posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 03:15 AM
I had a vivid colour vision as I was falling asleep yesterday afternoon I think was related to this
Ignore this post if it don't believe in this kind of thing
What I saw was vivid and significant enough that it woke me back up, from drifting off to sleep
I saw a blindly bright spot hemorrhaging from the surface of the sun
Not your normal CME (Caronal Mass Ejection). This was like a bubble of light 1,000 times brighter than the sun itself bleeding through the surface of
the sun like a bubble or pimple
That popped and unfurled into a massively long lick of fire, like a tail growing out of the sun
It was easily twice the diameter of the sun
And it didn't let go immediately like most CME. It stayed attached and swayed side to side
It didn't let go
I woke up thinking "Woah!", trying to work out what I had just witnessed
I thought it maybe had something to do with the forced (mandatory) vaccinations being implemented in places like Melbourne
Then a Earthquake hits Melbourne, right when Police are clashing with protesters about the mandatory vaccine
If the Earthquake was the initial bubble I saw bleeding from the surface of the sun? Something much, much bigger is about to erupt from it
Carona caronal
We'll see ...