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India dropped usage of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for management of adult COVID-19 patients

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posted on Oct, 7 2021 @ 01:47 PM
I think I may be starting to understand.

These drugs made for parasites kill the very thing the jabs are supposed to do.
The governments probably come on board when they learn the truth.

They contain different things in them one is to actually (in their mind) make people who survive the side effects much stronger, others are meant to get rid of certain people.

I saved this don't have the link could be looked up by info in it.

Do you all remember the weird ameba like creature seen in the vaxx? The Dr. who grew it in a dish didn't know what it was.

Anons have identified the “tentacled” organism described by Dr Carrie Madej from the Moderna vaxx as this endocellular parasite called Polypodium hydriforme, a metazoan with “unusual characteristics” that is in the same Cnidaria phylum as coral and jellyfish and it is not known to infect humans, which is why Dr Madej had never run into it before, as an internist with 20 years of practice.

Polypodium hydriforme is one of the few animals that live inside the cells of other animals. It spends most of its life inside the oocytes (egg cells, i.e., immature eggs) of sturgeons and paddlefish but you can’t get it from the caviar.

Polypodium hydriforme is a parasite that lives in an egg cell, has an “unusual lifecycle, a peculiar morphology and high rates of DNA evolution”. It forms a “binucleated cell” similar to cancer.

Why is this in the vaxx? To speed up DNA replication? Or to transport spike proteins into a cell host? Or is it for some other transhumanist purposes?

Cnidaria species have very dynamic properties. The Immortal Jellyfish is the only animal known to be able to reverse its life cycle. It does this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation. An adult or juvenile under stress can, instead of dying revert back to a polyp and begin the life cycle all over again, which makes it an important target of aging and pharmaceutical research.

Recall that Dr Robert Young found a different parasite, T. cruzi in the Johnson & Johnson vials. T. cruzi causes Chagas disease, which is incurable if left untreated within 4 weeks of infection and after which the infection becomes chronic. It can shorten the lifespan by decades if left untreated.

After initial infection, benznidazole and nifurtimox are the antiparasitic drugs of choice for treating Chagas disease.

If you are facing forced vaccination, it would be a good idea to prepare to be tested and treated for such a parasitic infection, to at least not have to worry about that, on top of the superconducting graphene and SPIONs, the latter of which can be treated with ivermectin and nutritional supplements.

If you were force-vaccinated more than a month ago, you may want to be screened for T. cruzi and other parasites.

I am thinking that the NEW HUMAN the survivors are supposed to be changed and maybe even like the jelly fish renew and not age.

I think this woman's message may have some true info. It would explain many many things.

Something like this from my old thread.
Comet C/2017 K2: Hubble Spots Rare Visitor from Oort Cloud
The huge unusual object with no tail may be something like a conglomerate of material it will be here in July of 2022.

Now if there is an object coming that will hit the earth they should have explained the choices that they were offering to take the possible lifesaving but organism changing shots or not.

But then again if they as Eugenists are hoping the remnant left will be a more refined human that they liken to purebred cattle they really could not let us know.

Plus think of the reactions to this ELE event that most would have.
Those of us who are Christian know who lives and who dies and when is always in Gods hands and there are reasons for everything! Like with Job which is explained well here.

edit on 7-10-2021 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2021 @ 04:17 PM

Best Advice...

Ignore all the conflicting chatter.

Get vaxxed.

Pray You Catch covid19


Help Drive this pandemic into history books.
a reply to: carewemust

That is pretty good advice, I am not sure about praying or getting covid, but from somebody who I believe said it was fake and no big thing, I applaud you. Whats next? supporting Biden? lol

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 03:17 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: trollz

Good for you, you dodged a bullet.

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
I think I may be starting to understand.

These drugs made for parasites kill the very thing the jabs are supposed to do.
The governments probably come on board when they learn the truth.

They contain different things in them one is to actually (in their mind) make people who survive the side effects much stronger, others are meant to get rid of certain people.

I saved this don't have the link could be looked up by info in it.

Do you all remember the weird ameba like creature seen in the vaxx? The Dr. who grew it in a dish didn't know what it was.

Anons have identified the “tentacled” organism described by Dr Carrie Madej from the Moderna vaxx as this endocellular parasite called Polypodium hydriforme, a metazoan with “unusual characteristics” that is in the same Cnidaria phylum as coral and jellyfish and it is not known to infect humans, which is why Dr Madej had never run into it before, as an internist with 20 years of practice.

Polypodium hydriforme is one of the few animals that live inside the cells of other animals. It spends most of its life inside the oocytes (egg cells, i.e., immature eggs) of sturgeons and paddlefish but you can’t get it from the caviar.

Polypodium hydriforme is a parasite that lives in an egg cell, has an “unusual lifecycle, a peculiar morphology and high rates of DNA evolution”. It forms a “binucleated cell” similar to cancer.

Why is this in the vaxx? To speed up DNA replication? Or to transport spike proteins into a cell host? Or is it for some other transhumanist purposes?

Cnidaria species have very dynamic properties. The Immortal Jellyfish is the only animal known to be able to reverse its life cycle. It does this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation. An adult or juvenile under stress can, instead of dying revert back to a polyp and begin the life cycle all over again, which makes it an important target of aging and pharmaceutical research.

Recall that Dr Robert Young found a different parasite, T. cruzi in the Johnson & Johnson vials. T. cruzi causes Chagas disease, which is incurable if left untreated within 4 weeks of infection and after which the infection becomes chronic. It can shorten the lifespan by decades if left untreated.

After initial infection, benznidazole and nifurtimox are the antiparasitic drugs of choice for treating Chagas disease.

If you are facing forced vaccination, it would be a good idea to prepare to be tested and treated for such a parasitic infection, to at least not have to worry about that, on top of the superconducting graphene and SPIONs, the latter of which can be treated with ivermectin and nutritional supplements.

If you were force-vaccinated more than a month ago, you may want to be screened for T. cruzi and other parasites.

I am thinking that the NEW HUMAN the survivors are supposed to be changed and maybe even like the jelly fish renew and not age.

I think this woman's message may have some true info. It would explain many many things.

Something like this from my old thread.
Comet C/2017 K2: Hubble Spots Rare Visitor from Oort Cloud
The huge unusual object with no tail may be something like a conglomerate of material it will be here in July of 2022.

Now if there is an object coming that will hit the earth they should have explained the choices that they were offering to take the possible lifesaving but organism changing shots or not.

But then again if they as Eugenists are hoping the remnant left will be a more refined human that they liken to purebred cattle they really could not let us know.

Plus think of the reactions to this ELE event that most would have.
Those of us who are Christian know who lives and who dies and when is always in Gods hands and there are reasons for everything! Like with Job which is explained well here.

Please respond this is not a joke.

I was one of the first to get the jab in the first round. I was living in a program at the time and although it was not forced, I was the only women in the program who was not going to get the vaccine due to the absurd little amount known. I however, was literally ousted by some of the workers and had girls freak out over me not getting vaxxed so I caved and got it against my own wishes but "for the greater good" hah. What a joke.

I am now having what appears to be the affects of a parasite in my nails, nose, and pores. I literally can FEEL it. I am so scared to ask m t doctor or anyone for that matter. This is the craziest # that has ever happened to me. I literally seee how transmksable and how literally there are ficking microscopic eggs larvae and even what appears to be tiny specks of "skjn" that FLY our of my pores. I have tried to get samples and im telling you this # MORPHES. I am so #inf scared and don't know what to do. I am trying to figure out if I can order ivermectin through my work which is a pet store but have no idea what to order or where to start. I'm #kng terrified and I recently heard a podcast "the theory of everything " on YouTube with curt j and he had this scientist kn and they literally are talking about I ut how he "just" discovered this new crazy breakthrough # that is for "medical purpuses" some bio tech that literally rearranges cells and makes like a medicine deliverer t thas alive. Its hard to explain b u t if y I u listen to it you will understand. I really need help I need to get this # out of my body please email me [email protected] or msg back I'm desperate

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Since they OWN big pharma, they make money regardless of which drugs are used.

They also own a lot of the hotels, Casino, and so on that are being shut down by the pandemic so they actually stand o gain more form ending the pandemic than continuing it. It takes thousands of people getting the shot to recoup the cost of a handful of cruise passengers or a cancelled poker tournament.

It's TPDB that are always pushing to open up the economy because they depend on it.

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: SaraJeanIsMean

This video from Dr Cambell may be of help, this young guy has been able to keep his adverse reactions under control.

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

I can imagine that those extra 10 billion in the pockets of Pfizer and Moderna found good use in the pocket of Indian officials.

posted on Dec, 11 2021 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: SaraJeanIsMean

I believe we have all been effected and even Lyme which I has is a part of a long term attack on all humanity.

Best if you have a good caring DR to just ask for these things they are safe so some may give them to you, it is not illegal to use a parasite med for parasites' just don't suggest it has anything to do with anything else!

I have used all the natural anti parasitic and had a lot of good results. Most are very safe just don't get scared and take more than you should OR mix anything. You can look them up easy info on that.

I had the best longer term recovery with Vermox it is Mebendazole I got from Mexico before all this started.

My sister ordered online the [email protected] here

She did get it but it took a long while and is expensive. I can't say how pure or real any ingredients are now. I took the horse kind 3 times just a pea sized and my covid was mild and I have been having little problems for a while now. BUT I do believe they have changed these drugs on us and local stores with old supplies are the only ones I would figure are safe.

I am not afraid because i believe in God and I do think this is all happening because it must. Jesus said when these things happen we should be happy ready and know time is short for the bad guys!

Revelation mentions Pestilence, which means a deadly and overwhelming disease that affects an entire community.
Praying for strength, understanding and faith are what we need now.

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