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Week 73 of 2 Weeks to Flatten The Curve. New Restriction Mandates. Increasing Burdens on Citizens.

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posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:20 AM

This thread doesn't bring nearly the same level of doom as my thread about global supply chains collapsing, but it's considerably more fun... if your sense of humor is as warped as mine. It may not be the least bit funny to the approximately 1.18 million inhabitants of Saskatchewan, so if any of y'all are reading this, please accept my apologies in advance and know that I use humor to deal with situations which might otherwise make me scream-cry like a giant manbaby.

The sources I've used to create this post will be listed at the end of my OP.

Greetings Above Top Secret Hermanos y Hermanas,

I hope you've all had a positive, constructive weekend. A few days ago I created a post about the Premier of Saskatchewan, CA authorizing an Emergency Planning Act. I believe the act is unethical, unreasonable, and directly impedes the rights of Sask citizens. Well it looks like more bad news for the good people of Sask courtesy of

Jim Southam, owner of Prairie Cannabis and vice-president of the Saskatchewan Independent Cannabis Retailers Network, is concerned that cannabis and liquor retailers were only informed this week that they would be required to obtain proof of vaccination from anyone who wants to enter...

... Southam said staff at the three stores he owns were scrambling on Friday to ensure they are complying with the order after only finding out about the change on Tuesday afternoon from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming and Authority...

... The new health order includes exemptions for off-sale liquor outlets and liquor stores inside other retail locations, such as those in smaller communities.

Offsale liquor licenses are required for outlets which sell alcohol to be taken off premises while onsale liquor licenses are required for establishments which sell alcohol to be consumed on premises. More on this later.

NDP Opposition jobs and economy critic Aleana Young slammed the Saskatchewan Party government for failing to give liquor and cannabis store owners sufficient notice about the change.

Young told reporters in Regina that cannabis and liquor retailers were “taken completely off guard and surprised” by the move. “And again this speaks to poor planning at best or a complete disregard for the realities of business owners at worst,” she said.

Young also criticized the exemption for off-sale outlets and those located inside grocery stores or other locations as creating a “two-tiered system.”

I was picking up what Aleana Young was putting down at this point. I agree that this creates a two-tiered system which is ridiculous and is yet more confirmation that this covid operation is about control not health. I decided to find additional information from Young and located this in an article on

“I would like to see consistency in terms of how this is applied. Whether it is between…speaking of liquor stores, off-sales and larger liquor retailers or even whether it’s between public and private sector employees,” she demanded.

She also believes vaccines should be mandatory for every staff member at all businesses that fall under the proof-of-vaccination rules.

“It’s a hole that you could drive a truck through within the public health order,” she said.

I immediately put down anything I'd picked up from Young and backed away. Another politician calling for mandatory vaccinations of individuals in order for those individuals to hold employment at businesses required by the gov't to adhere to "proof-of-vaccination rules."
I am opposed to any and all covid vaxx mandates. I would say that vaxx mandates in this instance fall into the category of coercion, and employees who are mandated to keep their employment by complying with a vaxx against their wishes are acting under duress. says coercion is defined thusly:

The broad definition of coercion is "the use of express or implied threats of violence or reprisal (as discharge from employment) or other intimidating behavior that puts a person in immediate fear of the consequences in order to compel that person to act against his or her will." Actual violence, threats of violence, or other acts of pressure may constitute coercion if they're used to subvert an individual's free will or consent.

In legal terms, it's often said that someone who's been coerced was acting under duress. In fact, "duress" and "coercion" are often interchanged. Black's Law Dictionary defines duress as "any unlawful threat or coercion used... to induce another to act [or to refrain from acting] in a manner [they] otherwise would not [or would]."

Bold emphasis mine. One could split hairs about what is and isn't law or what is and isn't free will, and that's one's prerogative if one chooses to do so, however I stand firmly by my assertion that these mandates constitute coercion in this instance and in regards to many other aspects of this ongoing covid debacle. Back to the matter at hand. The Saskatoon StarPheonix article goes on to state:

Southam, who also serves as vice-president of the Saskatchewan Independent Cannabis Retailers Network, said he was told by SLGA officials that the change came from Health Minister Paul Merriman.

Southam said he’s asked for a meeting with Merriman to try to understand why cannabis and liquor stores are no longer deemed essential.

SLGA spokesman David Morris said in an email on Friday that liquor and cannabis stores were included to encourage more people to get vaccinated. Morris did not explain why the decision was made so late, or why the government did not make an official announcement.

Bold emphasis mine because I would love to see this email firsthand to substantiate the claim made by StarPhoenix (I searched the interwebz for it and couldn't locate the alleged email), and also because what in the actual snip? If that doesn't constitute coercion then I don't know what does. What an absolute clown world statement. Are we all cognizant of the fact that these covid restrictions are not truly about health after 72 weeks of 2 weeks to flatten the curve?

edit on 4-10-2021 by CircumstancialEvidence because: Edited thread title.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:21 AM
I wanted more details regarding source material from articles I've quoted, so I went to a place where I could receive information directly from the horse's mouth. I located the information quoted below posted on, and I am equal parts confused, amused and deeply disturbed by what I found.

Effective Friday, October 1, 2021, proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test result will be required in Saskatchewan for public access to a range of businesses, event venues, as well as for all Government of Saskatchewan ministry, crown and agency employees.

Note that mandatory indoor masking remains in effect for all indoor public venues in the province at this time.

A Public Health Order will come into effect at 12:01 October 1 outlining which businesses and organizations will be required to request proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test in order to access the venue. This order will apply primarily to non-essential businesses such as:

Restaurants, including restaurants in hotels or other lodgings that are not fast food restaurants.

Nightclubs, bars, taverns, party buses and other establishments that serve alcohol under the authority of The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997.

Event and entertainment venues including:



bingo halls, casinos and other gaming establishments;


live-music venues;

fitness centres and gyms; 

standalone liquor and cannabis retail sales locations; and 

facilities hosting sporting events where tickets are required that have GST charged on the ticket.

Businesses or organizations exempt from this order include:

retail businesses including grocery stores;

integrated liquor stores located in other retail stores;

places of worship (including weddings/funerals/wakes);

personal services, health care services, professional services;

public libraries;

hotels or lodging including self-serve food options located within the hotel or other lodging;

facilities hosting amateur sporting events, including youth athletics and recreational leagues;

private gatherings at public venues (weddings/funerals/wakes/meetings); and

private gatherings at private residences.

Bold emphasis mine. Fast food restaurants are essential? 🤡🌎

Standalone liquor stores require vaxx mandates but liquor stores located within other stores don't? 🤔🤨

Liquor stores and cannabis dispensaries were essential but under the new health order standalone liquor stores aren't unless they are off-sale liquor outlets in smaller communities or liquor stores inside other retail locations? Confused, amused, disappointed, and headached. 🥴😏☹🤕

The release goes on to inform citizens of the various acceptable forms of vaxx identifications and then ends with... this:

Individuals who do not have proof of vaccination have the option of providing proof of a negative COVID-19 test result from within the previous 72 hours.

A self-administered take-home rapid antigen test will not be accepted as valid proof of negative COVID-19 results and the SHA is no longer supporting testing for asymptomatic individuals at the public testing sites, preserving resources to test symptomatic and other at-risk populations.

The cost for all proof of negative test results for asymptomatic testing will be the responsibility of the individual. Individuals requiring a negative test result have several private options on the market that will provide a rapid antigen test or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for a fee.

I've just learned what the fee for a covid test in the Netherlands is, as I'm flying to NYC from Amsterdam in a few days, and a negative test result is required for re-entry to my home country. It's costing me €79.99 or $92.74 or 117.40 CAD. I'm not exaggerating about the cost. It's €79.99. Not €79 not €80. It costs 79.99 Euros. It's being billed as if I'm some schmuck shopping for a used car who gets to take it home to the wife to proudly exclaim, "It was only 70 bucks, honey!" Now I may be a schmuck, but I really don't need a licensed medical facility pulling a cheap marketing trick for a MANDATORY test. C'mon man.

The fee is not covered by the expensive trip insurance I was required to purchase before travel, and it's not covered by my health insurance (I didn't expect insurance to cover it, but it'd have been nice if it did). Imagine paying 117.40 (116.99?) Canuckian dollars every 72 hours in order to engage in activities or visit locations deemed "non-essential." Unvaxxed and want to take your partner out to dinner? That'll be 240 CAD payable upfront to the private facility of your choosing! Not to mention that showing a vaxx card or negative covid test involves revealing personal medical information (vaxx status) which ought to be confidential. Admittedly I don't know what a 'vid-19 test costs in Sask, but I spoke with my mother who works as a nurse at a Veteran's retirement facility where she regularly administers tests, and she told me €79.99 is a bargain compared to what it costs in some places. Yikes.


posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:21 AM
Alright. This was meant to be a short OP, and it has since morphed into a feature length presentation. I'll finish with my closing thoughts about the abrupt redesignation of cannabis dispensaries and ¿some? liquor outlets from essential to non-essential, and the requirements for either a vaxx passport or a 'vid-19 test at the individual's expense; This is how you create a black market overnight. These mandates only serve to harm cannabis dispensaries and liquor stores, their owners and employees, which potentially harms the province by reducing tax revenues generated by sales at liquor stores and dispensaries, though if we're lucky we may end up with a Canadian NASCAR sometime in the not too distant future. Unfortunately by then all the cars will likely be electric (by government decree of course
), and we'll have to make the engine noises with our mouths like 5-year-olds. That's if we survive the global cooling global warming climate change™ covid-19 agenda 2030 zombie apocalypse... can you imagine Mad Max except they're all a bunch of hosers with hockey sticks sipping maple syrup and everything runs on lithium battery banks? I digress, but not before making a complete fool of myself (sorry Sask. Please forgive me Canada, I love you).

Individuals and members of organized crime have grown cannabis and bootlegged alcohol for many years in defiance of laws which carry hefty penalties. Government mandates will stimulate the black market by encouraging cultivation and bootlegging. If individuals are encouraged to cultivate their own (particularly CBD for the many health benefits) or brew and distill their own personal use alcohol I see that as a net positive. It is impossible to know what chemicals or contaminants (pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, etc.) have gone into producing your substance of choice unless those substances are single source or produced by someone you know and trust. These mandates being pushed by government have little to do with health and a lot to do with placing costly, unnecessary burdens on the populace. One could hire an enterprising individual for a few bucks to go to the shops to acquire some herb, booze or hey why not both! Maybe a family member or friend would be charitable enough to go on your behalf free of charge. They'll probably be going anyway, because being intoxicated seems like a reasonable response to living in a province with such an incompetent, asinine government.

I'm aware that Sask is only a single province within CA which has a population approaching 1.2 million and does not represent all of CA. I'm also aware that what is occurring there is just a small example of what is occurring in the world; there have been far more sinister and repressive acts being committed by governments around the world in regards to covid. Parts of Australia, Italy and China are a few locations of particular concern, though freedom loving citizens of Sask are likely to be plenty concerned by the government mandates in their province. I consider the gradual, persistent erosion of rights and abilities (once unrestricted but now restricted post-covid) to be a litmus test performed by governments in order to gauge how much the proletariat will tolerate. I see parallels to the story of the frog in a boiling pot of water. The governments have thrown the plebians into a giant pot of water and are gradually increasing the temperature in the hopes that we won't attempt to jump out or collectively kick the pot over and bumrush the politicians forcing this crap on us. Fortunately for the frog, that story is just a myth. Unfortunately for human beings, we are witnessing that myth become reality.

At least that's how I see it.

As much as I hate to ruin my joke about intoxication as a coping mechanism for government ineptitude, I do not recommend utilizing any chemical substances as a means to cope with life's challenges. I chose to get sober over two years ago, and it's been one of the best decisions I've made yet. I wouldn't be authoring these posts if I were still indulging. There are better, far more healthy alternatives to coping via self-medicating with substances. If you are able to maintain a healthy buzz, then good on you. What we choose to put into our bodies should be just that: a personal choice. The same goes for covid vaxxes.

I believe that the events unfolding around us should inspire us to aspire to be the best we can possibly be as individuals while also sincerely striving to respect and protect our fellow human beings and the environments we inhabit.

Wow, I thoroughly ruined that joke. 😏😉😌

Cheers & smoke 'em if ya gottem.



Sask. adds cannabis, liquor stores late to proof of vaccination system

Businesses And Venues Requiring Proof Of Vaccination Or Negative Tests Starting October 1, 2021

Covid-19 Information for Businesses and Workers

Liquor and cannabis stores given little time to implement vaccine passports

What is Coercion Law?

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 03:24 AM
lmao I absolutely did not mean to post this at 04:20 am EST, but that has to be one of my more hilarious accidental accomplishments. Great, one post in and the thread is already off topic.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:02 AM
personally i don't understand why vaccinations are being pushed so hard in the first place. or even worse mandatory vaccinations, or not being allowed to do things if you are not vaccinated. the thing is all these vaccinations were even superposed to do is to protect the individual who is vaccinated from the worst effects of the virus. it does not protect anyone else. having the vaccine also specifically does not stop someone from giving the virus to others, because it doesn't stop the virus, it just mitigates the effects of it for the person vaccinated. so why does it matter at all who is vaccinated or not in those places? in fact if you want to stop the virus, it would actually make a lot more sense to ban those who have been vaccinated, since if the vaccines do their job, it just makes a vaccinated person MORE LIKELY TO SPREAD THE VIRUS.

then we are told that no the vaccines are not capable of changing the virus, and thus the new virus strains can not possibly be created by the vaccines, and those vaccinated. and yet when backing up the reasons for restricting people who are not vaccinated, is because the vaccinated only pass on a milder version, of the virus, and thus people will not get as sick as if they got it from someone who is not vaccinated. wait a minute, doesn't "the vaccinated only pass on a milder version (doesn't that mean a milder STRAIN?), of the virus", actually mean that the vaccines are in fact changing the virus. and if it can create "a milder version", doesn't it also mean that it can also CREATE A WORSE STRAIN? because the vaccines are indeed changing the virus?

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:46 AM

originally posted by: CircumstancialEvidence
lmao I absolutely did not mean to post this at 04:20 am EST, but that has to be one of my more hilarious accidental accomplishments. Great, one post in and the thread is already off topic.



Back on topic *cough cough...

There is no rhyme or reason to any of these mandates.

What our respective Provinces are doing are part of a concerted global effort.

The Goose (China) has laid the Golden Egg (Covid19) and the rest of the Ganders are still trying to figure out how to properly use it to it's prime effectiveness.

Erm, yea that's my 4:20 argument.

Great Info, SnF.
edit on 10/4/2021 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: generik

You make some very salient points, friend. Thanks for asking those questions. They are questions I've been asking as well. When critical thinking is applied to any of this covid experiment the established narratives quickly fall apart.

I think it boils down to money and control. Multinational pharmaceutical giants and their investors are yielding unprecedented profits. Governments and politicians have voted themselves additional powers and controls over citizens which haven't been experienced in many nations for a long time, if ever. Not all the powers and controls are unprecedented, by the situation and results are unique. Pharma and gov't make strange bedfellows and are fully intertwined. Oligarchs and nepotistic political dynasties have large investments in those companies and wield undue influence over government. When governments acquire powers they have a tendency to not give them back.

Among more conspiratorially minded (a term introduced by the alphabet agencies to discredit those who question the narrative) among us believe this may be a prelude to Agenda 2030 and is possibly a depopulation event. It certainly is being used to shift to a new control paradigm. Vaxx passports and global i.d. is just one agenda at play, but I digress.

The citizens, plebians and proletariat lose time and time again. Unless people come together and put a stop to the madness, freedoms will be continually eroded and current affairs will continue to deteriorate. If people continue to be complacent with what is occurring then governments will continue to push, in my opinion.

Thanks for posting. Cheers.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: MykeNukem

I see what you did there! 😷

Totally, the mandates would be a joke if they weren't effing with our lives so aggressively. They are still a joke but the snip isn't funny for small business owners and individuals attemping to live functional lives.

Agreed, world governments are having a field day with a scenario they've created and fostered. If we'd been told a couple years ago that any of this was coming we'd have looked sideways at the person doing the telling, but it feels as if this whole thing is really just getting started. Strange days ahead.

Cheers, thank you for your 4:20 thoughts. They are very articulate thoughts relative to most things said at 4:20.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 05:03 AM
I always wondered why all the Mom&Pops had to close including local shoe repair or other “local” outfits and businesses. Shoes seem essential….

But yet. Walmart, Mickey-D’s and its ilk were open for biz.

Amazon slayed it. Still is. Something about a rocket…..

Seemed fool-hardy to usher folks into one place or another all the while peoples’ livelihoods were forsook for the greater good.

I dunno. I use to believe in science and stuff. Seemed like making all the people in one town or another go to the same spot might have virulent consequences….


Edit: my curve is nice. And won’t be flattened by vax

Still unclear on “essential”
edit on 4-10-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2021 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: CircumstancialEvidence

Considering that this lockdown appears to be a global lockdown of western societies primarily, who could pull off this kind of global lockdown?
The World Health Organization and the United Nations, maybe? That's who.
And just how long have they been looking at human sustainability issues and resource depletion and destruction?
And how long have they been collaborating with scientists to find a solution to this global predicament?
And what was their final conclusion and ultimate plan to remedy this situation?

Can you think, United Nations "Agenda 21"? The "Georgia Guide Stones"?

And the updated version, "Agenda 2030"?

They have billions of people to get rid of between now and the year 2030.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: CharlesT
a reply to: CircumstancialEvidence

Considering that this lockdown appears to be a global lockdown of western societies primarily, who could pull off this kind of global lockdown?
The World Health Organization and the United Nations, maybe? That's who.
And just how long have they been looking at human sustainability issues and resource depletion and destruction?
And how long have they been collaborating with scientists to find a solution to this global predicament?
And what was their final conclusion and ultimate plan to remedy this situation?

Can you think, United Nations "Agenda 21"? The "Georgia Guide Stones"?

And the updated version, "Agenda 2030"?

They have billions of people to get rid of between now and the year 2030.
That’s WHO!

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 06:00 AM
Anyone recall over a year and half ago the WHO wasn’t allowed into China to perform forensic analysis?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Golly. It wasn’t like there was a revolution or anything happening there the prior summer in HK………

Was It?

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: CircumstancialEvidence

I'm kinda surprised you're not shirking this entry requirement up there American Style: by way of curbside cannabis pick-up (like here in MI) or drive-thru booze bars (look up Louisiana and drive-thru daiquiri bars, I think a stretch of TX also has these)

Curbside pick-up, and drive-thru bars, just a thought. Sometimes even just American booze stupidity can lead to a neat way of circumventing crap. Like drive-thru bars.
edit on 10/4/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 06:23 AM
A friend of mine, vaccinated, got Covid. His doctor prescribed ivermectin as part of a package of meds to help him get over it.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: CharlesT

I have posted this a few times but several countries collaborated to create a document entitled "human augmentation, dawn of a new paradigm" and it is all about their transhumanistic end goals and seems to imply that they already have the technology but negative public opinion is what is slowing it down. Here is the timeline I took a screenshot of which can be found on page 41 of this PDF...

You can find the PDF available here with more info..

Nobody ever seems to notice that the very first step, before 2030 on the timeline is "vaccines"
edit on 4-10-2021 by Chalcedony because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated into the collective.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I leave. I go where I want to go without the mask and without papers. There are plenty of places that have changed or relaxed their stance because of non-compliance and losing business. I went into a restaurant to pick up an order, and after about 5 mins of waiting, I was asked if I had, and would I wear a mask. I said no and refused the one the employee offered me, however I suggested that I would wait outside as to not "impede" their policy. When I received the food he sternly said "If you don't have a mask, don't come back, don't even order from here. You're no longer welcomed."

The DSA are growing.

I forgot to mention that the sign said you may take your mask off once you get your food. I was also their only customer in the building... More reasons that fuel my "disobedience."
edit on 4-10-2021 by JefeFeesh because: edit

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 11:52 AM
They just forgot a couple of zeros on that two week estimate. Maybe another couple of years of hell before they are proven to have made everything worse. A real lot of people put off their medical treatments and died or got worse because they were fearmongered into not getting treated at the appropriate time. Of course, those deaths are probably figured into the covid deaths....they should be since the people pushing this chaos were professionals linked to the covid pandemic.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: JefeFeesh

I generally don't wear one either unless someone asks me to and gives me one. I'd rather not have them close their business, because in my county the business gets like a $500 fine or more if the health inspector is in and sees someone without one. After 5 violations they lose their business license. pretty fukt up.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: CharlesT
a reply to: CircumstancialEvidence

Considering that this lockdown appears to be a global lockdown of western societies primarily, who could pull off this kind of global lockdown?
The World Health Organization and the United Nations, maybe? That's who.
And just how long have they been looking at human sustainability issues and resource depletion and destruction?
And how long have they been collaborating with scientists to find a solution to this global predicament?
And what was their final conclusion and ultimate plan to remedy this situation?

Can you think, United Nations "Agenda 21"? The "Georgia Guide Stones"?

And the updated version, "Agenda 2030"?

They have billions of people to get rid of between now and the year 2030.

The purebloods may make up the 10% that survives for the Earth to reach its presumed optimal max population size.

At the rate the vaxed are only just starting to die off, perhaps to be followed by close loved ones who may not get the vax but may get the spike protein transmissions, idk if it may take the entire rest of the decade for us relatively healthier ones to get there.

Though factor in countries like India and other places that are replacing the jab with Ivermectin. Also perhaps where used in conjunction with monoclonal antibodies.

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