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Lets read the comments and decide all about Covid with some very informative replies

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posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 04:37 PM
On a website the comments were allowed so far to be published. Lets hope people start reading them. What I find it so strange is the the gene therapy type of what they call a " vaccine " is not working as promised so the wording of it has been changing during the " meeting of the minds " to calm down the false narrative of the what many here have been saying is ' a planned demic " .

What really is confusing is America now has about 700000 cases of death from the Covid ( I'm not sure what the real name is ) , yet another country with 130 million people vs. America with 340 million people have seen about 17000 actual deaths from Covid.

enjoy the comments
well worth the read
edit on 0900000046482021-09-25T16:48:46-05:00484609pm4 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0900000014022021-09-25T17:02:14-05:00021409pm5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

there are no comments on the page you linked, and I broke my rule of not clicking on fox news or CNN

what is your other country why dont you disclose it in your OP, how can anyone compare what you are stating or discuss it

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: musicismagic

there are no comments on the page you linked, and I broke my rule of not clicking on fox news or CNN

what is your other country why dont you disclose it in your OP, how can anyone compare what you are stating or discuss it

Here are some commentsl

14 New Comments
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17 hours ago

And don’t forget, Biden made sure that members of Congress were exempt from their own mandate. This is the difference between being governed and being ruled.




12 hours ago

Replying to itspuddingtimebiden
Lets follow the money trail and see who in government is benefiting from political donations made by the pharmaceutical companies, the vaccine makers!!




46 minutes ago

Replying to Eric999


Show 25 more replies

13 hours ago

Replying to itspuddingtimebiden
The executive branch of the US Government has no authority to order the legislative branch to do anything. That is call the US CONSTITUTION.




46 minutes ago

Replying to ReedMore
In theory, yes. De facto not so much.


Show 18 more replies

Show 92 more replies

17 hours ago

I remember the good old days when we had low gas prices, low energy bills, low inflation, low unemployment and a secure border. That all took a turn for the worse 8 months ago.




11 hours ago

Replying to ceejay123
And the commie media says nothing. We have grocery stores with empty sections of shelves for various foods. Never in my 50 years have I seen this. Tried to order a freezer. Delivery may be in December. We can't ship products at work due to component shortages and our vendors have given us 2 and some...See more




11 replies

9 hours ago

Replying to ceejay123
I miss Trump too.




47 minutes ago

Replying to ceejay123
How does someone become as disconnected from reality as you?

Maybe the site was taken down ?

I just checked all is well on the site.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: musicismagic

there are no comments on the page you linked, and I broke my rule of not clicking on fox news or CNN

what is your other country why dont you disclose it in your OP, how can anyone compare what you are stating or discuss it

He is in Japan, and the link worked just fine for me...

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

link works but I can see no comments, I am in UK

so am I to assume the other country in the OP is Japan

I would rather the OP made it clear as oppossed to making assumptions based on size of population

Is OP suprised by the comments on fox news, I imagine the comments were the same on CNN when Trump was in, not sure how that is some sort of revalation
edit on 000000p3006America/Chicago925202169 by UpThenDown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

link works but I can see no comments, I am in UK

so am I to assume the other country in the OP is Japan

I would rather the OP made it clear as oppossed to making assumptions based on size of population

Is OP suprised by the comments on fox news, I imagine the comments were the same on CNN when Trump was in, not sure how that is some sort of revalation

Most likely due to GDPR regulations .

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

You might find this of interest in addition to your thread.

COVID-19 vaccines have devastating long-term effects, warns Nobel Prize winner

Montagnier has trained his expertise on the coronavirus and on the experimental and deadly vaccines developed to supposedly counteract it. He has spoken on multiple occasions regarding how the COVID-19 vaccines spur on the development of even deadlier vaccine-borne variants. (Related: COVID-19 vaccines ENABLE the development of deadlier coronavirus variants, warns Nobel Prize winner.)

“It’s very simple, they [coronavirus variants] arise from vaccination,”
. The virologist noted that the coronavirus already has a great ability to mutate, like influenza, and many of its later mutations such as the delta variant are empowered by the vaccines.

“It is vaccination that spurs the creation of new strains of the virus,” said Montagnier. “The Chinese virus collides with the antibodies created by the vaccine, and it has two paths: Either to die or to look for a way to bypass the vaccine. The new strains are the virus’s response to vaccination.”

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
On a website the comments were allowed so far to be published. Lets hope people start reading them. What I find it so strange is the the gene therapy type of what they call a " vaccine " is not working as promised so the wording of it has been changing during the " meeting of the minds " to calm down the false narrative of the what many here have been saying is ' a planned demic " .

So, they fixed what by redefining dictionary meanings?

What really is confusing is America now has about 700000 cases of death from the Covid ( I'm not sure what the real name is ) , yet another country with 130 million people vs. America with 340 million people have seen about 17000 actual deaths from Covid.

enjoy the comments
well worth the read

If someone in the public eye recommends something that will lead to the deaths of more people, on a scale of 100's of thousands of deaths, does that make them a serial killer?

Just what is Tucker proposing, and why?


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