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Everyone is going to get covid19

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+50 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:37 AM
Everyone is going to get Covid19. Nothing you do will keep you from getting it. Masks will not, vaccine will not, staying away from others will not, taking ivermectin or ANY other medication will not. YOU WILL get Covid19.
We are taking the wrong approach to this. What we need to do is identify those who will have severe reactions to the virus and treat them with the things that have been identified as helping to lessen the effects. yes vaccines do that, and so do a lot of other things. To try to mass medicate everyone is just dumb. You WILL get infected. There is no escape, and sadly people will die. Those that are responsible for this virus must be brought to justice. The USA paid for it and China produced it.

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: 00018GE
Everyone is going to get Covid19. Nothing you do will keep you from getting it. Masks will not, vaccine will not, staying away from others will not, taking ivermectin or ANY other medication will not. YOU WILL get Covid19.
We are taking the wrong approach to this. What we need to do is identify those who will have severe reactions to the virus and treat them with the things that have been identified as helping to lessen the effects. yes vaccines do that, and so do a lot of other things. To try to mass medicate everyone is just dumb. You WILL get infected. There is no escape, and sadly people will die. Those that are responsible for this virus must be brought to justice. The USA paid for it and China produced it.

There are about to be so many more to die than just from Covid...

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: 00018GE
Everyone is going to get Covid19. . . . To try to mass medicate everyone is just dumb. You WILL get infected. There is no escape, and sadly people will die. Those that are responsible for this virus must be brought to justice. The USA paid for it and China produced it.


Not much more to say.

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: 00018GE

Maybe everyone has already had it.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: 00018GE

32 million have caught and recovered from Covid-19 in the USA.


Those 32 million have less than a 1% chance of catching it again, according to the CDC.

The more that "get it over with", the better for our country...and the sooner the term "Covid-19" will be put on the back burner, along with the Flu, Pneumonia, H1N1, Hepatitis, etc..

edit on 9/21/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:54 AM
I've said the same from the beginning. We've only delayed the inevitable with our lockdowns and mandates. It's still going to get you. It just took longer.
edit on 9212021 by HairForceOne because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: 00018GE

“Everyone is going to get Covid19. Nothing you do will keep you from getting it. Masks will not, vaccine will not, staying away from others will not, taking ivermectin or ANY other medication will not. YOU WILL get Covid19.”

I mentioned that during a heated argument with a family friend. COVID is a virus, like a Cold or the flu. It’s here to stay, just like a Cold or the flu. Colds can be a Corona virus…and we haven’t conquered the common Cold. And never will.

The panic on my friends face was readily apparent, almost comical. She didn’t know any of that. So she resorted to screaming at me (literally) that I was “killing Granny!”

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

Mind if I steal this reply?
I gotta pass this one on.....😆 but really it’s 😳and 😭

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:14 AM
We should be testing healthy people to verify if they've already had COVID.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: 00018GE

32 million have caught and recovered from Covid-19 in the USA.


Those 32 million have less than a 1% chance of catching it again, according to the CDC.

The more that "get it over with", the better for our country...and the sooner the term "Covid-19" will be put on the back burner, along with the Flu, Pneumonia, H1N1, Hepatitis, etc..

Keep in mind, that is confirmed cases! The said most people don't show any symptoms at all, so that most mean atleast double 32 million.

Also keep in mind, they might have fudged those numbers as well.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:27 AM
Everyone is going to get it.

The actual conspiracy though is that c19 is not natural. It is man made. This pandemic is a man made global disaster with millions of related deaths and no one wants to admit responsibility.

This is why governments won't just let it run it's course and all the freakout about vaccines and continual lock downs. It is also why there is such a coordinated effort to shut down dissent.

The cover up is always worse than the crime.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: 00018GE
Everyone is going to get Covid19. Nothing you do will keep you from getting it.

I'll believe you, once you can prove that Sars-Cov-2 has been properly isolated.
Until then... yeah you're right, we'll all get the flu every so often.
Sometimes it turns into pneumonia. I've had that... and its not fun.

Oh noes! (or... nose?)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: 00018GE
Everyone is going to get Covid19. Nothing you do will keep you from getting it. Masks will not, vaccine will not, staying away from others will not, taking ivermectin or ANY other medication will not. YOU WILL get Covid19.
We are taking the wrong approach to this. What we need to do is identify those who will have severe reactions to the virus and treat them with the things that have been identified as helping to lessen the effects. yes vaccines do that, and so do a lot of other things. To try to mass medicate everyone is just dumb. You WILL get infected. There is no escape, and sadly people will die. Those that are responsible for this virus must be brought to justice. The USA paid for it and China produced it.

Even with data showing multiple meds are great prophylactic's which stop the disease from spreading, you still have ignorant doom and gloom cowards screaming the narratives off TV like Moses personally came down with tablets and told them what would happen. That is the narrative because that is the "get vaccinated" argument. You are powerless, all you can do is take this shot, otherwise you will most likely die.

Personally, I am about to lift weights for the next hour+. I have a handful of vitamins in me. I will eat like a king after my workout. I will get 8 hours of sleep tonight. I will eat steak, and eggs, and fish. I take my vitamin D, zinc, and a few others. Im almost 40. I wont get fat. I will go for a motorcycle ride in a little bit. Tomorrow I will do it all again, only tomorrow is not chest day, tomorrow is leg day, then Shoulder Day, then Arm Day, then 40 mile bicycle day, then rest and eat like a king day, then back day again, then chest day.....

I know what groups are at highest risk, and I am not in them. If you are fat and need every little bit you can get because you are already one Big Mac away from heart surgery, then thats your fault. Dont tell other they need to do things to protect anyone, thats the vaccines job, not my job. I am doing what I need to do to protect myself and my family. If you arent doing what YOU need to do for YOU, then that is your fault.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: HairForceOne
I've said the same from the beginning. We've only delayed the inevitable with our lockdowns and mandates. It's still going to get you. It just took longer.

They had to stretch it out once they saw the control that they had over people.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:55 AM
The ability to infect others is key, it's like a cold in that it spreads and mutates easily, but it's not very lethal.
The thing is you can't effectively vax against a cold or flu, and why we are even trying should say alot about the intentions.

They knew you couldn't effectively vax against this when they started the narrative IMO

It looks like war against our immune systems to me

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:33 AM
A member of our family had the wuflu at the outset, experienced medium symptoms and recovered. Received both vax. Now just tells me he tested positive for it. I guess some of us will get it more than once

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Zrtst
That's the thing, your family member received both jabs.
How many people, without a jab, have gotten it twice?
I am sure some have but from what I am reading it is much, much lower than in those that have been jabbed.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: jjkenobi

Antibody testing should be readily available to anyone, except for those who have taken the vaccine as apparently only some of the antibody tests will show the true story of what the vaccine is doing for you.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 01:03 PM
This isnt a certainty by any means.

First, lets make the distinction that covid is the disease and SARS-CoV-2 is the virus. Not all who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 will develop covid.

Then, we have aspects like cross-reactivity with previous coronaviruses. Due to Critical Covid Theory, everyone is solely looking at it in terms of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, but we see T-Cell reactivity from previous coronaviruses as well. Overlooking these things is common even among those who are asking questions, due to everyone looking at the entire situation through a manufactured lens. But, so called "immunological dark matter" that appears as a signal in real world data suggests some rather important "known unknowns."

This isnt a huge surprise, given that that is one of the facets of how we tend to adapt to novel viruses throughout history.

So, it might be more accurate to state that nearly everyone will be exposed to SARS-CoV-2 at some point, but not "get covid."

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 01:10 PM
Most of the foods and herbs that help with the covid 19 virus do not stop you from getting the virus, they slow down the replication or disable it in different ways. So they allow extra time for the immune system to fight it and create an antigen memory of how to fight it when you encounter it again. If there are only a few viruses, it may just destroy them with no antigen memory made, but repeated exposures will force the immune system to create antibodies and add the memory to the library.

The special foods I talk about keep the virus from going covid, they stop the overreaction of the immune system and also lessen the risk of not enough response from the immune system. Even if the immune system has to clean up virus particles that cannot replicate because they are damaged, it will trigger a response to future viruses, even a mild illness can cause some antigens to be formed and a memory is stored of that virus.

There are some food chemistries that are added to foods to preserve oils and extend their life that cause a destruction of anigens and antibodies. They are in other foodstuffs too, but there are probably over fifty different chemistries that lower our proper immune response and finding these may be time consuming and difficult if there has not been any research done. Disabling or binding antigens or antibodies can make them useless. I am surprised I have found as much as I have on some chemistries that cause the antibodies to become worthless, not that much interest in trying to find things that prevent illness, more money to be made on treating illnesses in this country. The FDA is not our friend. With changes done over a decade ago they increased by ten fold the number of chemistries that can be used in the food industry, with no testing done by the agency on most of them. If you are not looking for a problem, you will not find the problem.

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