posted on Sep, 14 2021 @ 07:10 PM
We need a new criminal sentencing system. One that doesn't create individuals new criminal careers. One that is physically & psychologically safe.
This sentencing system needs new guidelines that perpendiculate justice as to not contradictorily mix the psychologically ill with an individual who
has made some mistakes.
Psychological rehabilitation centers only allow access for incoherent individuals, not all of the mentally ill.
We need a new jailing system that has renowned benefits over it's negatives. A jailing system that has no unrecorded overeach. A jailing system with
both equal punishment & rehabilitation.
Jailing should always be recorded unless privates are concerned. The existance of most jailed camera systems can be tampered with, malfuctioned
consistantly or non existent from economical reasons.
The people need a reason to invest more taxes or have the existing tax payers money in a more sufficient jailing system. It would be funded through
tax payer incomes.
We need Jailed Virtual Rehab. A rehabilitation program in jail & prisons where one can wonder in a virtual society & train to be societal.
This imprisonment/rehabilitation would need to be completely psychological. It can not be played as a video game because the body will not adapt to
the minds presence with those slight movements. It would need to be transmitted & conducted strictly through neurotransmitters.
The body learns to utilizes instinct mostly when the body is at rest. While the body is still producing a further procurement to a new natural ability
it renders most of this access to gamma rays produced by brainwaves. So that is why neurotransmission is necessary.
The practise of these learned lessons could then be reinserted into reality by the individuals usual learning experiance in VR.