posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 11:57 AM
If you wish to see the future visit any of the hundreds of thousands of nursing homes that are popping up everywhere to keep up with the huge demand
of an aging population.
You will discover a living nightmare of never ending misery, where people are kept alive with medication pumped into their bodies with machines or
taken orally every few hours.
Most of these people have worked all their lives believing that some day they could retire and enjoy life. Instead they end up in human landfills,
discarded, by a society that doesn’t have the compassionate backbone, to deal with old decrepit people and those severely damaged by accidents or
other misfortunes of life.
You walk through halls of hell and peer into rooms and look into the eyes of desperation-----yet no one seems to be able to help them. They look up at
you like lost children hoping that you have come to visit them. They call you by name, a name you never heard; perhaps it’s a name of one of their
children that they haven’t seen in weeks months or years.
Some are forgotten by family who are too ashamed to admit they want nothing to do with them, others are not forgotten but don’t remember who their
loved ones are anymore.
Millions of people enter human landfills every week-----it’s only a matter of time that you and I will be dumped into one.
[edit on 26-3-2005 by sleeper]