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Vaccines and Ice Cream

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posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:12 AM
We've all seen/heard the politicians bring up the concept of "ice cream".  Pelosi even showed her varieties of ice cream in her refrigerator.
This is a disgusting reference to the vaccines.

The term vaccine is derived from Latin vaccīnus:
vaccīnus (feminine vaccīna, neuter vaccīnum); first/second-declension adjective
1. of or derived from a cow.

Synonyms listed for ice cream include:
(dessert): iced cream (dated), frozen cow juice.

The "from a cow" vaccines are stored at -20 degrees, and "from a cow" ice cream is also stored below freezing.
2.  As shown in the synonyms, ice cream is a dessert, which means "de-serve":
Borrowed from French dessert, from desservir (“disserve”), from dés- (“dis-”) and servir (“serve”), thus literally meaning “removal of what has been served”.

This makes sense, as dessert is something eaten after the main course servings have been removed. 

To me, the politicians using the phrase are rubbing it in that the vaccine is being served, and our livelihoods and freedoms are taken away (de-served).
It is noteworthy that, despite the vaccine being something "sweet" for them, they have exempted themselves from taking it. 

Remember, the elite's plan is the "internet of bodies", i.e absolute control to include fertility.  They can't achieve it without a needle in your arm and a never-ending reason to put new needles in.  The injections won't end. I will add that having biosensors and brain cortex readers in your body will feel worse than prison.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream."

You have put me in the mood for a Pokey Hat now if that help.

edit on 4-10-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:31 AM
I can't take the vaccine and I cannot eat ice cream very much either. Polysorbate eighty is in ice cream, or other emulsifiers with the same basic method of action and they bother me quite a bit. Now polysorbate eighty is related to polyethylene and propylene glycols too, they all bother me. Carrageenan has a similar method of action, I try to avoid that, guar gum is not quite as bad.

It is hard to find ice cream that I can tolerate, but I do like ice cream so sometimes I suffer the consequences. The headache and sinus issues and lessened ability to get oxygen from breathing is the major issue. I can eat a little real vanilla, but not that double acting stuff with propylene glycol in it.

I surely am not going to take these vaccines if I can't eat ice cream because of shared chemicals with similar properties.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

Biden and Nancy probably eat ice cream for their dementia.

For people with dementia, ice cream is far more effective and safe than Prozac, or any other “happy” drug on the market! If you are caring for a loved one with dementia, find out what flavor is their absolute favorite, and NEVER RUN OUT OF ICE CREAM!


posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Take a look for Alden's Ice Cream. The vanilla that they use should be propylene glycol free.

Here are the ingredients for the Chocolate: Milk*, Cream*, Cane Sugar*, Chocolate Chips* (Unsweetened Chocolate*, Cane Sugar*, Palm Kernel Oil*, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin, Vanilla Extract*), Cocoa*, (Processed With Alkali), Tapioca Syrup*, Tapioca Starch*, Chocolate Extract*, Guar Gum*, Soy Lecithin*, Locust Bean Gum*, Xanthan Gum.

Here are the ingredients for the Vanilla (Milk*, Cream*, Cane Sugar*, Tapioca Syrup*, Tapioca Starch*, Vanilla Extract*, Guar Gum*, Soy Lecithin*, Ground Vanilla Beans*, Locust Bean Gum*, Xanthan Gum.

edit on 4 10 2021 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:46 AM
So now two scoops plus then some is okay suddenly?

If we play that guessing game, it could also be:

- The cows (we) have been milked
- Men, better put cream on ice now because infertility is around the corner
- Cows, here at least, use to have bells so you can hear and find them in foggy mountains.
- Cows get ear tags or tattooed.
- Cows get their calves taken away so they keep on producing milk, it's enough when they hear their kids scream and they will stay productive.

But cows are also intelligent and inquisitive and often underrated, too.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: rickymouse

Take a look for Alden's Ice Cream. The vanilla that they use should be propylene glycol free.

Here are the ingredients for the Chocolate: Milk*, Cream*, Cane Sugar*, Chocolate Chips* (Unsweetened Chocolate*, Cane Sugar*, Palm Kernel Oil*, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin, Vanilla Extract*), Cocoa*, (Processed With Alkali), Tapioca Syrup*, Tapioca Starch*, Chocolate Extract*, Guar Gum*, Soy Lecithin*, Locust Bean Gum*, Xanthan Gum.

Here are the ingredients for the Vanilla (Milk*, Cream*, Cane Sugar*, Tapioca Syrup*, Tapioca Starch*, Vanilla Extract*, Guar Gum*, Soy Lecithin*, Ground Vanilla Beans*, Locust Bean Gum*, Xanthan Gum.

Guar gum, locust bean gum, and Xanthian gum all share similar characteristics. Although they are not as bad as the Carrageenan is. Some have the polysorbate eighty, I avoid that like the plague, I identified that as being a problem many years ago. They are all emulsifiers I think and also share the Umami chemistry in some of the first three products which is another separate issue because I get the cheese headaches off of glutamates.

I actually wind up getting a fever and the chills from eating ice cream and also if I drink lots of any milk. There are a couple of allergies at play with milk products, I was diagnosed as allergic to milk products must be twenty years ago, not just intolerant. I will never give up milk totally though, it would suck.

I have eaten the aldens ice cream and it has less side effects than most of the other cheaper commercial ice creams. I just have to learn to eat one scoop instead of a whole bowl of it. I figure I might as well make it worth it when I eat ice cream, the headache and other issues are there with one scoop or four.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Terrible shame you can't eat ice cream, but it's only the commercial kind. I have a very simple solution for you.

Take a few very ripe bananas; peel, cut and freeze them.

Put them in a blender with frozen milk or yogurt. Add whatever flavors float your boat: chocolate powder, chocolate chips, any frozen berries, peanut butter, whatever you can dream up. You may need to add a bit of liquid milk to losen it up.

Blend the mix until smooth.

It's my favorite kind of "ice cream." Can be very healthy, especially if you use all fresh frozen ingredients.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: rickymouse

Terrible shame you can't eat ice cream, but it's only the commercial kind. I have a very simple solution for you.

Take a few very ripe bananas; peel, cut and freeze them.

Put them in a blender with frozen milk or yogurt. Add whatever flavors float your boat: chocolate powder, chocolate chips, any frozen berries, peanut butter, whatever you can dream up. You may need to add a bit of liquid milk to losen it up.

Blend the mix until smooth.

It's my favorite kind of "ice cream." Can be very healthy, especially if you use all fresh frozen ingredients.

We used to have an ice cream maker, but it wore out and we tossed it after the wife and I each gained five pounds from eating ice cream every day.

I cannot eat bananas if I consume foods on the latex food cross reaction of class one to class two, or I get allergic to my underwear and any other latex in clothes. I like the other side better, root veggies like potatoes and carrots we eat a lot of. My wife does not have a problem with that. Within that cross reaction the latex in milk can also be a problem to either side. I also start coughing by the time I finish a banana, but the heuvens in banana are not heat stable so I can eat banana bread or cake without much problems.

There seems to be a relationship between most of the things I am intolerant to, but I have not figured it out completely yet, I do know that I have this latex cross reactivity and the other thing involves the benzene ring....balsam of peru allergy which the worst offender is the eugenol chemistry. Eliminating a few spices and limiting some more and I don't have much problem with that other than with tomatoes, which I also like in food....but adding garlic to the tomato meal reduces the side effect of tomato products.

I can eat bananas if I do not eat anything on the other side of the cross reactivity, which is a major problem because the other side has lots of stuff I like.

In this article they have the avacado, banana, kiwi, and chestnuts in the high risk, they are class one and the potatoes and celery and carrots cross react with them in me. I didn't try chestnuts, but supposedly they are a culprit. The kiwi does give me a bad reaction sometimes, almost closing up my throat. and I learned long ago to stay away from avacados which I learned to dislike many years ago already.

I have no problem with the cucumber other than a sore gut if I eat too much.

The cross reactivity I get won't kill me usually, just makes my life miserable. I have experimented to see what cross re-activities apply, took a year of observation to do so. Potatoes, carrots, celery, rutabaga, and others are not a problem unless I eat bananas or guacamole. The kiwi is hard to figure out what it reacts with. I have an intolerance to tomato and the banana definitely increases the symptoms of the reaction, so I gave up bananas and feel lots better, giving up potatoes so I can eat a banana is not anything I would even consider doing.

It has been fun experimenting on myself. Going to the allergy testing would only identify a problem with bananas after I ate foods in the class two and up veggies or fruits, which means it might not be found. There are cross reactivities with lots of plants, the idiots pushing veggies do not understand this.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:01 PM
Is that a euphemism for a booster shot?

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

Simply an ice-cream cone fae the Ice-cream-van.

I prefer mines with raspberry.

Stick a flake in there and its a 99.

edit on 4-10-2021 by andy06shake because: Apparently "Tally" is unacceptable terminology.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:58 PM
Num num 86.

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Wisenox
We've all seen/heard the politicians bring up the concept of "ice cream".  Pelosi even showed her varieties of ice cream in her refrigerator.
This is a disgusting reference to the vaccines.

The term vaccine is derived from Latin vaccīnus:
vaccīnus (feminine vaccīna, neuter vaccīnum); first/second-declension adjective
1. of or derived from a cow.

Synonyms listed for ice cream include:
(dessert): iced cream (dated), frozen cow juice.

The "from a cow" vaccines are stored at -20 degrees, and "from a cow" ice cream is also stored below freezing.
2.  As shown in the synonyms, ice cream is a dessert, which means "de-serve":
Borrowed from French dessert, from desservir (“disserve”), from dés- (“dis-”) and servir (“serve”), thus literally meaning “removal of what has been served”.

This makes sense, as dessert is something eaten after the main course servings have been removed. 

To me, the politicians using the phrase are rubbing it in that the vaccine is being served, and our livelihoods and freedoms are taken away (de-served).
It is noteworthy that, despite the vaccine being something "sweet" for them, they have exempted themselves from taking it. 

Remember, the elite's plan is the "internet of bodies", i.e absolute control to include fertility.  They can't achieve it without a needle in your arm and a never-ending reason to put new needles in.  The injections won't end. I will add that having biosensors and brain cortex readers in your body will feel worse than prison.

The fact that you got stars for this just makes me want to give up.

I mean, really?

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

What's your explanation? As a leftist, you must have some inkling.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

Here is a stab in the dark, not everything is a conspiracy or has a hidden meaning, sometimes ice-cream is just ice-cream, even in Pelosi gaff.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

No, it means something. Like most of the symbology, word definitions and etymologies tell you what it is. Take the constellation of the lyre for example. It symbolizes pulling wealth from the Earth and draft animals, including people.
In the past, it has also been represented as a vulture and a she-goat.  This works because the root is "to pluck".  A look at the definition shows us how all 3 representations fit:
1: to pull or pick off or out. (vulture)

a: to remove something (such as hairs) from by or as if by plucking. (She-goat)

b: ROB, FLEECE (She-goat and theft from people)

3: to move, remove, or separate forcibly or abruptly. (Fish, crops, people, animals, vulture)

a: to pick, pull, or grasp at. (Vulture)
b: to play by sounding the strings with the fingers or a pick (lyre)

We can use another example as well;  carp, which is one of the most widely used fish in symbology.  It means "to pluck, to harvest" and it would fit just fine in the lyre position. The lyre example is also one of the heads of the double headed eagle. Although, its really a double headed vulture, as the eagle is in the vulture family (2 vultures, but only 1 eagle).
Anyway, that's my supporting evidence for why the definition and etymology of ice cream is relevant to the out of place usage of the phrase by politicians. It most certainly has a meaning, and its being used in the same manner as True Christian typically is.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

I don't really know what to suggest Wisenox.

If that's what you read in to Pelosi showing off the contents of her freezer and think Ice-cream represents mmkay.

As to supporting evidence where is that now?

Coz what you seem to have there is mere supposition.

Anyway i have kids to pick up from school today, im sure they will want a McFlurry on the way home.

You have yourself a wonderful afternoon.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: Wisenox
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

What's your explanation? As a leftist, you must have some inkling.

I'm a "leftist"??!!!

Son, you don't know me very well.


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