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Israel and the End Times

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posted on Sep, 25 2021 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thanks and it's interesting you mentioned St. Malachy. You said:

St. Malachy lists 111 Popes. John Paul II was number 110 (labor of the sun) and Pope Benedict XVI was 111 (glory of the olive). Popular conjecture also says there will be number 112, (Peter the Roman, the same as number 1), but there are indications in his prophesy that there will be additional Popes between 111 and the second Peter the Roman. Since these are not specified, it can be assumed that they are somehow "false popes," i.e. popes that will lead followers away from Christ. Recent history does seem to bear that out; Francis has made quite a few changes in Papal policy that seem contradictory to the words of the Holy Bible as you point out.

I was thinking about this also and the last Pope is supposed to be Peter the Roman. This is interesting because he may have skipped Francis who's the beast or the false prophet. It gets interesting because the name of the 2nd in command at the Vatican and a candidate for the next Pope.

Pietro Parolin

Pietro means Peter and he's from Italy. He's Secretary of State at the Vatican. If he was the next Pope, he would be Peter the Roman.

This could mean Francis is the 1st beast in Revelation and this Peter the Roman is the false prophet. This verse could point to this.

Revelation 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

This could mean that if Francis is the Antichrist and the 1st beast, he steps down as Pope to lead the U.N.

This is why it's important to watch this synergy of Government and Religion taking place before our eyes around climate change. The antichrist will be a climate change fanatic because you can do just about anything in the name of "saving the planet." You can have total control over human behavior.

There's a big U.N. climate change event coming up in November and the Pope is supposed to speak there or send his Represenatives. It's called COP26 and the meeting will be in Glasgow.

What is COP26? How the pivotal UN conference could avert global climate 'catastrophe'

The Pope has a 7 year plan called Laudato si where the Pope has talked about "Green Spirituality" whatever that is. Just listen to this:

Pope Francis launches 7-year action plan to foster ‘green' spirituality, economics, education

The seven objectives the platform will focus on are “the response to the cry of the Earth, the response to the cry of the poor, green economics, adopting a simple lifestyle, green education, green spirituality, and community engagement.”

This is what he talks about on page 233 of his encyclical Laudato si':

A quote from a muslim. In presenting the mystical spirituality in paragraph 233, Pope Francis invites to find God in all things, quoting St. Bonaventure. But in the footnote page, it also cites Ali al-Khawwaç, a Sufi Muslim. (233)


The Pope was just in Slovenia at a G20 Interfaith Forum.

G20 Interfaith Forum is all about connections and solving world problems, religious leaders say

Again, the Bible tells us to watch for the rise of the beast from the sea. It will have 10 horns with crowns(Gentile Governments) and 7 heads of blasphemy(Religious Council). Watch the Pope, religious leaders and governments as they mix government and "green spirituality."

Also, watch for this green pass. It's used in Italy and soon the Vatican.

Green Pass required for access into Vatican from 1 October

From 1 October, entry into Vatican City State will only be permitted to persons who are in possession of a Vatican "Green Pass", a "European Green Pass," or a foreign Covid-19 green pass attesting to vaccination or recovery from SARS-COV-2. Entry will also be granted to those who have a negative molecular or antigenic test for the SARS-COV-2 virus.

You can see something like the Green Pass not just being used for Covid but a pass to buy and sell if you're a good citizen according to them and you're following their climate sustainability goals.

The Pope talked about the mystical aspect of nature. You have to watch this because if he's the beast or the false prophet, he can name this mystical aspect of nature and this would be the name of blasphemy. This would be incorporated into the mark of the beast and this is why if you take it, you will join satan, the beast and the false prophet in the lake of fire.
edit on 25-9-2021 by neoholographic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: neoholographic

Sorry it took so long to get back to you; I needed to double-check my research. You are challenging me here!

I was thinking about this also and the last Pope is supposed to be Peter the Roman. This is interesting because he may have skipped Francis who's the beast or the false prophet.

Pope Francis cannot be the beast; the beast is a country (or seven countries, correlating to the seven heads). He could conceivably be one of the ten horns of the beast, but I have trouble even with that. He doesn't have the power to lead outside of the Papacy, and even there he does not seem to have the following of the Popes before him.

The false prophet prediction is interesting in that the false prophet is not mentioned prior to this passage from Revelation 16:13:

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Obviously the false prophet is tied to the dragon (Satan, the Devil) and the beast, but his appearance is not detailed.

I looked up the Greek word translated as "false prophet." It is pseudoprophētēs, which is a combination of pseudēs (a liar or impersonator, the root from which we get the prefix "pseudo") and prophētēs. Prophētēs itself it a combination of two roots which mean "one who speaks of that to come" (rough personal translation). So the false prophet would be one who lies about what is to come.

I find it interesting that that does not necessarily indicate a religious speaker, although the root words used can implicate such. It could also indicate any charismatic figure who lies about the future, including a politician. In truth, there are, according to that, plenty of false prophets acting today in governments around the world. Revelations indicates one single false prophet, however, and that could indicate the figure we refer to as the "antiChrist."

There is not a single antiChrist. That is something worth pointing out. An antiChrist is one who pretends to hold the annointing of God (the Christ) but does not. Nostradamus referenced several antiChrists, including Napoleon and Hitler. It seems to me, and this is again a personal interpretation, that the false prophet spoken of in Revelation is simply the greatest antiChrist, who will somehow come into play after the beast.

The timing doesn't seem right to me though. Revelation 16:13 occurs during the pouring out of the seven bowls of the wrath of God, specifically between the sixth and seventh bowls. These bowls roughly coincide with the seven trumpets of the seventh seal in Revelation 8; the effects are quite similar in most cases and never contradictory. I tend to think the seven bowls are additional insight into the seven trumpets.

That means, since we are now somewhere between the third and fourth seal (the third, black horse is the United States and the fourth, I believe, is China), that we are not there yet. There is the fourth seal, the pale (green) horse of sickness and plague, then the fifth seal of a waiting period yet to come before we get into the really "juicy" parts of the prophecy John saw.

That doesn't mean the beast cannot arise before that time; since a beast represents a nation, the beast can exist for quite some time (and there is the possibility that the beast continues to exist in the statue, the "abomination that maketh desolate" which is tied to the Mark of the Beast). The dragon, of course, is an immortal being, Lucifer. The false prophet, however, would appear to be a man, and man has a specific lifespan. Therefore, assuming that we are still a ways off from Revelation 16:13, I don't see how Francis can be the false prophet indicated in Revelation 16:13.

He may well be a false prophet, just not the false prophet.

No, I tend to think of Francis as a kind of "false pope," a placeholder in the Papal seat who is irrelevant in the eyes of God (which would explain why St. Malachy chose not to even name him)... remember that St. Malachy did indicate the possibility of one or more unspecified popes between the "Glory of the Olive" and the second "Peter the Roman." And on that point, your information on Pietro Parolin is quite the eye opener! I can certainly see him becoming Pope in his time, even if more unnamed Popes must follow before that time.


posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thanks for the response.

I think the beast is the antichrist. It's an individual.

It starts out as a government/religious system with 10 horns with crowns(Gentile Governments) and 7 heads of blasphemy(Religious Council). Here's the verse that points to one individual.

Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

It focuses on one of it's heads that gets a deadly wound. This is one of the heads of blasphemy. The beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will use the beast from Revelation 13 as a vessel when he receives the deadly wound.

Revelation 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

This is the same beast that kills the two witnesses.

Revelation11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

I also think this will happen sooner rather than later. I think we will go outside one day, look up and see Jesus with the clouds of heaven.

I think the main thing to look for is the deadly wound. A world leader will receive a deadly wound and the beast will ascend from the bottomless pit. The lawless one will be revealed and the Holy Spirit that restraineth will be taken away. When this happens the Rapture will occur and the tribulation will begin.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 08:42 AM
War will come to Italy, along the coast at first, all cities on the coast will be destroyed, then another enters as the 'savior', but they are even worse than the first group. There will be two groups, faking as enemies, working together as one, secretly. This might be where the antichrist comes in.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 09:47 AM
I think the antichrist, or beast, kills three people, not two. Three people who might see it was not a fatal injury, being overcome by the antichrist, who kills the three, before they can ever tell us the truth.

And then, the antichrist will come into power, and create a war, lasting 27 years.

posted on Oct, 30 2021 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

If it does start there wouldn't surprise at all. Last week Israel allocated 1.5 billion $ for buying everything needed to bomb the Iranian nuke sites. They are already at war in the Syrian football field, IDF missile attacked Damascus last night, it's pretty much daily attacks against Iranians in Syria by Israel. The way things are going with playing for time by Tehran and the rest of the world not showing the desire to terminate their ambitions Iran is going to get the nuke very soon and no way will Israel let that happen without some attempt to stop them. Hezbollah can take out the Israeli costal cities with their 150,000 Iranian missiles so who knows what's going to roll on for this but China no doubt will try and make gains as will Russia during these events and then it all might just go End Times

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