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Vaccine Contaminants

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posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:06 AM
I've seen this Stew Peters interview with Dr Carrie Madej posted a couple times.

The video presents images that ostensibly show unknown objects from the vaccines. While I am against taking the vaccine, I want to offer alternate explanations for the images presented in the video. I think the issues of chronic disease, death, biosensors, and becoming intellectual property from producing patented genes are reasons enough to avoid the vaccine. I am not attempting to definitively say what the objects are.

The first image is of purple rings:

The purple color could come from an unknown source, as the video reports, however it can also come from refraction. Surfactants in the solution would intensify this effect. I mention that because I believe that the vaccines use anionic surfactants in their mechanism of action. The refracted blue/purple color is not overly unusual, and can often be seen around organic materials, as shown in panel C of the image below. The ring shapes remind me of air bubbles, which sometimes get caught under the glass cover slip as the medical personnel lays it on the slide. Panel B shows the dramatic colors from surfactants:

The next image depicts small colorful objects. I am not sure why they aren't using focused images for the video, but it is not unusual to have glass shards in slide preparations. The cover slips are very thin, and they come stacked on top of each other. Glass dust is not rare, and they can act as a prism and bend light at different frequencies:

This next one may be something, and may not be. In the image below, panels A, B and D are from the video. I added panel C, which shows the common fungus Rhizus under microscopy. This could be an airborne contaminant from the lab environment where the slide was made:

The fungus-looking material is concerning for a couple reasons. One, if it is fungus from the lab, then people could be breathing it in, and it could be wrecking everything from microbiology specimens to cell cultures and incubators. Also, it is known that yeast has been genetically modified to produce different compounds, and one must include the concern that a fungus can be modified to do the same.

There are other objects shown in the video having jagged edges, but they could be anything including dust, machining metal flakes, or glass fragments. I'm not offering these alternate views to discredit Stew Peters or Dr Madej, but I am surprised that a doctor would not see the possibilities I mention.
It is important to remeber that all of the elite's future scenarios call for fractured socities and the collapse of governments. They need an enemy (anti-vaxxers), so they need to drive up fear and anxiety. Also, there is the common phrase "all will be revealed". Well, of course, that's how they will turn us against our governments.
The elites need division and turmoil and a reason for governments to become authoritarian. Try not to let anger and anxiety effect your thinking. They want people in a 'reactive' state, try to stay rational.
edit on 2-10-2021 by Wisenox because: Corrected image panel description.

edit on 2-10-2021 by Wisenox because: Changed contaminate to contaminant.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 05:11 AM
I listened to most of the episode. Marginally entertaining but for someone without a basic understanding of types of microscopes, magnification being used and the problems associated with a non sterile environment videos like this one will absolutely ramp up fear and are of no value. And I agree, for a Dr she's leaving out more than enough information to make one question her paper on the wall but then again, one could say the same for Fauci. That's why I'm sticking with my first determination; do not experiment on my already healthy non obese body to prevent something that has almost no chance of killing me.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 05:32 AM
Just proves the point even more that these things are so incredibly F'd up and they blatently push stuff that will get you extremely sick or dead. How much do people need to see to break the corporate establishment brainwashing spell put on them. Seeing facts about people getting sick and dying doesn't seem to have an effect, I know an ICU nurse who drank the coolaid, knows 90% of the people in the ICU got the covid vaccine or this years flu and pneumovax shots and they are the ones dying!!!

Its sad she took the shot, double masks, breaks down nearly every shift cuz of supposed stress (more self induced IMO, the ICU there isn't even 25% full), sees vaccinated people being intubated and DYING but won't believe her own eyes, rather still believes the official narrative and Fauci and believes they are "the good guys". She thinks they are fighting for the greater good lol, I said to her " remember, the greater good doesn't include you or me". So obviously she has serious disconnect and wants other people to be miserable with her because she made piss poor decisions and got the shots.

Some people I just don't know if they will ever wake up before the boot is on their face. These were.also the same type of people that fired up the ovens for the nazis. History repeats itself, just.looks a little.different each time.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: Wisenox
... It is important to remeber that all of the elite's future scenarios call for fractured socities and the collapse of governments. They need an enemy (anti-vaxxers), so they need to drive up fear and anxiety. Also, there is the common phrase "all will be revealed". Well, of course, that's how they will turn us against our governments.
The elites need division and turmoil and a reason for governments to become authoritarian. Try not to let anger and anxiety effect your thinking. They want people in a 'reactive' state, try to stay rational.

Well said and I wholly agree.

A very wise name (arguably the wisest who ever walked this earth) said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." The divide and conquer strategy is on some level key to most any victory.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 12:28 PM
The thing with any shot they give you is that they swab your arm with an alcohol wipe, then squeeze a little of the fluid out to get any air bubbles out of the vaccine or contents of the shot. During the time the needle is exposed and when they push it into your arm which can have microbes within the skin, it can get if's ands or buts about that. There is a small percentage of people who have adverse reactions from this, maybe one percent of people do get the contamination that causes some problems. This applies to IVs too. Of that one percent, maybe only one in a hundred leads to a more severe infection. So one in ten thousand people have a worse reaction, which is allowable I guess. Maybe one in a thousand get a moderate inflammation event, either at the site or within the blood, but rarely does a moderate inflammation wind you up in the hospital.

Now, I do not want blood tests done that I do not need, and surely would never want to be getting blood drawn every week by a vampiire at the blood draw places. Remember, there is also that risk when donating plasma and blood, it can backfire. I actually think they are more cautious at the blood bank than in the hospitals, at least when I donated blood a few times, the guy was very concerned about cleaning stuff well. He also informed me before giving my third donation that the tests show I should never donate blood again after I said I went sleep for a day and a half the last time he took blood, he looked at his charts and started to shake when pulling out the IV he had already inserted, he told me never let anyone talk me into donating blood. I suspect that is the same for plasma. Since then I get concerned when doctors want blood all the time to test. They seem to think being a vampire is a good thing.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

I will have to differ with your example of this”thing” on Dr Madaj DO’s microscope.

Your example of this being the fungus Rhizopus is just wrong.
1. She displays that these are not Rhizoids. 2.This thing does NOT have a foot cell attached to it’s body. 3. There is NO hypha. 4. There is no sporangiophore. 5. I can go on, but it has now become evident that the facts have destroyed your assumption that this is a fungus.
Allow me to educate you on the example of Rhizopus that you provided.

Morphology of Rhizopus species. (A) R. delemar CBS 390.34 colony on MEA after three days of cultivation at 30 °C. (B) Intact and germinating sporangiospores of R. delemar CBS 390.34. Arrows indicate spores of different sizes. Scale bar = 10 μm. (C) Zygospores with unequal suspensors. C1, C2, and C3 show R. microsporus CBS 344.29 azygospores; these were formed in the absence of a mating partner and are morphologically different from typical zygospores because they are smaller in size and have a single suspensor. Scale bar = 10 μm. (D) R. microsporus CBS 700.68 sporangiophore with columella. Scale bar = 10 μm. (E) R. arrhizus var. arrhizus CBS 330.53 sporangiospore release and columella. Scale bar = 10 μm. (F) Sporangiophore, rhizoids, and pigmented hyphae of R. arrhizus var. arrhizus CBS 330.53. Scale bar = 10 μm, (G) R. stolonifer CBS 926.87 stolons. Scale bar = 50 μm. (H) R. stolonifer CBS 926.87 empty sporangiophore. Scale bar = 50 μm.

I don't know what this thing with tentacles is

but it sure reminds of this
and I don't want it in my body!
Furthermore, if anyone else can get a sample of this poison and see if you can visualize the same thing, please post it.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 11:25 AM
Loos like some sort of a organic parasite/parasites.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

err ma gawd. They are trying to poison the whole world with plastic, parasites, microchips, magnets, cancer, race cars, toxins and the gay gene. Why would they do this to billions of people? Is this the great culling many have warned of?

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: BerkshireEntity

The MSM have done their job of dehumanization.

She thinks they are fighting for the greater good

Ah of course the greater good "The Build Back Better Crew"

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: MDDoxs

Why would they do this to billions of people?

Because they actually care so much about us? while they push taxes and making our standards diffuclt?


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