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posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 03:31 PM

[Edited on 31-10-2003 by energy_wave]

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 09:23 PM
Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced.

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 10:24 PM
sounds good to me, too good. somehow I find it impossible because it would be the best kept secret. it reads as an excellent upbeat screenplay

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 03:31 PM
[doveofo] On Radio: NESARA Status Two Years After 9/11
September 7, 2003 12:35 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

Last evening I did a brief radio interview regarding NESARA and the 9/11
attacks; this interview will be part of a radio show which includes
several alternative sources of news about 9/11. It will be broadcast on
the second anniversary of September 11, 2001 on the Eben Ray show known as
Radio Alchemy on KPFK in Los Angeles. Eben's show is a late night show
which broadcasts on KPFK at 90.7 FM on the radio dial between 2 a.m. and 4
a.m. Pacific Time.

During the interview, first I covered the fact that all the 9/11 attacks
were on locations where very important NESARA announcement support
activities were set to occur in conjunction with the NESARA announcement
which was supposed to begin at 10 a.m. from Washington, D.C. I explained
that on 9/11/2001 at 9 a.m. EDT, a huge download of data for the new U.S.
Treasury Bank System was supposed to begin transmission from the key
NESARA banking center computers in the first tower attacked at the World
Trade Center. This key NESARA banking center was located on Floors One
and Two of the first tower attacked. This is why just minutes before this
huge data download for the new U.S. Treasury Bank System to hundreds of
banks in the U.S. was to begin, the WTC was attacked.

I explained that at the 9/11 attack location in Pennsylvania, there was a
very important underground facility needed to support the new U.S.
Treasury Bank System which was hit when the plane crashed exactly on
target. Early news reports actually showed a big white circle had been
drawn on the ground at the Pennsylvania location and the plane crashed
exactly in the middle of this circle. We have a report from a woman whose
home is next to the crash site that within ten minutes of the plane
crashing, dozens of FBI agents came running OUT OF THE WOODS near her
home. It was obvious these FBI agents had been WAITING for the plane to
crash in that exact spot and they went to each home in the area and told
people to keep quiet about what they saw. "COVER UP" is the action these
FBI agents were carrying out on orders from the Bush regime.

The Pentagon explosion site was at the Naval Communications Center
location which was coordinating many NESARA support activities on 9/11.
Every location hit on 9/11 was related to NESARA. Even Tower Seven of the
WTC was destroyed because it had U.S. Treasury Bank System documentation
supplies stored in it.

The Bush regime had begun buying large amounts of weapons in February
2001, seven months before 9/11. In July 2001, two months BEFORE 9/11,
Bush regime military officers had told people in Europe that the U.S.
would be attacking Afghanistan in October 2001; this was reported by the
BBC. The Bush regime ordered and carried out the 9/11 attacks to delay
NESARA's removal of the Bush regime officials and to advance the Bush
regime's part in the Illuminati global domination schemes. NESARA's
announcement is the beginning of the end of Illuminati global control and
new world order/one world order plots; this is why the Bush regime ordered
the 9/11 attacks to block NESARA's announcement.

To bring listeners up-to-date, I explained that in the last few weeks
there have been activities to end blocking of the NESARA announcement by
"double-agents" on the eleven member White Knights decision team by
replacing the double-agents with true White Knights. In addition I
mentioned that the World Court is expected to give the White Knights
orders to go ahead with the true NESARA law announcement sometime this
month, and that via we are organizing worldwide NESARA Take
Action Teams to heat up public support for NESARA.

The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act" - NESARA - provides
major benefits to Americans including:
1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans as
remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only"
sales tax revenue for government;
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserve
and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by
Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates
until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling
international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S.
aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.

To subscribe to the Dove Reports, please send an email to:
[email protected] with the Subject: "SUBSCRIBE" and I will
manually add you to the Dove egroup.

If you miss receiving the DAILY Dove Report, you may read it at the
following websites: The Dove Report is very easy to read on
this site. Click on "Daily Reports"

Every day I hear from at least a dozen people who are not receiving the
Dove Reports due to some kind of blocking on the Internet. If this
happens to you, you can always read the Reports at the websites above.

Please ALLOW 72 HOURS for processing "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe"

If you have a CHANGE of EMAIL ADDRESS, send me an email at
[email protected] with Subject of "Change of Address"; provide
your OLD email address and then your NEW email address. It causes us
tremendous numbers of bouncing emails if you forget to give us your change
of address and we need you to tell us the OLD email address to delete or
the computer will continue to send emails to your closed email account.
This causes internet congestion and other problems, so please give us your
email address change information each time you change addresses.

NESARA is the answer to neutralizing the Illuminati globalists who control
our country and our world. Everything seems to be coalescing in these
coming weeks to move NESARA into announcement. NESARA Yes!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the
world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is
"rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight" corporation or wealthy
person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world
the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and
banking fraud deserve to be called "White Knights". World Court is the
International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the

The Dove Report currently has 14,352 subscribers and is read by over
290,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published in
magazines and journals nationally and internationally.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To Unsubscribe from the dove_of_o group:

Send a blank email to [email protected] with subject of UNSUBSCRIBE


Use the easy form on our home page at and:
Enter in your email address
Click Send button.

Please allow 72 hours for processing of your request.

posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 06:10 PM

posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 08:02 PM
[doveofo] NESARA Websites Around the World; NTAT at World Court
October 5, 2003 4:22 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

Many of you worldwide have helped to spread the word of NESARA through your
websites and other activities. The NESARA Take Action Teams include people
from many countries worldwide who are publicizing NESARA in many ways.
NESARA's announcement initiates many activities to occur around the world
which will benefit people in all countries.

Today I'm acknowledging a few of the many websites which are supporting
NESARA and/or the Dove Reports around the world. On behalf of all the
world's people, I thank all the Webmasters of these websites who have put
so much time and energy into spreading the word of NESARA. To energize
NESARA into announcement is taking contributions by all of us!

I'm aware that Dove Reports are being translated into German, Spanish,
Finish, and most recently learned there is also a website with Portuguese
translations of the Dove Reports. I need someone who reads Portuguese to
review this website for me so I can publish some information about it. If
you read Portuguese and English, please email me at [email protected] with
Subject of "Portuguese translator".

I have received emails from over 30 webmasters who say their websites
support NESARA and/or the Dove Reports. I'm in the process of viewing each
of these websites and will share the links to all these websites with you
in another Dove Report when I've had a chance to finish reviewing these
websites. I'm asking any Webmaster whose website supports NESARA and/or
Dove and has NOT already sent me an email with their website address, to
please email me at [email protected] with your website information.

In order for all of us to begin to see how many people worldwide are
supporting NESARA, I suggest you CLICK ON each of the website links below.
The support for NESARA is much greater than even I knew. I hope you will
enjoy viewing the links below. This website for German speaking people is
dedicated to NESARA. It has DAILY German translations of the daily Dove
Reports (a big task) done by Webmaster Volkmar E. and other NESARA
information. If you click on this link
you will see a photograph of a crowd of marching with a NESARA sign which I
believe says in German "NESARA U.S. Law Brings Freedom". This Spanish language
website's home page is devoted to NESARA and has excerpts of past Dove
Reports about NESARA which are published in both Spanish and English. Luis
does the Spanish translations. Also has information from other sources,
some of which discuss NESARA, and also other topics. This Spanish language website's
home page is devoted to NESARA and has Spanish translations of excerpts
from Dove Reports done by Jaume O. This website also has information from
other sources about various topics. This Spanish language
website and has Spanish translations of excerpts from Dove Reports done by
Jaume O. This website also has information from other sources about
various topics. This Dutch (?) language website is dedicated to
NESARA. This English language website is devoted to
NESARA and provides links to Dove Reports and radio interviews and to . Has a NESARA Confirmations section which includes a
personal confirmation of NESARA by the Webmaster.

The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act" - NESARA - provides
major benefits to Americans including:
1. Forgiveness of credit card, mortgage debt, and other bank loans as
remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only"
sales tax revenue for government;
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System which absorbs the Federal Reserve
and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by
Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates
until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling
international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S.
aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.

To subscribe to the Dove Reports, please send an email to:
[email protected] with the Subject: "SUBSCRIBE" and I will manually add
you to the Dove egroup.

If you miss receiving the DAILY Dove Report, you may read it at the
following websites: The Dove Report is very easy to read on
this site. Click on "Daily Reports"

Every day I hear from at least a dozen people who are not receiving the
Dove Reports due to some kind of blocking on the Internet. If this happens
to you, you can always read the Reports at the websites above. If you miss
your Reports two days in a row, send me an email with Subject of
"Subscribe" and I'll make sure you are on the Dove mailing list. We are
still having trouble with some and some users receiving the
Dove Reports and it may take us another week to make progress on these

Please ALLOW 72 HOURS for processing "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe" requests.
If you wish to Unsubscribe, you must put the word "Unsubscribe" in the
Subject of your email as finding these emails is computerized. The
computer needs to find the word "Unsubscribe" or "Subscribe" in the Subject
of the email or your request will not be processed.

If you have a CHANGE of EMAIL ADDRESS, send me an email at
[email protected] with Subject of "Change of Address"; provide your OLD
email address and then your NEW email address.

Much is going on this weekend and the first part of this week to bring
about the clearing of the docket at World Court and the Court's
authorization of NESARA's announcement time period to begin soon. Also,
the White Knights have made major strides forward in other areas about
which I'm not able to write at this time. Unprecedented progress is being
made to move NESARA into announcement in the very near future!

Below is an email from our NESARA Take Action Team (NTAT) Directors over
Western Europe, Richard and Susan Collard, sharing with us that NTAT
members will be practically on the steps of World Court tomorrow in a
peaceful demonstration of support for NESARA! How timely for these NESARA
Take Action Team members to visit World Court on behalf of all of us and
let the Court know that the world's people want NESARA! If I could be
there with them, I would be. NESARA Now! NESARA Yes!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the
world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is
"rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight" corporation or wealthy
person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world
the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking
fraud deserve to be called "White Knights". World Court is the
International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the
Netherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush
Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different

The Dove Report currently has 14,619 subscribers and is read by over
290,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published in
magazines and journals nationally and internationally.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From: "R. + S. Callard"
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 1:39 PM
Subject: NTAT Action "on the world court steps"

Dear teammembers,
Liebe Teammitglieder,

*** ENGLISH ***
four of our dutch teammembers will be in Den Haag [The Hague] in Monday and
the days following and hand out flyers practically "on the steps" of the
World Court.

Please give them your unlimited support. You are still welcome to join
them. Please contact your teamleader for Jeannekes address. Else join them
in thought and spirit.

Thank you for your masterly work and support.

*** GERMAN ***
vier unserer Teammitglieder werden ab Montag in Den Haag "auf den Stufen"
des Weltgerichtshof Flugzettel verteilen.

Bitte gebt ihnen Eure Unterst�tzung. Ihr k�nnt sie sehr gerne vor Ort
unterst�tzen, bittet Euren TeamLeiter Euch mit Jeanneke in Verbindung zu
setzen. Ansonsten begleitet sie bitte in Gedanken und im Geist.

Vielen Dank f�r Eure meisterliche Arbeit und Unterst�tzung.


Richard & Susan Callard
Directors Europe
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

To Unsubscribe from the Dove Group:

Send a blank email to [email protected] with subject of UNSUBSCRIBE

Please allow 72 hours for processing of your request.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 08:51 AM
[doveofo] SUCCESS: World Court Authorizes NESARA Announcement Time Period
October 9, 2003 11:15 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

The World Court has officially authorized NESARA's announcement time

Late Wednesday night (Netherlands time), the World Court Judges issued the
order authorizing the White Knights to do the true NESARA law announcement.
The order was picked up, couriered, and guarded by a White Knight military
unit, taken to a White Knight U.S. Air Force jet nearby and flown
immediately across the Atlantic.

Three White Knight members of the White Knight decision team were alerted
by the World Court Judges to be ready to receive the order and were
standing by at the designated, high security delivery location near
Washington, D.C. Early this morning, (Thursday, October 9, 2003) the three
White Knights of the decision team signed for and officially received the
World Court's order containing the time period of NESARA's announcement and
the official "GO" signal.

The World Court has authorized NESARA's announcement time period to begin
today and continue for several weeks.

The members of the White Knights decision team in charge of all the
security and logistics for the NESARA announcement process have been in
meetings all this week in preparation for receiving the final "go" signal
from World Court. There are about 250 activities which White Knights must
handle in the hours just prior to, during, and after the NESARA
announcement. Most of these 250 activities are related to providing
security to key NESARA banking centers in the U.S., guarding more shipments
of the new U.S. Treasury currency to various locations around the U.S.,
shutting down IRS offices which process income tax returns from
individuals, putting Illuminati government officials under arrest, and many
other activities. All these White Knight activities will ensure that
NESARA's announcement goes smoothly.

The White Knights must deploy about 250 White Knight units to handle all
these security issues in the hours prior to NESARA's announcement. In
general, the White Knights need 36 to 48 hours of lead time prior to
announcing NESARA to accomplish these deployments of White Knight units
around the U.S.

For those of you new to the Dove Reports, let me explain that currently the
rules governing the DAYS of the week and the hours of the day that NESARA
can be announced are as follows. The World Court has approved that in
general, the White Knights can begin the NESARA announcement between 9 A.M.
and 10 P.M. Eastern Time on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, and on
Saturdays, they can begin the NESARA announcement between 9 A.M. and Noon
Eastern Time.

This approved days of the week criteria changes slightly when there is an
official holiday on a Monday in the time period of NESARA's announcement.
We have a holiday this coming Monday, October 13, 2003, when the U.S.
officially celebrates Columbus Day. All banks and federal government
offices will be closed on Monday, October 13th. Because this holiday
essentially extends the weekend, this gives the White Knights an additional
day this week, up to noon on Sunday, in which to begin the NESARA

When the NESARA announcement is broadcast, it will be broadcast on several
major radio and television networks simultaneously. The NESARA
announcement broadcast will be coordinated through the Emergency Broadcast
System in the U.S. Networks which will carry the NESARA announcement LIVE
on television include ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, USA network, Fox
Entertainment, Discovery, C-Span, and some others. CNN International and
Fox International will probably also carry the NESARA announcement live;
it's not currently known if the BBC will carry the announcement LIVE, but
there is a chance the BBC may carry it live. Among U.S. radio networks
which will carry the NESARA announcement LIVE are National Public Radio
(NPR) and CNN radio network.

The NESARA announcement will begin with an interruption in normal
programming explaining that there is breaking news or news of national
importance now coming from Washington, D.C. The Chief Justice of the U.S.
Supreme Court is expected to be the first speaker in the NESARA
announcement process and he will briefly introduce the NESARA law and
declare that the U.S. is now being returned to Constitutional Law.
(Regardless of your opinion of the Chief Justice, he is lawfully required
to perform this duty.) Next we expect to see the Bush Jr. and Cheney
resignation speeches which have been taped and are ready for broadcast.
The live-time swearing in ceremony of the NESARA President and Vice
President Designates will immediately follow the resignation speeches. The
remainder of the NESARA announcement process will include overviews of the
U.S. Treasury Bank System and new precious metals backed currency, NESARA's
bank debt forgiveness and other benefits, the history behind NESARA, and
how NESARA's improvements will be implemented in the U.S.

The entire NESARA announcement process is expected to take about four hours
from beginning to end. There will be 18 presenters in the NESARA
announcement process including experts in Constitutional Law, monetary and
economic systems experts, people involved with the Farmers Union court
case, and many others involved over the years in bringing the benefits of
NESARA to us. You might want to prepare your home video tape machine to
tape these four historic hours of the NESARA announcement for later

The NESARA Designate officials of the federal government will give MANY
follow-up news conferences in the days following NESARA's announcement
covering details about our new economic and currency system and other
NESARA benefits. Greenspan has compiled 30 hours of education on our new
monetary system which will be broadcast in the days following NESARA's
announcement. Some of the 30 hours of education will be applicable to
other countries which will also be announcing their own new banking systems
and precious metals backed currency in the week or so after NESARA's

In the days following NESARA's announcement, we will learn about the
international ripple effects of NESARA which will result in many
improvements for people around the world. Most people will benefit
personally from NESARA and NESARA's ripple effects in the next few years.
People whose incomes are reduced due to NESARA will be able to apply for
generous financial allotments to carry them through until they have new
sources of income.

The mass deliveries of the first 31 humanitarian prosperity programs
funding notifications will begin in the U.S. within three business days
after NESARA's announcement. Mass deliveries of the first 31 humanitarian
prosperity programs funding notifications in Canada may occur a few days
behind the mass deliveries in the U.S. due to a shortage of security
personnel to do the deliveries in Canada. Mass deliveries of the first 31
humanitarian prosperity programs funding notifications in other countries
around the world should begin within 10-14 days after mass deliveries begin
in the U.S. and complete within about five weeks after NESARA's
announcement. Banking systems in many countries need to announce their
improvements just prior to mass deliveries in those countries so the
prosperity funds will be protected under the new banking regulations in
each country. I will send out my most recent Receiving Reminders
information for prosperity program members immediately after NESARA is

Please do not write me about wanting to join these current prosperity
programs as they are NOT open for new members to join and have not been
open for three years. There will be new prosperity programs to which most
people not in the current programs will have access in the next three
years. The new prosperity programs in some countries, including the U.S.
financial redress prosperity program, will begin being publicized through
mass media and official announcements within three to four months after
NESARA is announced.

For those of you new to the Dove Reports and NESARA, please go to for details about the true NESARA law and how NESARA's
announcement begins many processes which will benefit the world's people.

To subscribe to the Dove Reports, please send an email to:
[email protected] with the Subject: "SUBSCRIBE" and I will manually add
you to the Dove egroup.

If you miss receiving the DAILY Dove Report, you may read it at the
following websites: The Dove Report is very easy to read on
this site. Click on "Dove Reports"

Every day I hear from at least a dozen people who are not receiving the
Dove Reports due to some kind of blocking on the Internet. If this happens
to you, you can always read the Reports at the websites above. If you miss
your Reports two days in a row, send me an email with Subject of
"Subscribe" and I'll make sure you are on the Dove mailing list. We are
still having trouble with some and users receiving the Dove
Reports and it may take us another week to make progress on these issues.

Please ALLOW 72 HOURS for processing "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe" requests.
If you wish to Unsubscribe, you must put the word "Unsubscribe" in the
Subject of your email as finding these emails is computerized. The
computer needs to find the word "Unsubscribe" or "Subscribe" in the Subject
of the email or your request will not be processed.

If you have a CHANGE of EMAIL ADDRESS, send me an email at
[email protected] with Subject of "Change of Address"; provide your OLD
email address and then your NEW email address.

Below is an article on a new product called Flu-Mist which will soon be
sold in stores such as Wal-Mart and which has the potential to "spread"
viruses rather than to reduce the number of people who are ill. Also, it
has the possibility of severely harming millions of people with weak immune
systems including children and the elderly. The Illuminati own most of the
world's pharmaceutical companies and one of the Illuminati plans is to
REDUCE world population by any means they can. My sources state this new
product, Flu-Mist, is DANGEROUS and should not be used. Please pass this
article below on to those you care about. In the article below, a medical
doctor explains why Flu-Mist is so dangerous.

Once NESARA is announced, the Illuminati's plots to cause harm and dominate
the world's people will begin being dismantled in many ways.

Folks, we are on the brink of seeing the true NESARA law announced! For
the first time ever, we have White Knights on the White Knights decision
team who are absolutely determined to get NESARA announced a.s.a.p. The
White Knights also have new and superior resources for accomplishing the
NESARA announcement and related activities. Let's keep all involved in
bringing us the blessings of NESARA in our prayers, meditations, and energy
work focuses. NESARA Now! NESARA Yes!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the
world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is
"rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight" corporation or wealthy
person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world
the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking
fraud deserve to be called "White Knights". World Court is the
International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the
Netherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush
Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with different
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Risks of FluMist Vaccine

By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

. there are many reasons for caution. FluMist contains live (attenuated)
influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of the vaccine
recipient. The most common side effects include "cough, runny nose/nasal
congestion, irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and fever 100�
F."[6] These symptoms are nearly identical to those the flu vaccine is
designed to prevent. [7]

A cause for significant concern is the vaccine's most prevalent side
effects: "runny nose" and "nasal congestion." It has been documented that
the live viruses from the vaccine can be shed (and potentially spread into
the community) from recipient children for up to 21 days, [8] and even
longer from adults. [9] Viral shedding also puts breastfeeding infants at
risk if the mother has been given FluMist. [10]

In addition to shedding via nasal secretions, the virus can be dispersed
through sneezing. What is the normal physiological response when an
irritant enters the nasal passages? A sneeze . sometimes a big sneeze .
sometimes several big sneezes. Therefore, the risk for shedding--and
spreading--live viruses throughout a school, church, workplace or
store--especially one which is administering the vaccine.
In the section of the FluMist package insert labeled "PRECAUTIONS," the
manufacturer states the following warning: "FluMist� recipients should
avoid close contact with
immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days."

The warning is specifically directed toward those living in the same
household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-going release of
live viruses throughout the community may be a significant risk to everyone
who has a weak, or weakened, immune system.

The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is enormous:
It is estimated that at least 10 percent, or more than 28 million people
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Send a blank email to [email protected] with subject of UNSUBSCRIBE

Please allow 72 hours for processing of your request.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:05 AM
If it is true there is more to it than is being disclosed.
It has been said by many to be a hoax.
I haven't the resources to verify whether it is true or not,so I must wait and see.
Anyone can write anything on the internet,it can be made to look totally legit and be nothing but bull#.
I wonder?,I'll just have to wait.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:08 AM
The Hoax's are the Hoax's

N.E.S.A.R.A. seems to be real. The world court and un emails check out. They were not public email address's

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:36 AM
Last I saw none of the nesara sights could keep their information straight. Laws passed, laws in front of congress, 2000, 2001, 2002, laws to put in front of congress. I have seen no proof of it being real. And I cannot find the thread that already showed it was not.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:46 AM

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 09:50 AM
there would be more to it than meets the eye,some sort of hidden contract that those who benefitted from NESARA would be compelled to perform under, something that would not ordinarily be agreed upon by people if they knew the true purpose of the legislation.
If it is true,it is a trick more than likely,but I don't think it is,I think it is a lie by those who profit from those who are gullible enough to believe these stories.
I may be wrong,call me a mugwump then.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 10:12 AM
Here is an interesting list of links about NESARA being fake...

Its a great idea, but it is way too good to be true.

Also, compare these 2 sites, which one sounds more plausable? Though I don't think either could happen anytime soon. VS

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 09:55 PM

Notice those chemtrails in the photo's.

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 06:17 PM
[doveofo] NESARA Removes Bush; Americans Want Bush Regime Gone; Poll
October 31, 2003 3:11 p.m. PDT

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

I am the REAL "America"! I and people like me, who reject the UNelected
Bush regime, are the REAL America.

The Bush regime is NOT "America". In January 2001 the Bush regime took
power via a coup d'etat carried out by a fraudulent election and a
fraudulent U.S. Supreme Court decision on December 12, 2000.

I will never forget watching that December 12, 2000, U.S. Supreme Court
session and how Justice Sandra Day O'Connor made a complete idiot of
herself by muttering that she just "didn't know why those people in
Florida" couldn't manage to punch out the right place on the ballot. She
made this ridiculous comment in spite of hundreds of mainstream media
reports that the ballots had been PURPOSELY mis-printed so that the
punch-out holes on the ballots were not lined up properly with the
candidates' names.

I will never forget the look on Justice Ruth Ginsburg's face when O'Connor
was muttering these insanities during the December 12, 2000 Court session.
It happens that O'Connor had promised Ginsburg and the other Justices who
voted against Bush that O'Connor was also going to rule against Bush.
That would have made the vote 5 to 4 against Bush. However, in top
Illuminati double-agent form, O'Connor double-crossed Ginsburg and the
other Justices and showed her true colors on national television when she
pretended stupidity about the tampering with the Florida election ballots.

This U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of Bush on December 12, 2000 was
a COUP D'ETAT by the Bush gang. This was the day the Bush gang hijacked
the U.S. government. I have found a website which does a good job of
explaining how the Bush gang's coup d'etat in 2000 worked. This is a scholarly review of how various
aspects of the coup were carried out; the facts are footnoted as to

I am surprised that some of our friends outside the U.S. are failing to
realize that MILLIONS of Americans are repulsed and disgusted by the Bush
regime. Many Americans are totally revolted by the antics of both
Congress and the UNelected Bush regime. Apparently people in other
countries are NOT getting the news of how many Americans reject the
warmongering Bush regime and the cowardly members of Congress.

It is true that we, who want to get rid of the Bush regime, are NOT
reported in the mainstream American media so we have no large voice in the
media. There are no big headlines expressing our huge disgust with the
Bush gang's hijacking of our country. The peace activists are not out in
the big numbers they were before the Bush attacks on Iraq because some of
them feel discouraged by failing to stop Bush. But there are polls which
are steadily showing MORE and MORE AMERICANS are ANTI-BUSH; I include an
article about one such poll dated October 29, 2003 below.

My sources tell me that the results of even this poll were "rigged" in
favor of Bush and that Bush's real approval rating is 40%. However, poll
results showing Bush's 40% rating are not allowed to be published in
mainstream media.

It appears the news services in other countries are also failing to report
that over half of Americans reject the Bush regime. This failure to
report the anti-Bush movement should be no surprise since ALL major news
media in ALL countries are controlled by the Illuminati.

Remember, the Illuminati run the major media in all countries and are
"globalists"; they have NO loyalty to any country or to any people except
themselves. The Bush regime officials are "Illuminati globalists" just as
the Tony Blair regime in Britain are "Illuminati globalists" and so are
most people holding high government positions in most other countries.

NESARA's announcement causes a clean sweep of our corrupt government
officials who are being forced to resign within 24-72 hours after NESARA
is announced. The Bush regime officials will be the first to resign and
many of them will be immediately put under guard to await public
disclosure of the indictments against the Bush regime for the 9/11 attacks
and other crimes.

The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act" - NESARA - provides
major benefits to Americans including:
1) Forgiveness of credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds;

2) Creates U.S. Treasury Bank system which absorbs the Federal Reserve and
new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
3) Restores Constitutional Law;
4) Requires resignations of Bush and Cheney to be replaced by
Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates
until new elections;
5) Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling
international banking improvements to proceed smoothly and ends U.S.
aggressive military actions immediately;
6) Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales
tax revenue for government, and many more improvements.

To learn more about NESARA, please read the History and Benefits sections
at .

Thomas Jefferson called upon Americans to always remember that government
can go bad and that a bad government should be overthrown. He said, ".
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and
provide new guards for their security." He also said, "Rebellion to
tyrants is obedience to God."

NESARA is OUR peaceful and lawful process of throwing off the corrupt
political process and government in the U.S. We, who support NESARA, are
the TRUE America. The corrupt politicians are not Americans; they are
Illuminati globalists who belong to no country and no people.

Some of you have written me about the man-made fires in the L.A. area of
California. Yes, these fires were set by federal government agents of the
CIA and FBI to serve the Bush regime for several reasons. There are
certain records being destroyed in these fires and also the fires are to
provide a diversion from other things happening in the L.A. area. There
will be NO terrorist attacks in L.A. just as there have been no major
terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 9/11 despite the thousands of efforts
by the Bush regime to cause more terrorist attacks; many attempted
terrorist attacks by the Bush regime in the U.S. have been neutralized by
the benevolent Forces and special units of the U.S. military White
Knights. There is skullduggery occurring in the L.A. area under cover of
these fires by order of the Bush regime.

I'm hearing that "planted false intelligence reports" are the Illuminati's
latest weapon against the White Knights who are overseeing actions to
bring us NESARA's announcement. The White Knights have discovered some of
the information they are receiving is false but they are not aware that
some intelligence they think is correct is also false. In addition, there
are two staffers to the White Knights who are secretly giving information
to the Illuminati and helping plant the false information which is now
delaying NESARA. The White Knights can surmount all the problems by
contacting Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine's office and asking for
immediate assistance.

Even if the White Knights don't choose to accept assistance now, there are
other factors coming to bear upon NESARA which will ensure that NESARA is
announced in the currently authorized time period. We can expect to have
a wonderful holiday season after NESARA's announcement.

As we approach NESARA's momentous announcement, I'm requesting that we
take a few minutes in prayer, meditation, or energy work focus to give our
support to the World Court Judges and White Knights. These brave people
are working on behalf of the world's people to bring about the most
historic and vast improvements on Earth in thousands of years; NESARA's
announcement is the catalyst of these wonderful improvements.

It is time that NESARA swept this country clean of the Bush regime and the
cowards in the U.S. Congress! There are many actions occurring about
which I cannot write and which are moving NESARA into announcement
position. It is only a matter of which day we will see NESARA's
announcement in this current time period! NESARA Yes! NESARA Now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The term "White Knights" is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the
world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is
"rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight" corporation or wealthy
person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world
the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and
banking fraud deserve to be called "White Knights". World Court is the
International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the
Netherlands. This is NOT the International Criminal Court from which Bush
Jr. removed the U.S. These are two totally different courts with
different purposes.

The Dove Report currently has 14,872 subscribers and is read by over
300,000 people worldwide in forums on other websites and published in
magazines and journals nationally and internationally.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

October 29, 2003, 10:27 AM EST

[Excerpt from article:]

Bush's approval has slipped to 51 percent, down from 53 percent in a Sept.
17 poll. It is his lowest approval rating since the Sept. 11, 2001
terrorist attacks.

In December 2001, 83 percent of voters said they approved of the job he
was doing.

Only 39 percent of those surveyed were happy with how Bush has handled the
economy. But 63 percent said they approved of his anti-terrorism policies.

Sixty-nine percent of voters said the economy would be the top issue on
their minds when they vote next year, while 20 percent said the Iraq war
would be their top issue.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 07:04 PM
If this is genuine - please explain a simple fact to me -

Floors 1 and 2 of both buildings in the WTC dont seem to have occupants ready to accept any data stream to have been targeted by any one ?.

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Silk
If this is genuine - please explain a simple fact to me -

Floors 1 and 2 of both buildings in the WTC dont seem to have occupants ready to accept any data stream to have been targeted by any one ?.

Explain how the above statement relates to NESARA?

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 07:29 PM
according the the first post message - floors one and two of the first tower were the headquarters of a data center for this organisation. Funny that they dont show up on the map of occupants.

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 07:33 PM
just to add - if they wernt there then the theory of a smoking gun doesnt work - so the 9-11 theory goes out the window - and any credibility the story has.

If you begin to doubt facts then anything else said begins to suffer. As I have posted - research is the key to Deny Ignorance.

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 07:40 PM
Silk, I guess I should read more of the stuff I post.

The reason it doesn't show up is because of the gag order. No one is allowed to talk about it or ecknowledge it's existance until it's announced. Read up on it.

It's secret!!!

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