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The Latest Cherry Picked Story from MSN

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posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 10:55 AM

The leader of a Hawaii anti-vax group caught COVID-19 and almost died. He now supports vaccines and wants his group's protests to stop.

Well I just know that this is giving all the must-vaxxers the vapors...mi lode! I made a thread a little while back about how my start page was MSN and everyday when I open up my intree-net I see one article or another, specifically, about how some anti-vax person has died of COVID (I think they might just be killing these poor bastards personally). Well today was little different except...score one for the Nazis!

So this brave soul founded a major anti-mandate group in Hawaii, then got COVID, and now has completely reversed his position. Everyone please forgive me because I literally have to run out the door right now (I don't like to rush threads), but I wanted to get this posted because I think it's important. I'm going to link the article, but these MSN articles have been giving me trouble lately, so I'm also just going to copy/paste the text, and I'll jump in with some more commentary when I return. In the interim, thoughts??? -protests-to-stop/ar-AAOJNqt?ocid=msedgntp

The founder of a Hawaii group opposing COVID-19 rules and vaccine mandates has asked people to stop.
Chris Wikoff, who was recently hospitalized with COVID-19, previously dismissed it as "a little flu."
He told local media he is considering getting vaccinated now.
See more stories on Insider's business page.
The cofounder of a Hawaiian group protesting vaccine mandates and COVID-19 rules is now calling people to end the cause after being hospitalized with the disease himself.

Chris Wikoff, 66, said he no longer wanted to participate in the group and asked for his name to be removed from the members' list, Hawaii News Now reported Monday.

"I want to mind my own business and isolate," he told Hawaii News Now.

Wikoff cofounded the Aloha Freedom Coalition in October 2020 in response to a lockdown order which the group said was ruining business and threatening individual liberties, Hawaii News Now reported.

The group now opposes vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. On Sunday it called the White House "traitors" for considering vaccine passports for air travel.

Wikoff said he previously believed vaccine mandates and passports seemed "over-the-top totalitarian control" because he didn't believe the disease was that serious, Hawai News Now reported.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

I bet he begged his doctor for a shot, but the doctor said, "I'm sorry, it's too late for that", and while he was on his death bed, he had an epiphany that mandating vaccines is way better than the personal choice he was previously advocating for. Never mind that he was 66 and in the age group that is most likely to die from corona virus. Because he made a bad choice, you need the government to make good choices for you. lesson learned. Bless this poor man's heart.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

And people who are against guns, get killed by guns.

Life is life. Wise people are not easily influenced by what others think.

P.S. Still trying to figure out why Fox News thinks the kidnapping/murder Gabby case is the most important thing in the world for the past 9 days. The discussion panel (Outnumbered) is really trying hard to ignore everything but this localized incident.

edit on 9/23/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: carewemust Wise people are not easily influenced by what others think.

but the tragedy of civilization is that the unwise majority may be easily led by the nose.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: TheMirrorSelf
(I think they might just be killing these poor bastards personally). Well today was little different except...score one for the Nazis!

instead of killing him, are you saying they paid him off?

could be a possibility... Kamala was in Hawaii a few weeks ago.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz5

originally posted by: carewemust Wise people are not easily influenced by what others think.

but the tragedy of civilization is that the unwise majority may be easily led by the nose.

That creates opportunity for those seeking financial gain or power. But frustrates those of us who are not sheep.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: imitator

originally posted by: TheMirrorSelf
(I think they might just be killing these poor bastards personally). Well today was little different except...score one for the Nazis!

instead of killing him, are you saying they paid him off?

could be a possibility... Kamala was in Hawaii a few weeks ago.

And "something" happened to Jill Biden in Hawaii which caused her to be rushed back to D.C. for surgery, about 45 days ago.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:16 AM
Hmmm, he now wants to “ mind his own business and isolate “.....what a strange thing to say ? He’s probably lucky to be alive at this point, God only knows what happened to him in the hospital or the pressure that he was put under to “ comply “ I’m just not buying the frequency that people who stand up against mandated jabs, suddenly become ill or dead from the Rona !

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

And people who are against guns, get killed by guns.

Life is life. Wise people are not easily influenced by what others think.

Realize this about humans. The smart ones will assume you can keep up and won't explain anything to you. The stupid ones will think you need to have everything explained to you because you would otherwise not understand. The corrupt ones will accuse you of cheating. The liars will think you are lying to them. The cowards will think you are afraid of what they are afraid of. The brave wont understand why some people are frozen with fear when they say move forward.

Some people that get hit by cars automatically think the speed limits should be dropped everywhere. People that get burned by coffee think the word HOT should be as big as the cup.

Bottom line, you can tell more about someone by what they think of you than you can usually figure out by regular conversation. Regardless of how many people die, I am under 40, I lift weights daily, I am not over weight, I am not at risk, and I will not get vaccinated. It doesn't matter what everyone else is scared of or screaming about around me, my decision has nothing to do with the ignorant masses, and is 100% mine alone. My wife actually got the J&J. That has nothing to do with me, I dont tell my wife what to do.

Those of us who aren't morons have zero invested in what others think, we aren't group thinkers, and the group never had any influence on us. My refusal for the COVID vax is based on science over a decade old from textbooks that have yet to be proven wrong, and classes on genetics and molecular biology. I have yet to see a strong argument to vax based on actual scientific arguments.

Group thinkers will try to use the arguments of others to change your mind, because they make their decisions based on the group, not science or integrity, honesty, etc. Using the group to make you feel scared or stupid is all they got, that is their super power, because when they dont follow the group, they feel scared or stupid. The group gives them security, and will tell them they are right when everyone knows they are wrong. The group thinkers are the dumbest in the population that don't look and sound obviously stupid from the second you meet them, but don't worry, they are. Group thinkers are the ones who have made up the largest groups in history to ever do evil. Never underestimate the power of non thinkers in large groups.

Never base any personal decision on a group or leader outside of your immediate family.

These vax or die arguments are powerless against those of us who aren't morons.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:38 AM
This is one of the few times you'll see MSN acknowledge that people are protesting the mandates.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:39 AM
I don’t think that I believe the story. If I do, then Wikoff is a pussy.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:51 AM
Another oh-so-perfect story just in time by just the right sources 🤣🚬🧞‍♀️

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Its not the first story i saw either. These kind of stories are psyops.
edit on 23-9-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

I bet he begged his doctor for a shot, but the doctor said, "I'm sorry, it's too late for that", and while he was on his death bed, he had an epiphany that mandating vaccines is way better than the personal choice he was previously advocating for. Never mind that he was 66 and in the age group that is most likely to die from corona virus. Because he made a bad choice, you need the government to make good choices for you. lesson learned. Bless this poor man's heart.

LMAO hahaha! 😂🤣😅🤣😂 nice one!

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:13 PM
Faker than Hollywood.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: network dude

Let me respond to this the way the left responds to anecdotal stories from the anti-mandate crowd;

"So what? Who is this guy anyway, why should I care. Waste of time."

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: TheMirrorSelf

Lying liars lie.

Deceivers deceive.

" Hey ! Look over here !!
A converted one !!
A new True-Believer™ !!!!
Come ! Drink your Kewl-Ayde !
IIt's delicious !!
Don't cry. It's a good thing !
It's Science™ !
And you know Science™ doesn't lie ! "

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 12:54 PM
Ever knotice it's the exact same storie every time begging for the Vaxx

My only problem with this is EVERYONE knows it dosent work that way this is not a new thing you can't take the flu shot after you have the flu no one actualy thinks like this

Than always sorry it's to late for that I don't buy any of thease stories

Just change the names a new storie in 3 days there fabricated I find it had to belive that many groupe leaders don't understand how a vaxx works

They just look for people who are against the naritive and check to see hospitalizations know they will either be dead or recovering to long to opose the bs and if they do just retract it later no one acctualy checks after the headlines are made

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 01:01 PM
I could have written this word for word....except.

“ Regardless of how many people die, I am under 40, I lift weights daily, I am not over weight, I am not at risk.

This part would have been lies.....😟

Great reply!!!


a reply to: TrollMagnet

edit on 08-19-2021 by PiratesCut because: Talk to text does not understand Swamp Yankee

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: markovian
Ever knotice it's the exact same storie every time begging for the Vaxx

My only problem with this is EVERYONE knows it dosent work that way this is not a new thing you can't take the flu shot after you have the flu no one actualy thinks like this

Than always sorry it's to late for that I don't buy any of thease stories

Just change the names a new storie in 3 days there fabricated I find it had to belive that many groupe leaders don't understand how a vaxx works

They just look for people who are against the naritive and check to see hospitalizations know they will either be dead or recovering to long to opose the bs and if they do just retract it later no one acctualy checks after the headlines are made

There is one vaccine that does work that way, and that is the rabies vaccine. This is something everyone should take the time to understand.

Rabies is so slow growing in your body that if you vaccinate people after they get it the vaccine will cause an immune response that destroys rabies before you get sick.

I believe it is the Moderna vax that they have argued the same thing with. The argument seems to me to be this, even though I have not researched it in depth. The mRNA vaccines create an immune response that is not the same as the one you have naturally to COVID. That I know for sure. So the argument is that if you give someone the vax when they are sick that their immune system will attack COVID using man made vectors on top of the ones used by your natural immunity.

That being said, if you are educated on the vaccine, you would have to be pretty damn sick to go for it when there are so many other options. But if your doc drinks the koolaid, that may be what you get served if you do end up really sick.

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