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Evolutionary Forces, and the Un-Vaccinated putting the vaxxed at risk

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posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 10:55 AM
Take note of this post and share it. I have known this scientific fact for 20+ years, and I thought it was well understood by the general population, a lot of us geeks thought so. I realize now that a major part of science has been left out of the conversation intentionally, and a large percentage of the population is being swayed VIA fear and ignorance.


As you see in the video, new variables force evolution. Bacteria are the perfect way for us to test this because of their fast life cycle and ability to evolve quickly in a controlled way we can measure. The bacteria is faced with a problem. The lines of meds in the dish killed off all its ancestors. Its growth is halted, unless it evolves. See it had no reason to evolve before it hit the part of the dish lined with meds to kill it, it was thriving. The meds killed it as they should, but because the bacteria was not killed off entirely, what's left will reproduce, with the subsequent generations wanting to continue the original course. A couple of generations later and they have mutated enough to continue along their path, because they have mutated to the point they are now resistant to what killed the others.

I'm am not going to put this in any complicated words that may lose anyone. Our bodies are giant complex petri dishes, any molecular biologist would agree with that statement. Any virus that has spread throughout the human species has figured out how to live in this petri dish. Bacteria and viruses live, survive, and replicate as they are in our bodies every day. There is no reason for them to evolve, they got it all figured out and are doing perfectly fine surviving. As a matter of fact, COVID does such a great job in its original form, they called it a pandemic. At that point it will evolve like humans, very very slow with each generation, nothing recognizable as a major change, the would be a big fluke in that environment. Any natural evolution would be minimal in its ideal environment, and most of the time not useful.

Now lets take 100,000,000 human out of the 7,000,000,000 on the planet, and give them a ramped up immune system that makes it very hard for COVID to survive, but not so difficult it stops the COVID from being able to survive at all. So the viral load cannot get as high, the COVID cannot thrive in these people. We can say these people experience "lesser symptoms". Now think to the petri dish. The lines of antibiotics halting the bacteria in the dish are the same as the vaccines "slowing the spread". The fresh side of the petri dish on the other side of the meds had "lesser symptoms" for a while. So the RONA is faced with a problem when it hits a vaccinated person, it can evolve, or DIE since it needs to replicate and shed to survive (it needs to be more infectious at this smaller load in order to still be contagious).

As we all should know by now, RNA evolves RAPIDLY and easily when exposed to things that create stress in the environment. That is exactly how gain of function works. They expose disease to stresses that halt its ability to function properly, until it evolves further to function in the hostile environment. They isolate the features they want to evolve. This is how they can shape viruses to be more or less infectious, or enhance certain symptoms and characteristics if you were to catch it. For example, if you have a disease really good at infecting bats, you can put it in an environment where 90% of the cells are the ones you WANT it to evolve to be able to target, and the other 10% are bat cells it already knows. It will evolve, its just a question of how many generations it will take. In a lab this can be accelerated exponentially. THIS IS HOW THAT CAN BE DONE: WORLDS LONGEST RUNNING EXPERIMENT, GROWING GENERATIONS AND GENERATIONS OF EVOLVING BACTERIA

So I would really really like to know where I went wrong, and how I failed biology without knowing it. I would love to know what part of Darwin's basic theory is completely wrong. What parts of all this that we can prove with experiments are wrong? For many months now I have heard about the risk of the unvaccinated. What science backs this up? You can think of the un-vaccinated as a petri dish that has no medicine in it. Just a dish with food to grow the bacteria or virus. You could say they have more virus, but no one who's immune system defeated that virus has anything at all to fear. Their IMMUNE SYSTEM EVOLVED to deafeat it, the same way bacteria and viruses evolve to survive. There is an immune system to fight it, but that immune system is not introducing anything the previous 1,000,000 people's immune systems did not, so no reason to change or evolve for things when fighting the immune system on its own. If you want increased resistance you need to add a bunch to the immune system.

So what happens if you put partial resistance in people? Just enough to reduce symptoms, but not enough to kill it or stop them from getting sick? What will happen to that virus in the harsh environment with new variables that are killing it? What happened to the bacteria in the petri dish? If you took a shot, the virus can live in your body, as everyone knows. If the virus lives in a human for a week trying to make them sick, because the human is not strong enough to kill it off, so you have a contained cluster of COVID trying to replicate, but the mRNA created an un-natural partial immunity. That is important to understand is NOT the same immunity it would have encountered through nature. (I can prove that also) The COVID has the same choice the bacteria had, evolve, or die.

The vaxxed have zero to fear from the un-vaccinated. That is the most absurd anti-science thing I have ever heard. Its the opposite.

Dont forget, this is why many many many scientists kept explaining to the world that we will all get natural immunity. That would have been much better since it would have slowed the evolution of COVID down to LESS than that of the flu. If you want to know why it would mutate less than the flu naturally, challenge that statement and I will explain exactly why that is in a reply.

edit on 25-9-2021 by TrollMagnet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: TrollMagnet


Whaaaaat? Did we just become best friends? Yep!

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: TheMirrorSelf
a reply to: TrollMagnet


Whaaaaat? Did we just become best friends? Yep!

If you understand that putting environmental forces on COVID, VIA incomplete vaccines that were not ready to be rolled out, because they could not teach the immune system to kill COVID completely, leaving nothing behind to mutate, and that those mutations are the reason why there are so many variants, than yes, we're besties.

I'm sure I could phrase that better, but all my patience went into the original post.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 11:48 AM
The vaccinated are out and about believing they cannot get or spread the virus. They only get some benefit of the virus not going covid 19 if they get vaccinated, they still get it but have a reduction in time the virus can grow to get bad...from ten days down to between five and seven days. Along comes Delta and what happens, the virus jumps up production and their ninety five percent protection rate of possible turning to covid goes down to under eighty percent, actually lower than if they had no shot at all with the pfizer five months later. Hmmm.....sounds like it doesn't work unless you get a shot every four months to maintain protection you had with no vaccine at all.

Yes, some people with certain immune system insufficiency will benefit, but most people won't. If you get the virus naturally, you have continuing protection to the virus for a while too, and since they cannot irradicate it with vaccines, being out in public and exposed to it with just some social distancing and masks in crowded places will reinitiate your natural immunity when exposed. It does go down somewhat if not exposed for many months which will never happen anymore. The CDC and FDA are not even close to being sensible in their philosophy they are using.

Protect those at risk and let the rest build natural immunity. Even with natural immunity the time to jump up immunity seems to be faster than what you get with the vaccine. Not much faster, maybe four days instead of five to seven that you have with the vaccine. Most people do not even use their antibody system to fight this virus, they use their innate system then figure out how to create antibodies for it in the process, just like they do for many other viruses.

It is not science that is flawed, it is the interpretation of the science by high ranking government health agencies officials that is the problem. They want us to believe in them but they are denying that the vast majority of people have good immune systems and can naturally get immunity.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: TrollMagnet

originally posted by: TheMirrorSelf
a reply to: TrollMagnet


Whaaaaat? Did we just become best friends? Yep!

If you understand that putting environmental forces on COVID, VIA incomplete vaccines that were not ready to be rolled out, because they could not teach the immune system to kill COVID completely, leaving nothing behind to mutate, and that those mutations are the reason why there are so many variants, than yes, we're besties.

I'm sure I could phrase that better, but all my patience went into the original post.

Yes...what you said.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

There are four major blood groups determined by the presence or absence of two antigens – A and B – on the surface of red blood cells. In addition to the A and B antigens, there is a protein called the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (–), creating the 8 most common blood types (A+, A-,  B+, B-,  O+, O-,  AB+, AB-).

Since some antigens can trigger a patient's immune system to attack the transfused blood, safe blood transfusions depend on careful blood typing and cross-matching. 

Too bad nobody is compiling mortality rates of the jab against each blood type...
Not initiating such a study after 20 months is diabolical.

Demonizing viable treatment options; antiparasitics is something only a parasite would do.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 12:53 PM

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

Sadly it comes back to how our very expensive big pharma hell bend to only create profitable treatments but no cures, will do anything they can to keep viruses and infections as high as possible.

Natural immunity is a danger to their scheme or keeping people hook to their covid boosters for life.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: loveguy
a reply to: TrollMagnet

There are four major blood groups determined by the presence or absence of two antigens – A and B – on the surface of red blood cells. In addition to the A and B antigens, there is a protein called the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (–), creating the 8 most common blood types (A+, A-,  B+, B-,  O+, O-,  AB+, AB-).

Since some antigens can trigger a patient's immune system to attack the transfused blood, safe blood transfusions depend on careful blood typing and cross-matching. 

Too bad nobody is compiling mortality rates of the jab against each blood type...
Not initiating such a study after 20 months is diabolical.

Demonizing viable treatment options; antiparasitics is something only a parasite would do.

I am AB+, I actually trust my immune system more than most just because of that fact. I also work out, supplement, and watch my weight. We are going in a direction of needing a vax to not get extremely sick due to the pharmaceutically mutated COVID that may exist later on. I am not social distancing and am going to let my immune system keep getting exposed to things the same way I have since the beginning of all this.

The worst group to be in will end up being unvaccinated people that are shut ins and play games all day. I will keep riding my motorcycle and going to parties.

"Demonizing viable treatment options; antiparasitics is something only a parasite would do." I got to remember that one

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

Wrong on several very serious points.

It is people NOT completing there course of Anti-Biotic treatment which allows Anti-Biotic strains of BACTERIA to mutate, antibiotics unless you missed the fact in your education are NOT effective against Virus based infections and other drug's have to be used to treat those.

And of course inoculation against a Bacteria is definitely NOT the same thing as an Antibiotic.

Most resistant bacteria that cause infection are a result of people whom still carry a BACTERIAL infection but feel well stopping taking there antibiotics allowing the stronger more resistant bacteria to then either re-infect them (if there immune system is compromised and they have not built up an immunological response to the germs) or to then infect someone else passing these antibiotic resistant bacteria on and of course there is also the prevalence of chemical and antibiotics from over use by our society were at one time Doctors were even prescribing Antibiotics to people with common cold's (the Placebo Argument) despite there complete ineffectiveness against Viral conditions (ok some cold like illness were bacteria bases to in those cases affective) in our waste which has also polluted ground water and created an environment in which antibiotic strains of bacilli have and do also developed.

A Virologic Vaccination or LACK of Vaccination has absolutely NO bearing on this whatsoever.

To be unvaccinated against a Viral Infection means you may be more prone to infection even by those whom ARE vaccinated against a Virus whom can still become infected and spread it in some cases but it does NOT mean that you are a threat to the vaccinated and indeed there is no driving force to create a more resistant strain in unvaccinated people.

The same Argument also apples' to Bacterial vaccinations as the driving force for bacteria to mutate other than random mutation is selective adaptation to the environment (Body's) they have infected, the unvaccinated have no driving force to create an adverse environment that would drive the success of anti vaccine mutated virus or bacteria.

So I call foul on that argument since it not only break the tenets of Science but is patently wrong.

What you call fear other's would call common sense caution.

For a FACT reverse Transcription CAN occur the mRNA vaccines are in breach of the Geneva Protocols agreed after WW2 and genuine REAL vaccines have been suppresses such as
The Authority's are prosecuting this Professor for the very same crime they have ALLOWED the big pharmaceutical drug pushing company's to get away with, what is more they have given these corrupt institutions licence do pretty much whatever they want under the umbrella of immunity given for the unethical and faulty Covid 19 experiment Messenger RNA treatment (Lets NOT call them vaccines shall we it gives REAL vaccines a very bad name not that the gates foundation did not already do that with tainted vaccines in India and Africa that had birth control compounds in them - they paid off the politicians in India but could not pay off the Catholic Church though they did the governments in Africa).

Already seeing a possible end to there sudden cash cow that has given these Pharmaceutical company's more power than national governments the CEO of Moderna for example has suggested people will have to continue to receive the Booster shot indefinitely (Forever) so ensuring that his company will continue to reap in huge profits from this, of course nothing new here we have heard of many story's of them clamping down on cures and treatments that would have affected there profits in other areas such as homeopathic remedies (and yes Homeopathy is a real science based branch of medicine that was suppressed due to the big money in the way the vast majority doctors treat disease today with an infiltration of university boards in the early 20th century by those that pushed the vested interests of the drug company's) and of course Cancer Treatments were there are many cases were cures that saved thousands of people were then pushed down and hidden often with the doctors that administered them being persecuted or even struck off by unethical boards.

Remember how Tobacco company's sold poison to people at one time even claiming that Tobacco was good for you?.

Give a drug cartel a market, even to sell something that is bad for there customers and they are going to sell it especially when the authority's have given them immunity and are on there side.

Hell they will even hire an army of propaganda agent's to fill in the blank spaces the authority's have missed to get more and more people hooked on there poison.

Give us Traditional anti viral vaccinations and treatments for this virus not experimental potentially genetically harmful money making drug for corporate gangsters (YES I will argue that reverse transcription can occur because it does all the time in Nature with Virus and even at least one strain of Cancer has been reverse engineered to have once been a virus outside of our nuclear DNA so it is proven to have occurred in nature with even the likes of several cosmologists and biologists writing thesis on the idea of viral driven mutation causing sudden adaptation and evolution in species).

Treatments for Virus require a different kind of treatment, if the virus can be detected by the immune system than it is possible to create a vaccine (FOR THE UNINFECTED to try to prevent infection) or a Serum based on the blood of those that have naturally fought off a virus and whose immune system has produced antibody's that will target and eliminate viral particles in the bloodstream and the endocrine system.

The most common way of getting a handle on developing such a vaccine is to use DEAD (Irradiated so as to destroy the majority of there genetic component) vaccines by growing them in chicken egg embryo's and similar medium then irradiating the viral particles with something like intense X-Ray's to destroy there ability to replicate once they infect a cell (as I am sure you know virus are NOT living organisms but somewhere between living and dead in that they need to infect a living cell then to use the cells own functions to multiply themselves so can not self replicate), this gives the Vaccine recipient a false infection that there body can then fight off and produce antibody's for (Antibody's are the Key it is those that protect you against infection NOT the vaccine it can only trigger antibody production).

Both Anti Body's and Drugs meant to combat virus are often but not always tailored to the outer shell of the virus which has enzymes and other protein structures that can be blocked by the drug's or detected by the body's immune system.

The mRNA vaccines trick the cells of those injected by actually infecting them short term into producing a part of the Covid 19 virus that is called the Spike Protein in order to train the immune system to detect.


This spike protein is actually far from harmless itself and can trigger allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock.

Other substances within the vaccines may not be related to the Covid 19 spike protein and in many patients trigger blood clotting, myocardia and other adverse reactions - potential long term health implications.

edit on 25-9-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: TrollMagnet

So I would really really like to know where I went wrong, and how I failed biology without knowing it. I would love to know what part of Darwin's basic theory is completely wrong. What parts of all this that we can prove with experiments are wrong? For many months now I have heard about the risk of the unvaccinated. What science backs this up? You can think of the un-vaccinated as a petri dish that has no medicine in it. Just a dish with food to grow the bacteria or virus. You could say they have more virus, but no one who's immune system defeated that virus has anything at all to fear. Their IMMUNE SYSTEM EVOLVED to deafeat it, the same way bacteria and viruses evolve to survive. There is an immune system to fight it, but that immune system is not introducing anything the previous 1,000,000 people's immune systems did not, so no reason to change or evolve for things when fighting the immune system on its own. If you want increased resistance you need to add a bunch to the immune system.


Your mistake is in assuming that bacteria (or other microbes) are equivalent to viruses in the way they evolve and that drug resistance is equivalent to vaccine resistance as an evolutionary pressure. For a discussion of some of why that's not true you might want to look at the following paper:

"Why does drug resistance readily evolve but vaccine resistance does not?"

"Why is drug resistance common and vaccine resistance rare? Drugs and vaccines both impose substantial pressure on pathogen populations to evolve resistance and indeed, drug resistance typically emerges soon after the introduction of a drug. But vaccine resistance has only rarely emerged. Using well-established principles of population genetics and evolutionary ecology, we argue that two key differences between vaccines and drugs explain why vaccines have so far proved more robust against evolution than drugs. First, vaccines tend to work prophylactically while drugs tend to work therapeutically. Second, vaccines tend to induce immune responses against multiple targets on a pathogen while drugs tend to target very few. Consequently, pathogen populations generate less variation for vaccine resistance than they do for drug resistance, and selection has fewer opportunities to act on that variation. ...."

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

" The vaccinated are out and about believing they cannot get or spread the virus."

Most vaccinated folk here in the UK don't believe this.

Because, we are not ignorant.

Why do you think we believe this?

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: rickymouse

" The vaccinated are out and about believing they cannot get or spread the virus."

Most vaccinated folk here in the UK don't believe this.

Because, we are not ignorant.

Why do you think we believe this?

We live in America, Biden came on TV and told the people here that they could go out and hug their grandma and go out and eat without fear of anyone getting sick if they were vaccinated...Sounds like you got better leadership over there in the UK than the idiots running things here.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:26 PM
it is why the planet is over populated.
because technology is holding the science of "survival of the fittest" in abeyance.

for millennia, global population was held pretty well under 500 million.

and then science and technology happened and stupid people started surviving to breeding age and then started surviving into old age.

Remember when beauty pageant contestants longed to solve world hunger or healthcare or poverty.
Well, they did it. Job accomplished. Well done.
And now the population has doubled in 50 years and everyone wants to reduce overpopulation
. . . without causing hunger and without causing poverty and without reducing healthcare.
you are simply supposed to choose to give up your seat on the life raft.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: TrollMagnet

One of two things should happen next... Either a new strain of bacteria emerges that takes advantage of the altered conditions in the human immune system in jab'd people or a new retrovirus carrying a new strand of mRNA. In either case it is likely if this occurs, that it will kill those with modified immune systems as that is the target the new viri or bacteria has learned to compromise. Scary days ahead for the jab'd when this situation goes viral (you see what I did there eh?).

ETA: Actually now that I am thinking on those lines, it should be fairly easy for the chinese or some other terrorist organization to develop and deploy the virus or bacteria, since they know all the weak points caused by the mRNA/rDNA jab.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 9/25.2021 by bobs_uruncle because: ETA

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: sraven

Got to disagree, the planet is NOT over populated, some regions are but that is the side affect of growing city's and often shrinking rural community's.

There has been more than one debate on that particular subject and evidence has already been provided that the planet could sustain upwards of a hundred billion people and still NOT be over populated.

Our consumerist society and culture on the other hand is harmful, we are producing and disposing of non biodegradable waste and far too much plastic is already in our environment.

The Chinese value rare species and hunt or otherwise obtain them or there body parts for witch doctor medicine such as rhino horn for there erections when in fact it will do nothing for them (some of there medicine actually works though you can not discount over 2000 years of medical inventiveness, remedies and cures because some of them do work).

The solution you are looking for is Education, people can live longer, healthier and choose to pursue careers the same thing that is currently destroying the west as we have no where near enough new children being born to sustain our economy's but get that model into the rest of the world and you would have a falling birth rate and therefore population.

Already without sterilization we are looking at falling population among first world nations while the third world is still growing despite poor or indeed often no health care, rampant diseases such as HIV and older scourges such as Cholera running rampant there.

So NO medicine is NOT the reason for our current IMAGINARY over population (And the real population crisis is our falling birth rate and aging populations with no young people to run the economy in the west sorry to point that fact out).

edit on 25-9-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:45 PM
I wear a mask to protect myself from the vaccinated creepy germ incubators.

Kind of joking and kind of not.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: rickymouse

" The vaccinated are out and about believing they cannot get or spread the virus."

Most vaccinated folk here in the UK don't believe this.

Because, we are not ignorant.

Why do you think we believe this?

We live in America, Biden came on TV and told the people here that they could go out and hug their grandma and go out and eat without fear of anyone getting sick if they were vaccinated...Sounds like you got better leadership over there in the UK than the idiots running things here.


posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: TrollMagnet

One of two things should happen next... Either a new strain of bacteria emerges that takes advantage of the altered conditions in the human immune system in jab'd people or a new retrovirus carrying a new strand of mRNA. In either case it is likely if this occurs, that it will kill those with modified immune systems as that is the target the new viri or bacteria has learned to compromise. Scary days ahead for the jab'd when this situation goes viral (you see what I did there eh?).

ETA: Actually now that I am thinking on those lines, it should be fairly easy for the chinese or some other terrorist organization to develop and deploy the virus or bacteria, since they know all the weak points caused by the mRNA/rDNA jab.

Cheers - Dave

There is a difference between a virus and a bacteria.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle
a reply to: TrollMagnet

One of two things should happen next... Either a new strain of bacteria emerges that takes advantage of the altered conditions in the human immune system in jab'd people or a new retrovirus carrying a new strand of mRNA. In either case it is likely if this occurs, that it will kill those with modified immune systems as that is the target the new viri or bacteria has learned to compromise. Scary days ahead for the jab'd when this situation goes viral (you see what I did there eh?).

ETA: Actually now that I am thinking on those lines, it should be fairly easy for the chinese or some other terrorist organization to develop and deploy the virus or bacteria, since they know all the weak points caused by the mRNA/rDNA jab.

Cheers - Dave

There is a difference between a virus and a bacteria.

Of course there is, but bacteria will likely also find the weak points. I am just noting that with the high amount of genetic information being known by the people who created the jab, they could just as easily create a bacteria or virus that uses the weak points created by the jab against the jab'd population. Sorry if I am thinking more about the mechanics and strategies that might be involved in culling and population control.

Cheers - Dave

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