originally posted by: onehuman
I will be the first to say that I am a far cry away of understanding anything more than a thimble full of what CERN is and what it does.
-10 points for a weak opening... if you don't understand what CERN is, maybe you are not the best to comment or make any statements about the
I do recall the last time it was powered up it didnt end well and we lost some scientist in a very messy way.
Im in the field of Particle Physics... the last time it was powered up, IT being the LHC... nothing happened to any scientist in any messy way... If
it had, there would have been a shut down and a huge investigation, and someone such as myself would have known about it, given that i know actually a
few people who were present at CERN during the last LHC turn on... So... sources please or... just top pulling things out of you backside.
CERN is a place, and an organization, its not a thing you can power up, there are many experiments there, and quite a few beam lines. CERN is the
European Organization for Nuclear Research, and is derived from the french Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire.
This video is an update on it and I would love to learn a bit more about it from those of you in the know about this field.
The video is a pretty poor sample of the information you can get about CERN from youtube. Since this is a general conspiracy website, I cannot say i
am shocked. Firstly, the video is wildly incorrect in like most details. At 3:42, his discussion about reaching peak luminosity and synchronicity...
because they wanted to bend the earths magnetic field... Garbage... total and utter garbage. The LHC tunnel is underground, there is a town right on
top of it. If it was to generate a magnetic field that escapes the superconductors and was able to penetrate through the Earth enough to change
anything in the Earths magnetic field... Yeah lets just say that the town near it would notice pretty much straight away.
Once again... if you believe this... you need to evaluate where you get your information from. Its ok to have an open mind, but having it so open your
brain falls out... is not generally a good idea.
His followup statements regarding 'thats how your compass works' shows he doesn't actually understand how the Earths magnetic field is at a
phenomenological level... The ground currents discussion is also total unintelligible babble the best i can tell.
The LHC was also not shutdown during the daytime due to power useage here is a nice plot
CERN and the LHC was never run only at night, this statement is utterly false. It is spoken by a person who knows absolutely nothing about the place
and is inventing a conspiracy as he goes along. Why? Who knows? Mental illness?
The video mentions that CERN has a magnetic field 100xs stronger than Earths. Why do they need that much power and what is it exactly that they are
trying to accomplish? My gut feels like this is something that will never end well for all of us with that much power in mans hand.
The magnets that the LHC uses get up to about 8 Tesla, an MRI scanner with a powerful magnet can hit 3... the record is held by MagLab at 45 Tesla...
you can actually generate a magnetic field more powerful than the Earths with a few wires and a battery... he doesn't appear to understand much, but
talks like he is somehow in the know... His plots that he is showing are also all public information.... there is nothing secret about it.
One other thought on my mind about this.
It has been said that the vaxccine has a lot of Metal type variants in it. With that much magnetic force coming from CERN, could that have a major
effect on those that have been vaccinated? Are we going to see some very odd things with the people when that thing is back up to full power? I know
that all sounds very much like a sci-fi thriller, but....
I did a quick search, only reference to metals in the covid vaccine, were from muppets who think that having greasy skin is somehow akin to being
magnetized... CERN will have about as much affect on people who have been vaccinated, as simple statistics and school has apparently had on people who
are anti-vax anti mask... absolutely none.
Want to know about Particle Physics from someone who actually works in the Field... here i am... but im not around much since this place has become
somewhat swampy with people who claim to know everything... except they really know next to nothing.