posted on Nov, 26 2021 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to:
We don't yet know what the theme is, however I might try to persuade you against arguing for a limitation. I suggest that you have had difficulty in
the past with creating a Christmas story, however that doesn't infer that you will never be able to do so. It is possible that we are defined by
our ability to adapt. ;o)
It is possible that the emerging theme has nothing to do with holidays. After all, it is with the whims of the member who won the contest. I will
tell you something: I don't always get immediately engaged by the themes of the short story contest. What I do is put it in my head and then
fahgettabou' it. My subconscious wrangles it and flips it over as a properly-oiled subconscious is prone to do, and then somewhere down the line,
inspiration hits, and I type like a bastard to try and get it all down before it disappears. Just have fun with it. Christmas stories (if that's
what happens) don't have to be happy. It could be about "Christmas" 230 million years ago, as it related to a small dinosaur community. Just let
your creativity rage.
All best