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I live in the woods. Less than 5 miles away from me they cleared massive amounts of land to build a city.
The wild critters have moved out to my woods, because there is no other place for them to go.
My dogs smell them when they are close ad are very attentive. My Tamar is the coyote alarm. She goes rigid when one is near and she will not leave the
Max, Bellah, and Goliath, are hyper aware, but they are more curious and will venture off the porch, honed in like a heat seeking middle.
I fear for them because they are Huskies and outside of Tamar, their temperament is mild and gentle. They are curious, but amazingly fast. They can
catch a rabbit so fast is seems like magic. One minute they are just standing there, the next minute a quick blur, and there is rabbit in their mouth.
Tamar does not like strangers or any other strange critters on her property, and she can be mean as a snake, but is tolerant of those she knows.
Strange thing. My cats have Tamar's personality. They are loving and demanding of people they know and like, but distant and mean to strangers. My
cats think they are dogs, so I guess it is not that strange after all.
Coyote are bad out here, but everyone has dogs, and no one has had a personal problem with them. There are plenty of rabbits out here, but I think the
donkeys and the wild boar, we have a ton, probably keep them at bay.
I used to think of the wild boar as a nuisance, especially when I would find they had explored my garden, but now I don't mind them being around. They
keep the coyote busy.