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Are vaccines Godless?

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posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 08:15 AM
No, but being vaccinated does not make one godly ether.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 08:28 AM

Do you remember the tale of the Adam's apple
he took something out into his body, which modified their body (the throat)
he ate it because other told him. (faith and reason in other's beings)
they eaten the apple with a promise of long life.
after that he discovered the bad, the wrong. (their soul/body was healthy before eating the apple and Sick after it)
by having no defenses in your body is like being nude.
the consequences were death, early death.
expulsion of paradise, moved to a lower levels of happiness.
sufering as a consequence.
modification of women genetically (suffering when giving birth, and blood each month)
specifically and stange: adam's soul death. (strange because souls are ussually semi eternal)

It was the largest sin of man. (modifying the creation, genetically speaking)

it was Adam´'s and Eve's choice

now, mankind has the opportunity by living the same parable in their lives.

the same consequences will arise.

the first and greatest test of mankind you are living.

it is your choice now.

on the other hand, what is happening now is related to the spiritual form.
like above of the below and below of the above, everything is energy.
they know that they feed and keep alive, present their energies when you think in it.
it is another way of nourishing.
also, when you took a vax it can keep your brain modified to reject illumination and spiritual path is part of it, keeping your soul slept by modifying your body to cause you discomfort to think in spirituallity, meditation.
in the same way that God is a forbidden word in media.
Bible says that Lucifer rules in this earth.

it is the spiritual level of this energetic living world.
but you should understand that is is all based in spirituallity, all that they do (including their horsemen) is based on it, their beliefs.

you are seeing the 2 sides of a coin, but then the coin, the God exists.

edit on 22-9-2021 by lux666 because: typo corrected

edit on 22-9-2021 by lux666 because: 2 lines added

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: infolurker

You like antibiotics? I like antibiotics.

Do you trust God to build your house or do you use the tools that God gave you to make yourself your own shelter?

If God did not want man to treat and cure diseases then he would not have made the plants and compounds that fight diseases for us to discover and use.

2 Kings 20:7 Then Isaiah said, “Make an ointment from figs.” So Hezekiah’s servants spread the ointment over the boil, and Hezekiah recovered!

I would think if God is everything then everything is God. It wasn't that long ago we saw vaccines as miracles, which means God had a hand in it, now its some evil Godless thing.

If people see the Goverment as bad doesn't mean the vaccines are bad too. I can understand that the vaccine works while also seeing the Goverment is totally failing at how they are handling it all.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell is it that they see in all this. America is not even close to other countries like Australia is right now.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
Greek ya say?

"In Numbers 21, the people again got discouraged, and in their unbelief they murmured against Moses for bringing them into the wilderness. They had already forgotten that it was their own sin that caused them to be there, and they tried to blame Moses for it. As a judgment against the people for their sin, God sent poisonous serpents into the camp, and people began to die. This showed the people that they were the ones in sin, and they came to Moses to confess that sin and ask for God’s mercy. When Moses prayed for the people, God instructed him to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole so the people could be healed (Numbers 21:5-7)"


a reply to: MPoling

Negative my friend. That was the different. The medical staff is of Aesculapius. His rod represents the healing aspects of the art of medicine. Many Christians think that this symbol is the same as the serpent of brass that Moses put on a pole, but it is not. The serpent on the rod of Aesculapius is a counterfeit to Moses’ bronze serpent on the pole. This counterfeit symbol gives a false message that the serpent is wise and harmless.

Remember, the serpent on the rod of Aesculapius is the same serpent that is drinking from the Bowl of Hygieia. The message that the serpent of this Satanic symbol is also giving is that it is okay to take the poisonous “magic potent” from the bowl. These symbols that are used to represent the professions of pharmacy and medicine are giving a deceptive message from Satan that taking poisonous drugs are wise and has the power to heal and not kill. This is a lie! Those who submit to this poisonous counterfeit system will be swept away.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I remember when I was able 11years old, we were having a discussion of science over god trust, darn your post just bring back what I told the teacher.

Now let me make clear back in my childhood time my Island was mostly run by the Catholic church including the curriculum.

Soo I told the teacher that if God did not want us to use science he will never allowed scientist to get the knowledge.

I was a child and I was defending science, but darn back then I had not clue how greed and dirty scientist would become soo many decades later.

I guess the devil made them do it, now is all about profits.

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 12:27 PM
You know, this thread reminds me of the snake-handler churches. They're illegal now in most places, as I understand it, but some still exist as a sort of underground. They just hide the snakes until they decide to use them.

The idea is about what the OP mentions... these are deadly poisonous snakes. One bite can kill. And yet, these worshipers handle them without care. And believe it or not, most survive.

Notice I said "most," not "all." That's why they are illegal.

Now, if you ask a parishioner why someone was bitten and died, they will likely tell you, "because they didn't have enough faith." OK, I will actually buy that. But my next question is, how can someone get more faith if their lack of faith is fatal?

As you may have guessed by now, I am not a fan of snake-handling. I don't generally like playing with my food.

Anyway, my point is that sure, even if it is true that God will prevent those with sufficient faith from being bitten and dying, that's pretty intense to risk one's life to prove they have enough faith to not die. Wouldn't it be better to accept that one's faith may not be as strong as they believe it is, and therefore maybe they should think twice before testing it? Paul was bitten by a snake, yes, and he just shook it off into the fire without a care... but then again, Paul didn't go hunting for the snake and entice it to bite him. His faith was strong enough, but not because he purposely tested it.

It's the same with vaccines. Sure, I believe God can heal us of anything He wants to heal us from, and even that He wants to heal us. But that requires two things: God's willingness and the afflicted's faith strong enough. I also think it is a little bit excessive to expect that God is going to perform a major miracle every time one of us has any difficulty. So normally a vaccine is not an affront to our faith, but humility before God that, hey, maybe my faith isn't strong enough to fight this alone. Thank you, God, for giving men the knowledge to make this vaccine so I can survive with less than perfect faith and maybe thereby build my faith stronger.

Most of the vaccines have been around since I was a kid. I think there's a few new ones, like chickenpox. There's even one against shingles now... might be worth getting. Shingles sucks, so if there's no problem after a while of real-world use, I might just spring for that one.

But the Chinese virus? In the first place, the disease itself is barely fatal and completely survivable for the vast majority of people. In the second, never in my life have I seen people so damn adamant about ensuring that every single person on earth takes a vaccine! It's almost like their very lives depend on everyone taking a vaccine! In pushing this agenda, people will (and have) lie, punish, and even kill. That does not make me receptive to their vaccine. It does the opposite.

In short, I trust the older vaccines, and will trust the newer ones after I see sufficient evidence that they are safe. But I will trust God implicitly, and God gave me this body with its natural immunity. To turn a phrase: "In God I trust; all others bring proof."


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