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Let's Play, "Where's the Racism?"

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posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 08:29 AM
I came across an episode of, "What would you do?" on YT. It had a Veteran in the thumbnail so I clicked on it.

I watched as human beings of literally all colors proceeded to pay for this man's groceries because he was short cash.

While watching...with a tear in my eye, I suddenly felt HOPE creeping into my soul. These types of videos are rarely watched
and feel if more people did, we could easily undo so much race baiting in the world. A few of the patrons had little money to spare
but STILL helped this veteran. Go America!!

Thought this bright 15 minute video would brighten up people's days, so hopefully you enjoy it as I did. Have tissues.
edit on 25-9-2021 by MrBuddy because: llinky poo

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 08:37 AM

ETA: Thanks for posting. We need more warm fuzzies like this.
edit on 25-9-2021 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: MrBuddy

I have a quick (probably actually not so much) story from my last Thanksgiving that touched me to tears. I am a Veteran. Presently, I live at the VA hospital in Los Angeles. I've been here waaaay longer than I anticipated...c'est la vie. I am actually a happy guy, totally free and I live by faith. I simply mention that to say that this is not a 'whoa is me' story, though it might sound as such on the surface. Well, here at the VA they have a program called CTRS where Vets can come onto the campus and get issued a tent in what I called 'tent city'. Just a large collection of tents gathered together on foundations, 24/7 security on site, social workers on site, 3 meals a day, restrooms, showers, really not to bad. This program was really designed for homeless Vets, of which I am not. I am, however, home-free. I have no wife nor kids, family and I'm 100% retired Army Officer, so jumping into this sort of life for me is, literally, no big deal.

Well, every morning when I would wake up when I was living there I would wait until about 7 am and then start my morning. I would walk down to Ralphs (grocery store here) and get some booze (I was drinking a ton during these times, I'm just about to leave a 3 month rehab program that I got moved into here...sober now by the way...feels good). After getting my booze and a bottle of seltzer water I would go to 'my spot' on Wilshire Blvd, sit down on the sidewalk (out of the way of foot traffic), transfer my booze to the water bottle that I would dump out such that it looked like I was just sipping on water, and I would just chill and watch the traffic. I liked watching the traffic down here because the amount of money here is insane, so every fifth car is a Lambo or Ferrari or Porshe or Bentley, just stupid rich. I called it the auto show. It was funny how people would react to me because of course they thought I was homeless and I would warmly greet people who passed, I didn't want anything from them, I was just chilling, I probably had $20k in the bank at the time so obviously people can't understand that a guy just sits here each day and chills. I get that. Well one passerby, when I greeted him good morning returned my greeting with a 'Happy Thanksgiving!" Whaaat? I didn't even know it was Thanksgiving. I love holidays, because if you say good morning to people, especially here, you may or may not get a return greeting, but when you say 'Happy Thanksgiving!' people light up and greet you back. That's why it's called a holy day.

So as I sat there these two giant Mexican guys came walking by, tattoos all over (and I know prison tats when I see them). I greeting them and they greeted me back, they were going into Ralphs where I had just recently come from, and I just continued to sit and do my thing, watch the traffic (by the way, I used to enjoy the hell out of this time, I know it sounds weird but it was my time of relaxation and meditation). So suddenly these two intimidating looking fellows come back around the corner having finished their shopping and said, "Hey man, here, we bought you a turkey." They handed me over like one of those rotisserie cooked turkeys that you find in grocery stores. My eyes literally welled up. I said, "You bought me a turkey?" They just smiled these big ol' sincere smiles and said "Yeah, Happy Thanksgiving man."

You see, I wasn't homeless, I wasn't hungry and I was far from broke. I'm a Veteran, et al, but they didn't know any of those things and, I suspect, probably assumed mostly the opposite. But these guys, these tough SOBs thought of me in that moment. As I walked back to the VA I gave that turkey away to someone who truly needed it, I didn't. Still, of all the Thanksgivings I've celebrated, of all the turkeys I've enjoyed, I will celebrate that turkey the most...

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 09:18 AM
This one got me !!

We do a food pantry in my town in a YMCA satellite spot
that used to be a huge dairy farm where you could watch the cows being milked through a window when I was a kid.
A lot, and I mean A LOT of veterans pull through every week!!
Anyway, YMCA, Young men’s Christian Association.
But, they won’t let a pastor pray with people on the outskirt of the absolutely huge parking lot.

Sorry if the last parts a slide. It IS relevant these days however.....IMHO

a reply to: MrBuddy

edit on 08-19-2021 by PiratesCut because: stuff

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: MrBuddy

This shows the true nature of humanity, thank you for sharing this video. You can’t get rich without being greedy, the most compassionate amongst us are also invariably the poorest.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 09:50 AM
Most situations become personal when people are actually involved. Watching the end result of a hurricane on tv doesn't give people the feels as deeply as seeing the damage first hand.

So it's no surprise that these are the reactions to something happening right in front of them.

Deep down humans are good at heart but we are also good at distancing ourselves otherwise we would be driven crazy.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Such a great story! I find myself watching these "Humans Being Bros" videos more and more these days.

With all the negativity going around, it helps balance out my views.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: MrBuddy
I came across an episode of, "What would you do?" on YT. It had a Veteran in the thumbnail so I clicked on it.

I watched as human beings of literally all colors proceeded to pay for this man's groceries because he was short cash.

While watching...with a tear in my eye, I suddenly felt HOPE creeping into my soul. These types of videos are rarely watched
and feel if more people did, we could easily undo so much race baiting in the world. A few of the patrons had little money to spare
but STILL helped this veteran. Go America!!

Thought this bright 15 minute video would brighten up people's days, so hopefully you enjoy it as I did. Have tissues.

This is truly bad. Equally bad is that we have food pantries on many of not all military installations because many soldiers, airmen, marines, sailors and coasties can’t afford basic necessities due to high cost of living in certain areas. This is a real thing that’s happening right now especially at he junior enlisted ranks.

posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: MrBuddy

Its such a humbling feeling when you help someone and you can see just how thankful they truly are.

Thank you for posting this today.

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