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South Carolina has gone.

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posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: MDDoxs
a reply to: anonentity

Loud Noises!

If there is a hill I gunna die on, I die on the hill fighting mask mandates.

So yes, I joke first and was thinking a bit more deeply after. If the path to tyranny is a slippery slope, what hill is worth taking a stand on? Masks don’t seem enough of a threat

well if thats the hill you choose to die on then so be it
too bad it will be manned by you and a SMALL group of fools.

the rest of us will laugh at you on the way by to defend our liberty , constitution and bill of rights.

as they say..

there is always some fools on the wrong side of any issue


posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Looks like the ball is starting to roll. People are sick from this bullsh!t, no pun intended. Southerners are strong people and when you (the government) start fu**ing with peoples Family, Freedom's, and livelihoods, there will be a big blowback from We the People!

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: scrounger

Yes , the first thing is one's survival instinct kicks in and tries to work out to be on the winning side of history, as that could be the best for winning advantage.
Like if I get the Jab, I will be rewarded with a job and more freedoms, and be considered good by those in power.
But what if I get the Jab and suffer side effects and can't work, I will not be compensated.
But What if a historical change takes place as any student of history can tell you is assured. As very few lifetimes have cruised through without one. Except ours which has forgotten that things can spin on a dime in a moment especially on the domestic front. So is it a good survival strategy to do nothing until you are forced to?
You look at other vaccine rollouts and remember the Swine Flu debacle, in fact, all the rollouts ended in controversy. So the chances are as this continues the same will happen. Unfortunately, it looks like it is times ten if not more. If this was a normal vaccine rollout it would have been long pulled by now. By pushing it the politicians must realize they will never get elected again. They don't care because either the elections are rigged or there won't be any more elections. That's the way I see it.Wherever you look its all red flags .

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: anonentity
This is great, together with Florida & Texas etc, this just might work to halt the globalists plans

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: anonentity
This is great, together with Florida & Texas etc, this just might work to halt the globalists plans

It is not going to be effective if the people are still complying out of fear.

As I see it, it is only stopping the local governments from getting involved. The employers still have the ability to demand the vaccine of its employees. If the employee resists, they may have some legal support from the government, but they may not, and they are still in the same boat. Comply or lose your job.

That is a tough pot to be in. I know because I had to make that decision back in 2014. I chose to quit back then, because of principal.

This time I am not quitting. They are going to have to fire me. Again, because of principal.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 11:42 PM
what amazes me is i can think of one business that has THOUSANDS of workers that could put a SERIOUS LEGAL RESISTANCE and IMO stop it cold.

like them or hate them its WAL MART

they got by far one of the biggest powerhouse legal teams and know their way around pushing politicians at all levels and government agencies to their will

imagine if they said HELL NO and "here is the number for our lawyers"

i bet all the covid mandates from masks to shots would stop dead cold .


posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: scrounger

Yes what a strange setup. I would like to have been in the British cabinet to find out why they dropped the Vaccine passport. They are all elitists living in their little bubble, could it be that the general rank and file were thought to be a lot more stupid than they actually were. It might have come as a shock as the numbers outside the parliament building kept rising. But they have a plan B no doubt. They indeed might have looked at France which might be ungovernable by now with Italy heading in the same direction. What they are selling is an illusion so at some stage during a civil disruption communications go down, and that's the narrative They could have just had a report that the grid was not hard enough to take it. who knows.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 07:41 AM
How sad is that? America will let non citizens purchase property in the USA...Crazy stuff right there.a reply to: Vroomfondel

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: dandandat2
Hey you need to realize China didn't just help get Biden elected because they had a long working relationship and thought he would provide a better international partner.

In order for their less than mass destructive bio weapon to work as they intended they needed a US president willing to bring the gears of US industry to a halt in a vain attempt to eradicate a cold virus.

Wasn't it Trump who did that?

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: scrounger

Yes what a strange setup. I would like to have been in the British cabinet to find out why they dropped the Vaccine passport. They are all elitists living in their little bubble, could it be that the general rank and file were thought to be a lot more stupid than they actually were. It might have come as a shock as the numbers outside the parliament building kept rising. But they have a plan B no doubt. They indeed might have looked at France which might be ungovernable by now with Italy heading in the same direction. What they are selling is an illusion so at some stage during a civil disruption communications go down, and that's the narrative They could have just had a report that the grid was not hard enough to take it. who knows.

The Conservatives were always the ones who opposed ID cards and related measures. It was labor and the travel industry that wanted them.

They were dropped as the vaccine means that they aren't really justifiable any more.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Fatboy527
How sad is that? America will let non citizens purchase property in the USA...Crazy stuff right there.a reply to: Vroomfondel

Ah but here is the kicker. The Gov still owns the land. How? A little thing called a SUPER DEED. All land in the US is property of the US gov. THAT is how imminent domain works thanks to the SUPER DEED. We do not really own land here anymore,we lease it. The only reason we cab "buy" land is to keep people spending money and not overthrow the government.

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