a reply to:
I'm not sure what you mean
Are you talking about timing in synchronicity? Or timing in a matter of past, present and/or future?
You can remote view anothers conscious, in a non-conscious state
Meaning that you pair a conscious"ness" to their active mind, that is able to view with full sense, as if you are awake in their body. But it is
And they are not
It is like using their mind to actively view memories, or predict what the person may/might do in future
In this state you can be in full control of the person. Unless you go too far from their amenable self. Such as try make them do something they would
never do
But these are non-effigyan realms. They work of memory alignment, through the planetary and collective medium
You might also find resistance, and/or be disconnected, if you try viewing memories which were/are traumatic or repressed. Active memory is far easier
to access
Doesn't mean it can't be done. It can just cause undue stress or pain to the effigyan mind you are connecting to
It is also allot easier if the person gives you permission, or is willing
Accessing active memory of past, also allows calculated projection of future
Though it is very hard to create and control scenarios. Unless you know very specific details about where and when they will be, and more importantly,
who else they will interact with
If you have 2 or more known "interact" people, you can project with a certain degree of probability and accuracy to the future
But it will never, ever be accurate
More to the point, it usually becomes variant in nature. Meaning, the fact that you viewed it through them, makes it entirely as improbable to come to
be, as it was probable in its viewing
The waking realm and collective conscious seems to actively align itself as far from projection as is possible, when you try look at things in such
It's the observer paradox, in linear application of probability
The fact it is viewed makes it near impossible to become
In my experience, the events will usually precipitate in such a way that probability exceeds whatever bounds you try set to it
Like the world giving you the finger and a big F@$K YOU, for thinking you could know its thinking
You can connect to the pre-effigyan mind and view them in real-time as well, but this is usually at the cost of full sense
You hear and see vague fragments, because both associated conscious"ness" are active
Senses like touch (especially pain), smell and taste, come through very clearly
While things like sight and sound are fragmented flashes
But active conscious allows these connections at all times anyway. It's just that most people don't realise it
For example: You send someone a text message on your phone. Then an hour later, you have a random thought, remembering that you sent the message
It is likely the person made a connection, such as reading the message, at almost the exact moment you had/have your random thought
Attraction works across complex non-linear dynamics. It's part of our active emotional feedback system, or consciousness (separate and distinct from
Most people don't even understand the distinction between conscious and consciousness, so the emotional return systems is/are vastly misunderstood
Next time you see someone you find attractive in public. Try looking at them while they aren't looking while processing the most confident thoughts
about yourself you can, in relation to them. Think about how perfect you would be for them. And how lucky they would be to notice how attractive you
are ...
Then look away and shut your thoughts down to them. Think about something else. Whatever it is you are doing. But ... Keep your peripheral senses
alert to what they are doing. Keep an eye on them, from the corner of your eye
I can almost guarantee you, they will notice you. And they will, at the very least, consider if you are attractive to them
It won't MAKE them find you attractive. But it will make them consider it
This is conscious mind, pairing consciousness
It works almost identically in/on the non and pre effigyan conscious, as it does with the waking effigyan conscious
But if I were to use this same example to emphasise my point before about trying to observe the future ...
The problem you find with drawing affinity through conscious pairing with another's emotional return consciousness, is polarisation
If the attractive person looks at you and they find you attractive, it can turn to easily turn to aversion, if they fail to understand "why" they
looked at you in such a way
Say, if the person is happily married
They return a negative pairing, for what you issued
Which could mean, even if they may/might find you attractive, they may/might also find themselves repulsed or creeped out by you, without knowing
Or worse, if they physically saw you looking at them first
It is a very dangerous game to play aligning yourself, or viewing others
It can cause you allot of trouble, even viewing passively
Because it can lead to polarisation or recurrence in your own life
All connections cause ripples that fan out in both directions. Yours and theirs
These forces are what keeps most people from these abilities in the first place
You need to overcome those forces to make connections. And those forces nearly always come back on you in some way