now forecast to rise to 8.5 billion by 2030 then 11 billion in 2100, exponential population growth is as big a risk to the survival of Mankind as Nuclear war is although population growth will be a slower death.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

This one is actually pretty simple. Under normal circumstances, an infected person don't have a 100% guarantee of transmitting the virus to somebody else, but so long as every infected person infects at least one other person the virus will continue to circulate.

The vax significantly reduces the number of people that each infected person can infect, and if combined with things like social distancing and mask wearing this number is reduced to an average of 1 or lower then there won't be enough virus circulating in the wild to keep the pandemic going and it will fade out.

Statistically, if you are unvaxxed and you spend an ectended period of time with an infected person you have about a 1 in 4 chance of being infected, and that person will infect an average of 3 other people.

With the vax this is reduced to 1 in 26, and 4 vaxxed people infecting a single other person.

Check the links below and run the math


posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: all2human

Crumbling? No, it's working exactly as intended..

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: Rolicia
a reply to: all2human

Crumbling? No, it's working exactly as intended..

People have been watching waaaay to much TV.

Seriously, not everything is a conspiracy, people are trying to join dots that don't exist.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 05:23 AM
My stepdaughter got covid and none of the vaxxed in the house got it, wore a mask when she was out of the bedroom and lots of sanitizer in the hands before using anything.

a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 01:36 PM

edit on 17-10-2021 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Jaellma
It's a common misconception that vaccines actually cure disease, rather than prepare your body to fight them more effectively. Also, if 99 percent of ANY population is vaccinated against ANY VIRUS, then the opportunistic variant of ANY virus is going to replicate and propagate MORE. Hence the high rate of infection.
What these statistics conveniently won't tell you is how many lives were saved. I don't care how many people tested positive. Thats obviously not the point for this particular virus.

Did it keep them out of the hospital and off of a ventilator?! Thats what I would like to know!

Science isn't really hard if you actually know it, and think about it for a while.
These conspiracy theories propagated by armchair journalists are for the willfully ignorant.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Can you calculate basic math?

The news snippet states that more people died of the Covid vaccine than those that died unvaccinated and infected with covid.

The total population? The total number of those vaccinated? The total number unvaccinated? What proportion of the population are we talking about here?

To any half way educated person, without this additional information these are just numbers to scare the ignorant.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

Infographic for this thread

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I can't take the UK's coronavirus death statistics seriously. Sorry.

False. The UK government introduced changes to the way COVID-19 deaths were counted in August 2020. It introduced two cut-off periods of 28 and 60 days following a positive test to register coronavirus deaths, compared with the previous method of counting all deaths after a positive test as a coronavirus death. This change created two sets of data to help the government monitor short and longer term impacts of the virus. The change has nothing to do with the high death rates seen during the surge in cases in December 2020 and January 2021.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

I can smell your defeat.

By all means...please go get 15 covid vaxes to make sure you're fully protected.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

Except they never have. You're just extremely naive to the fact the mockingbird media never discusses the many diseased outbreaks across the world so people like you can make ignorant, misinformed statements like the one above. I've personally witnessed diseased outbreaks within a 2 million strong refugee camp in Afghanistan. You never heard about it on the news. They were overwhelmed with every manner of disease your glorious vaccines never eradicated. It was a red zone we were not allowed to enter.

But hey man....just keep turning on your CNN or whatever news channel you feel is "the truth" and keep your head buried in the myth. Don't ever take the red pill.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

I can smell your defeat.

By all means...please go get 15 covid vaxes to make sure you're fully protected.

I don't give a f what you do buddy..why so interested in what I do?

I got the 2 shots, due to work..thats it, no booster. If you have a problem with that, not much I can do. We have passports here, yet I have not got one..know why? Because I don't believe in forcing anyone.

What exactly is your problem?

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

Except they never have. You're just extremely naive to the fact the mockingbird media never discusses the many diseased outbreaks across the world so people like you can make ignorant, misinformed statements like the one above. I've personally witnessed diseased outbreaks within a 2 million strong refugee camp in Afghanistan. You never heard about it on the news. They were overwhelmed with every manner of disease your glorious vaccines never eradicated. It was a red zone we were not allowed to enter.

But hey man....just keep turning on your CNN or whatever news channel you feel is "the truth" and keep your head buried in the myth. Don't ever take the red pill.
I don't do msm.

I imagine outbreaks happen where a lot of people are not vaxxed for whatever reason, like 3rd world countries.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

Except they never have. You're just extremely naive to the fact the mockingbird media never discusses the many diseased outbreaks across the world so people like you can make ignorant, misinformed statements like the one above. I've personally witnessed diseased outbreaks within a 2 million strong refugee camp in Afghanistan. You never heard about it on the news. They were overwhelmed with every manner of disease your glorious vaccines never eradicated. It was a red zone we were not allowed to enter.

But hey man....just keep turning on your CNN or whatever news channel you feel is "the truth" and keep your head buried in the myth. Don't ever take the red pill.
I don't do msm.

I imagine outbreaks happen where a lot of people are not vaxxed for whatever reason, like 3rd world countries.

Of course they do and their immune systems produce antibodies. It's why mankind as a species has been able to proliferate for nearly 200,000 years. Damn sure wasn't because of "vaccines". Vaccines haven't even been in existence for 99.9999% of mankind's existence yet we somehow managed to persevere through REAL pandemics over the centuries and grow from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 billion now.

This is called critical thinking. Try it out sometime. know what causes an even bigger outbreak of a virus? When you have sheep across the planet devoid of critical thinking who sprint to get the jab voluntarily infecting themselves. 15-25% of those sheep will develop the virus as a full blown infection to the point where their viral load is so high they become contagious and spread it to the remainder of the population. REGARDLESS if you are vaxed or not. You only HOPE your vaccine has enabled you to build enough antibodies capable of reducing the symptoms once you contract the virus. If your immune system is compromised then you will get sick. Period. That's how "getting sick" works chief.

Keep your head in the sand and stop pretending you understand what's going on because you do not.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

Except they never have. You're just extremely naive to the fact the mockingbird media never discusses the many diseased outbreaks across the world so people like you can make ignorant, misinformed statements like the one above. I've personally witnessed diseased outbreaks within a 2 million strong refugee camp in Afghanistan. You never heard about it on the news. They were overwhelmed with every manner of disease your glorious vaccines never eradicated. It was a red zone we were not allowed to enter.

But hey man....just keep turning on your CNN or whatever news channel you feel is "the truth" and keep your head buried in the myth. Don't ever take the red pill.
I don't do msm.

I imagine outbreaks happen where a lot of people are not vaxxed for whatever reason, like 3rd world countries.

Of course they do and their immune systems produce antibodies. It's why mankind as a species has been able to proliferate for nearly 200,000 years. Damn sure wasn't because of "vaccines". Vaccines haven't even been in existence for 99.9999% of mankind's existence yet we somehow managed to persevere through REAL pandemics over the centuries and grow from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 billion now.

This is called critical thinking. Try it out sometime. know what causes an even bigger outbreak of a virus? When you have sheep across the planet devoid of critical thinking who sprint to get the jab voluntarily infecting themselves. 15-25% of those sheep will develop the virus as a full blown infection to the point where their viral load is so high they become contagious and spread it to the remainder of the population. REGARDLESS if you are vaxed or not. You only HOPE your vaccine has enabled you to build enough antibodies capable of reducing the symptoms once you contract the virus. If your immune system is compromised then you will get sick. Period. That's how "getting sick" works chief.

Keep your head in the sand and stop pretending you understand what's going on because you do not.

You overestimate your understanding of things

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

Except they never have. You're just extremely naive to the fact the mockingbird media never discusses the many diseased outbreaks across the world so people like you can make ignorant, misinformed statements like the one above. I've personally witnessed diseased outbreaks within a 2 million strong refugee camp in Afghanistan. You never heard about it on the news. They were overwhelmed with every manner of disease your glorious vaccines never eradicated. It was a red zone we were not allowed to enter.

But hey man....just keep turning on your CNN or whatever news channel you feel is "the truth" and keep your head buried in the myth. Don't ever take the red pill.
I don't do msm.

I imagine outbreaks happen where a lot of people are not vaxxed for whatever reason, like 3rd world countries.

Of course they do and their immune systems produce antibodies. It's why mankind as a species has been able to proliferate for nearly 200,000 years. Damn sure wasn't because of "vaccines". Vaccines haven't even been in existence for 99.9999% of mankind's existence yet we somehow managed to persevere through REAL pandemics over the centuries and grow from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 billion now.

This is called critical thinking. Try it out sometime. know what causes an even bigger outbreak of a virus? When you have sheep across the planet devoid of critical thinking who sprint to get the jab voluntarily infecting themselves. 15-25% of those sheep will develop the virus as a full blown infection to the point where their viral load is so high they become contagious and spread it to the remainder of the population. REGARDLESS if you are vaxed or not. You only HOPE your vaccine has enabled you to build enough antibodies capable of reducing the symptoms once you contract the virus. If your immune system is compromised then you will get sick. Period. That's how "getting sick" works chief.

Keep your head in the sand and stop pretending you understand what's going on because you do not.

You overestimate your understanding of things

Facts are tough to accept in the face of your irrational fears.

posted on Oct, 18 2021 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Type1338

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: vonclod

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Jaellma

It comes as the numbers of Covid-19 patients in hospital rose to 402 yesterday, although of these the number in intensive care dropped slightly to 73.

Another 1,466 new cases of the virus were reported yesterday.

Deputy chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn said that “over recent days we have seen an increasing number of people with Covid-19 admitted to hospital and to intensive care”.

Recently, approximately 70pc of people being treated in intensive care for Covid-19 have not been fully vaccinated. This is a significant cause for concern,” he added.
[url][/ url]

You can still catch Covid if you are vaccinated , the vacine is aimed at stopping people being hospitalised and dying.

We have been told that the MNRA injections immunize us.

Being immunized is supposed to give you immunity.

So the injection immunizes us from getting very ill or dying but not from the Covid.

That’s false advertising as it is called the Covid 19 vaccine.

If it immunizes us from dying though that’s awesome!

Being immune to death sounds cool but it won’t help Billy Gates save the world from his over population concerns.

All this is so confusing, I’m off to find an expert!

I'm not sure any vaccine assures 100% immunity, but they work, because with a disease virtually wiped out, there is little to catch. I would not argue that it might not be as effective as they hoped though.

How is an injection that does not stop you getting infected and transmitting going to virtually wipe out the disease in question?

I never said it would wipe it out, I was referring to other vaccines, and the fact they are not 100% effective either. I'm sure it took some time, for them, to beat those diseases back.

Except they never have. You're just extremely naive to the fact the mockingbird media never discusses the many diseased outbreaks across the world so people like you can make ignorant, misinformed statements like the one above. I've personally witnessed diseased outbreaks within a 2 million strong refugee camp in Afghanistan. You never heard about it on the news. They were overwhelmed with every manner of disease your glorious vaccines never eradicated. It was a red zone we were not allowed to enter.

But hey man....just keep turning on your CNN or whatever news channel you feel is "the truth" and keep your head buried in the myth. Don't ever take the red pill.
I don't do msm.

I imagine outbreaks happen where a lot of people are not vaxxed for whatever reason, like 3rd world countries.

Of course they do and their immune systems produce antibodies. It's why mankind as a species has been able to proliferate for nearly 200,000 years. Damn sure wasn't because of "vaccines". Vaccines haven't even been in existence for 99.9999% of mankind's existence yet we somehow managed to persevere through REAL pandemics over the centuries and grow from a few hundred thousand to nearly 8 billion now.

This is called critical thinking. Try it out sometime. know what causes an even bigger outbreak of a virus? When you have sheep across the planet devoid of critical thinking who sprint to get the jab voluntarily infecting themselves. 15-25% of those sheep will develop the virus as a full blown infection to the point where their viral load is so high they become contagious and spread it to the remainder of the population. REGARDLESS if you are vaxed or not. You only HOPE your vaccine has enabled you to build enough antibodies capable of reducing the symptoms once you contract the virus. If your immune system is compromised then you will get sick. Period. That's how "getting sick" works chief.

Keep your head in the sand and stop pretending you understand what's going on because you do not.

You overestimate your understanding of things

Facts are tough to accept in the face of your irrational fears.

What fears have you ascribed to me? tell!

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