posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:33 AM
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Hate to rain on your parade but troops have been used for civil functions pretty routinely for about ten years now, exceptionally for even longer.
During the Olympics, I had a beer with some off-duty Marines who had been billeted on a houseboat in central London and thought all their dreams had
come true.
When I had my first vaccine in February, there were soldiers in fatigues not just doing the jabbing but shifting boxes etc.
Soldiers are regularly used in times of heightened security.
The Sappers are the first to come down and help when there's flooding.
Going back a few years, I remember the Army using green fire engines to support the fire brigade in the late seventies.
What all these things have in common is not an attempt to control the population but a failure of normal civic services to cope. This isn't Bodger
Johnson taking over so much as Broken Britain after eleven years of Austerity, Brexit and COVID.
Mind you, that's not to say that Johnson and Nosferatu Patel aren't likely authoritarians. Keep an eye on the public order legislation, often swept
under the carpet by the MSM, and the way it's used to control dissent. Bodger might not have troops firing on people in British cities like his hero
Churchill, but he would love to use water cannons to look strong. He'll start with easy targets, like Extinction Rebellion...