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End Game: Immunity as a Service - A Subscription-Based Business Model

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posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:02 PM
Many have the opinion and rightly so that this is the end-game. Big Phrama finally has a crisis big enough to implement their dream of Immunity as a service subscription. All the pieces have fallen in place. They have the government agencies and the politicians in their service and even have the government ordering / mandating that the entire population use their for-profit product! It is their dream come true.

The article linked is a very long read but has so much in it that I can barely scratch the surface with such a small copy paste from it.

Introducing Immunity as a Service – A Subscription-Based Business Model for the Pharmaceutical Industry (It was always about the money!)

Every single public health official in the world has the education to know that what they have been promoting, from day one, is gibberish. What I have laid out in this essay is pretty basic virology and immunology knowledge. Which raises a rather alarming question: how can any virologist, immunologist, vaccine maker, or public health official knowingly promote this lie?

Why is there such a blind obsession with getting us all to take a vaccine that most people do not need and that can never provide long-lasting herd immunity?

But our public health officials and international health organizations are trained to know better. Yet they nevertheless set this nightmare in motion in violation of all their own long-established pandemic planning guidelines. They know eradication is impossible. They know most of us already have cross-reactive immunity. They know most of us are healthy enough so that our immune systems will protect us against severe outcomes from this virus. They know about the negative consequences imposed on our immune systems when we are prevented from living normal lives. They know they are increasing our risk to other viruses by preventing us from socializing. It's their job to know. And, as I have demonstrated, they have known since day one.

It is all about the money.

"Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs [medical counter measures] such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated."

Isn't it ironic that he didn't even care which vaccine was pushed? Influenza or coronavirus, it made no difference. It was always about funding. It was always about the money. It always was. It always is.

The holy trinity of pharmaceutical companies, public health, and international health organizations, all egging each other on in their hunger for a reliable flow of cash: shareholder profits, larger budgets, and governmental donations. Their interests are perfectly aligned and the lines between them are blurred to such a degree that each benefits from reinforcing one another's best interests.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: infolurker

That's bullcrap.

Where does that place me and people like me who physically cannot take the vax?

*flips off pharma and government*

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:28 PM
it is single payer healthcare.

most people do not have the financial means to pay for a subscription service of healthcare.
thus it must be funded by the government.
the government funds the service through taxes on corporations (which increase the price of goods) and through inflation (which increases the price of goods)

most people do not realize they have no need for healthcare and are blackmailed into the idea through guilt.
which usually only works until they cannot put food on the table, shelter over their heads, and heat in the furnace.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: infolurker

That's bullcrap.

Where does that place me and people like me who physically cannot take the vax?

*flips off pharma and government*

Where does it place you and people like you?

It places you directly into the Catbird seat, A very enviable position . ( Scoots over.. Makes room) Congratulations! You have the enviable "natural, broad spectrum antibodies" that God gave you still intact. You may get a little sick every 5 years or so, but your fate, is likely not to die. Even if the Dollar collapses into a heap of dung, you wont need to worry about how and where you will get your next protein spike un natural antibody fix from.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: infolurker

That's bullcrap.

Where does that place me and people like me who physically cannot take the vax?

*flips off pharma and government*

Where does it place you and people like you?

It places you directly into the Catbird seat, A very enviable position . ( Scoots over.. Makes room) Congratulations! You have the enviable "natural, broad spectrum antibodies" that God gave you still intact. You may get a little sick every 5 years or so, but your fate, is likely not to die. Even if the Dollar collapses into a heap of dung, you wont need to worry about how and where you will get your next protein spike un natural antibody fix from.

My friend, I always love your take on things. Scoot over and make some room now...gonna reply. I think, like you suggest above, that there is coming a time soon when these roles are going to dramatically switch. Those who stood strong and refused this lie are going to burst forth on top. We're not going to be chained down to these services that we won't need. That's like saying that coc aine is going to ruin your life when your habit tops out at an occasional O'Douls. Also, necessity being the mother of invention, watch how an alternate market-place will begin to form based around the pressures placed upon the unvaxxed. We will be removed from the system of control, the vaxxed will be mired in it. We, as you say, will sit in the CatBird Seat...

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 03:46 PM
More like

End game: political distraction to maintain power, graphene brain control or population reduction.

You really think this is about money?
A subscription service?
Come on now

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
More like

End game: political distraction to maintain power, graphene brain control or population reduction.

You really think this is about money?
A subscription service?
Come on now

Bourla said he believes the world could return to "normal life" within a year, although vaccinations will still be needed as new variants will likely continue coming out around the world.

Bourla noted that future vaccines could last at least a year to fight these new variants.

Absolutely IAAS.....straight from Bourla's mouth.

Right after he crapped on the idea of releasing IP rights to the vaccine:

"Intellectual property is what created the thriving life sciences sector that was ready when the pandemic hit," Bourla said. "Without that, we wouldn’t be here to discuss if we need boosters or not because we wouldn’t have vaccines."

And then said:

Bourla also said the U.S. government in a recent agreement with the company bought 1 billion vaccine doses at cost, and they donate those doses at no cost to poorer countries.
"There’s no other company that can claim to have done so much good for humanity than we have done," Bourla said, calling Frieden’s comments "unfair."

I think he is confusing "no cost" with US taxpayer funded.

edit on 9/26/21 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

You really believe it’s about graphene brain control ?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Superecho2021

It's definitely not about a virus.
Who knows what it's for.
Without sounding nuts, it sounds nuts that graphene has been used for mind control.
Now it just appears in the vax?
So mind control is a REAL possibility now.
Even if it's not a remote brain control situation, may be a "cook those in range of x" type situation.
Also, the Pcr shows positive results for the vid from the flu...while flu reports go to zero?
My butt.

But to call this a money thing is nuts I think.
Look a Australia right now.

Another option is the intentional destruction of the economy.
Show a flu symptom virus(really the flu),
ramp up anxiety with fake tests, roll out a rushed experimental, gene editing(doubt it) vaccine
...That any sane person would say hell no to.
Even get the sketchy, smirking, pervo, prior vax hijinks Bill Gates involved.
Get businesses on board.
Everyone quits.
Markets and businesses crash.

You tell me your thoughts and why...
I'd love some brainstorming here in clownworld.

edit on 9 by Mandroid7 because: Corr

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Mandroid, I don't know if it's that sweet ass Blue Steel look your giving me you sexy bastard, or the eloquence of your writing style, but I'm more inclined to agree with you than not. I think you have to look at what is money in this situation. Well, money is a tool to be certain, but then what's behind the use of that tool, what agenda? I think this is more what you're talking about, and what I agree with. People get caught in the trap of this all being about money. Is it? To some extent, sure. Remember that sleaze-bag Larry Silverstein (think that was his name) who signed a 99 year long lease for nothing and then collected billions of dollars when 9/11 happened just months after. Yeah, he did it for the money. But those who ensure that he was tempted by the money had different goals in mind. Money motivates these evil bastards, make no mistake, but the truly evil bastards pulling the strings on them have something far more nefarious in mind, and mind-control is in no way beyond that. Hell, mind control is happening right now, right in front of us. How often do we get on here and scream at our screens, why can't people see this!? Why can't they see it makes no sense, that they're being manipulated, lied to, why do they follow this madness? That's mind control...

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Lol, hey thanks!! By my 10,000th comment, I may have my grammar down.
No promises though.
Wait, you like money too? (-Idiocracy)
Agree with you there.

The whole thing is beyond bizarre.
I have this feeling in the back of my head that there is some cataclysmic event happening.
Nothing else makes sense.
Just going to ride it out and see.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

It's all about the economy. How to crash one system and bring in the next with the old boys still on top.If they just let it happen they would dissolve in the chaos., It's not the thirties too many people, and those people expect a certain standard of living it cant just crash overnight. They cant go on back to the farm anymore. You would have a situation that would get out of control really fast. So they are controlling the collapse, massive money printing, share market control, Precious metal price rigging. The excuse that Covid has closed the economy, is a good idea. But there won't be any money, the new digital money is like a ration card . But for people to accept it has to get really bad first. Then they come up with a solution but they can't carry the present numbers.Soon the price of gas will get so bad you will have to share a car to get to the mall for your groceries, it is already illegal to grow food on your front lawn.If you have a chicken pen the riot police will just come and kill the birds as a health hazard.You cant collect water off the roof that's illegal as well.Most of the small businesses are now belly up. which leaves only those in the Globalist cabal to trade with online.
The only problem this plan is an idea cooked up by a few,and if it comes apart at the seams there is no plan B. Hence the draconian two step I think they have run out of luck.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 09:03 PM
Manipulate consent through fear
suspend permanently freedom for safety, the rest fall in-line or become a threat,
eventually eliminated.
Distribute a means to distinguish between the two (passport) ,while further eroding freedoms.
Those compliant will be further subjected to alterations and regulation,
with no legal recourse
what is certain is this was impeccably designed and planned long ago.
A mixture of population control,and reduction
with the goal of further enslaving the planet.
This would be the new world order or its initial stages
I don't expect to see an end to this in my lifetime,or probably my children's
A true evil has descended upon us, the likes we have not seen in 80+ years

edit on pmSundaySunday21000000009pm9 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: all2human

This is a great breakdown. It's the smell of fear.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I think you are right. The tactical crash of econmies.
It's hard to tell the target here though.
All countries economies at once? Maybe
If all countries are hit at once, it tyrns into a war of attrition.
Which country lasts the longest?
Everybody won't crash at the same time.
If everyone says all clear at the same time, those countries in tht he best positions will recover the fastest.
They will be the main suppliers to everyone else and make bank.

Another odd angle I've discussed with friends about this vax is the saline situation.
A Ton of reporrs have come forward about just saline being found. Not just a couple reports.
It was brushed off on reports of "a nurse made them" then they claimed it was for a control group once enough reports came out. That is complete bs imo. Suspicious beyond belief.
"Sorry granny, you got the placebo!!"
What if they are all saline? What if the reactions are all bs?
Tptb aren't retarded or unaware that news sources are getting ignored in the younger generations.
This will naturally make them run propaganda on social media. Probably with chatbots or AI.
"Omg, my 30 yr old brother died of a heart attack!!"
-daily daily report

This all kind of makes sense.
Pcr pos flu tests, flu disappears
Obviously intentionally manipulated numbers
Experimental dna changing shot
Ghosttown hospitals
Tiktok covid nurses
Saline reports
Scared workers
Businesses influenced to require since its illegal for gov to
Employees say hell no
Business dies
Econ crashes

Back to the attrition topic. It would be like a ww2 boom sort of.
The last man standing will be the biggest exporter around.

edit on 9 by Mandroid7 because: Added

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

If they intend on crashing the economy, history would show a major war would be the recovery
but a war nobody would win.
unless there were backdoor agreements not to go nuclear
population reduction over mass destruction would be more realistic, provided those money makers still need a place of business.
edit on pmSundaySunday21100000009pm9 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

I think the next few weeks will be interesting, But as far as the trial lasting to 2023, would mean that some batches are saline some are the ten-twenty or thirty dose. Since every dose has a barcode, they would link it to the patient given the shot.I guess only the manufacturers would know who got what.But when they line up for the second shot it might just be a lottery, which seems to be at the moment the worse shot. All the cops in NSW and Queensland have to have the shot soon so we will see what happens if they give their enforcers the real thing, and don't know what's in it they really must be just idiots.

posted on Sep, 27 2021 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: infolurker

The money is merely the carrots that the farmer plants and grows, and uses to dangle in front of the asses, to keep us, oops, them moving the cart on down the road.

Money is nothing.

Asses haulin' ass(ets) : now we're getting closer.

Just closer. Not there quite yet.

They want to measure and quantify everything, to control all that is controllable, and predict as accurately as possible the uncontrollable.

Unruly Humans are uncontrollable and unpredictable, so :
Problem ; reaction ; solution !!

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Mandroid7

I read the presentation paper you provided. No where in the paper was the word graphene mentioned…no where…it was all about magnetic stimulation of a rats brain after they drilled a hole it’s skull. Nothing about brain control either but again graphene was NEVER mentioned once nor was it listed in the equipment they used for the experiment.

“Without sounding nuts”…I am sorry but it’s too late as you and many others have lost your minds over analyzing an engineered vaccine. The paper you listed as a source is about stimulating motor neurons in the brain after an implant, most likely to be able to one day provide those with handicapps to regain movement not brain control


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