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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
They're coming out of the woodwork now..


Ozzy Osbourne is thanking Lucifer for protecting him from coronavirus.
The Grammy Award-winning heavy metal icon credited Satan for covering him during the pandemic, even as close family members contracted COVID-19.
“My wife had the virus; my daughter had the virus and I never got it,” he told Metal Hammer. “Being a devil worshiper does have its good points!”

Brace yourselves old schoolers....Ozzys not a man.

I kinda figured this dude was a devil worshipper back around the time he was a vocalist for a band called "Black Sabbath" and then again I became suspicious when he made news for biting the head off a bat live on stage during a show.

Yeah there were a few of them. I remember that batcidence. They down played it as an accident but it made me step back from it and analyze other bands at that time.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I have that book bliss. Lots of info regarding the coming ice age most of the planet has been ignoring for decades. I've got my -80 boots and gear on hand for the occasion.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Brawndo had electrolytes. It’s got what plants crave.

Evil and thirst for power go hand in hand. A good person won’t do whatever it take to get to the top. An evil person will do whatever it takes and then some.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

So funny. Like demanding everyone drive an electric car and then being confused when the tax revenue goes down.

If you're and idiot work in government, if you an idiot and an ideologue we've got a special place in high office!!!

We have reached the point where the Insane are telling us what is sane and what is funny, and we call it progress. Thankfully everything has electrolytes.

Bingo. The issue is that the way our system is set up, corrupt people gravitate to elected office. A very large majority of our elected officials, all the way down to the local school board, are corrupt individuals.

Whatever Q and Co have cooked up I hope it's good. It's hard to even fathom what a better system could even be moving forward. It needs to be something revolutionary. Plato had the idea that you basically gather everyone together and let them choose their own leaders without any sort of campaigning. Which sounds like a good idea. But the problem is that our system is too large for something like that to feasible.

I hope they don't try to tie the new system to social media posts or something. Not saying they will, I'm just trying to think of how you can create a new system of electing people to get these corrupt bastards out of the game and every time I ponder on this I draw a blank. That is unless you try to do it with computers somehow.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 07:39 PM
Its Harvest TIME ... Perhaps....
Senators Grassley, Johnson demand AG Garland provide update on declassification of remaining Russia probe docs - October 14, 2021

...In a letter to Garland Thursday, Grassley, R-Iowa, and Johnson, R-Wis., cited Trump's January memo directing the director of National Intelligence and director of the CIA to declassify "certain Crossfire Hurricane records for public dissemination." ....

edit on 10142021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 07:44 PM
Archbishop Vigano claims that the pope is a "zealous cooperator" in the Great Reset, who pursues the "demolition of the Church" in order to replace it with a philanthropic organization of "Masonic inspiration." "It seems to me that in this conspiracy the role of the Jesuit has been decisive, it is no coincidence that for the first time in history a religious of the Society of Jesus is seated on the throne of Peter."

The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

It's pretty crazy when you consider that this pope was prophesied to be the final pope hundreds of years ago.

Also, seems to me that in this context, "the master" would be Satan.
edit on 14-10-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: ColoradoTemplar
Have you guys seen this today about Codemonkeyz?

If this really happens it will be interesting to see where he gets his money from to run for congress and who endorses him.

Nope, didn't see/hear that one.

"I’m pretty tired of hearing “Patriots are in control.”
In control of what? Their emotions? Their finances? Their families?
The modern battlefield is fluid and constantly changing. What someone controlled years ago does not mean they control it now. A few months ago, the Taliban was not in control, but they are now.
The modern air land battle is won by the force which has the ability to analyze the current situation, identify the problems and plan for and execute the solution to overcome a constantly changing situation.

"Who is telling you patriots are in control? Consider the source, and ask them the fact finding questions to identify the problem."
Jim Watkins or Jim Watkins

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 07:57 PM
One can add "deadbeat" to the myriad of derogatory terms on Teflon Hunter's resume.


I asks again, this family is full blown trailer trash, what makes Joe so important?

This is something. Demented Joe literally reading cards to speak to the President Of Kenya, behind a mask, saying nothing but a string of buzzwords. CLIP utterly pointless on every level.... I can't believe this goes on.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I think our good guys backed Joe into this corner deliberately. They orchestrated things in such a way that the other side was forced to "Ridin' with Biden." And he's the perfect idiot to expose to the world just how effed up our system is.

Donald Trump shined his spotlight on Joe Biden specifically. What makes him so important is that he is not only thoroughly corrupt, but also an actual idiot.

In regards to Ron saying that he is tired of hearing Patriots are in Control, it seems that he is just taking the next step in the evolution of Q. I believe Q left it all hanging in the balance like this precisely so that people like Ron would feel it's important enough to step up and actually do something - like run for office. Of course, Ron isn't the only one who has done it - he's just the most prominent. And I'm quite sure he won't be the last. We will have our country back. Thanks to Donald Trump. When he said it, he wasn't paying lip service. He was serious. And wrangling control of this system from the hands of those who currently control it is no small task. It has required, and will continue to require, hardship.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Here is the whole interview. It's less than 6 minutes long and is pretty good. Archbishop Vigano may follow this thread.....

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: spelling change

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: Caled

Ah yep me too. Have'nt slept well the past few days.

I haven't slept much either. Go to sleep fine around midnight and waking up around 3 with a horrible feeling of anxiety, almost an electrical feeling. There is always weird buzzing around here but if it happens again tonight I'll go out and check though there is also a big storm coming.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Masonic inspiration doesn't mean Masonic Order, but refers back to the P2 lodge. So this is just another nail in the coffin for global freedom and liberty.

For those not in the know.
From: Yes it's the WIKI, because they don't care if you know who they are either

Propaganda Due (Italian pronunciation: [propaˈɡanda ˈduːe]; P2) was a Masonic lodge under the Grand Orient of Italy, founded in 1877. Its Masonic charter was withdrawn in 1976, and it transformed into a clandestine, anti-communist, anti-soviet, anti-leftist, pseudo-Masonic and radical right organization operating in contravention of Article 18 of the Constitution of Italy that banned secret associations. In its latter period, during which the lodge was headed by Licio Gelli, P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi, and corruption cases within the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire.

P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state" or a "shadow government". The lodge had among its members prominent journalists, members of parliament, industrialists, and military leaders—including Silvio Berlusconi, who later became Prime Minister of Italy; the Savoy pretender to the Italian throne Victor Emmanuel; and the heads of all three Italian intelligence services (at the time SISDE, SISMI and CESIS).

When searching Licio Gelli's villa in 1982, police found a document entitled "Plan for Democratic Rebirth", which called for a consolidation of the media, suppression of trade unions, and the rewriting of the Italian Constitution.

Key take away is:
1 Its Masonic charter was withdrawn
2 sometimes referred to as a "state within a state" or a "shadow government"
3 in 1982, police found a document entitled "Plan for Democratic Rebirth"

SO before anyone starts jumping on Masons for this or that, remember that the group that the Pope and Pelosi have taken sides with used to be part of the Masonic Lodge system before being removed. While this group claimed to be "anti-communist, anti-soviet, anti-leftist" so was Trotsky (well he did have issues with the Soviet Union's leadership when he was banished to Mexico where he was killed).

So is the P2 a Trotskyist Organization, and are they ultimately behind this global takeover?

Just wanted to add that in the Q-POST system there are only two posts that come up when you search P2:

just something to think about.
edit on 14-10-2021 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
Okay city is an agri equipment lesson. There was a piece of equipment made by International 50 or so years ago called an International Harvester, which is where Harvester comes from. They are actually combines with interchangeable headers meant for harvesting depending on what crop is being harvested. If your running a John Deere, your not running a Harvester.

Well International was Red and JD is Green. But I had an orange one until I moved off my mini farm. It was from Kubota about 24 horse power. I HAVE been accused of being a city slicker by my Farming cousin in Houston MS but I do live on land that is totally farm land but for my home.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: igloo

have had the same issue minus the buzzing for the past several months. doing some research it is one of the symptoms of moving to 5D consciousness. it is interesting to read thru the symptoms and i seem to have several so who knows. The world is changing fast

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:46 PM
Hopefully we can all sleep tonight. I got a short nap in. And then I got a frantic phone call and had to listen to personal drama. Then I had to order brakes and a wheel hub to fix someone's car. Then I got a call from work about more craziness there. During that call I got a call from a friend that needs to replace their serpentine belts and idler/tensioner pulleys on their truck. Typical these days. I had to help a relative with brake jobs on both their cars in the last week or so. Nothing but people distracting me non-stop these days...eventually they will run out of things to fix...I hope. If you need anything fixed on your car and can't do it yourself, be very wary of mechanics and dealerships. There are no cars on the lots, and the prices are ridiculous for service because they have to make money somehow. They wanted $900 to replace a wheel hub that I'll be able to replace for $170 and a couple hours of work. $500 for the brake job that will cost $80 in parts. They wanted $1400 total, $1150 of which was labor.

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: Caled

Ah yep me too. Have'nt slept well the past few days.

I haven't slept much either. Go to sleep fine around midnight and waking up around 3 with a horrible feeling of anxiety, almost an electrical feeling. There is always weird buzzing around here but if it happens again tonight I'll go out and check though there is also a big storm coming.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I have that book bliss. Lots of info regarding the coming ice age most of the planet has been ignoring for decades. I've got my -80 boots and gear on hand for the occasion.

The Kryon, who have been talking about this for a couple of decades and say they want us to live have just in the last few weeks reminded us of geothermal heat. it can be had anywhere if we drill deep enough. I hoping to find partners to drill the year after next - where ever we may be - there will be money to be made here. Also, the use of magnets to push pull and to turn a flywheel...can power one building or a small community. Shouldn't be hard to come up with.

My tarot cards are guiding me to say bye bye to temps over wide. Sounds like you're ready but did you know people thrived during the last little ice epoch? Peeps had festivals on frozen rivers and ponds everywhere (they knew the end of the epoch was upon them when people started falling through the ice). Sleigh rides, Currier and Ives, chestnuts on an open fire and all that. Again, there will be opportunities. And, of course, therapy of all sorts after the shtf.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Great, thanks! I was expecting it to have alot more views, which says alot in of itself. The guy speaking at beginning, Dr. Robert Moynihan - his website: Inside the Vatican

The Vigano Tapes if anyone interested. They're all under 8 min each.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I was just messin with ya JOM. I am impressed with your knowledge on the green and red but they are still com bines....
It's really cool that you live on family farmland. My siblings and I just sold ours and it was sad but there are no "originals" left in our area. It's all been bought out.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I've watched 4 of them and they are really good! I did not realize that anyone within the church was speaking out against the Pope and the globalist agenda. This is actually re-freshing. I am surprised since Catholics are supposed the believe that the Pope is the embodiment of Christ. Vigano in one of these vid says that they are setting up the beast! I'm glad you posted them all and hope everyone will watch them. I swear it sounds like he reads this thread!

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
ETMN....Are you Catholic? In my previous post I did not mean to be offensive by saying "they supposedly believe the Pope is the embodiment of Christ". Some of my best friends are Catholic I was just saying that was the belief regarding the Pope and why he is the head of the church.

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