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Why only school children vaccine required and not adults

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posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:26 PM
I just read the Florida Statutes Title 48, Chapter 1003, section 22 regarding 'Immunization against communicable diseases' for school entry for kids.
It was good to read the 'law' from the horses mouth, to educate myself with regard to our current requirements for vaccines.

Why is it that all US States require children to be immunized but no US States require adults to be? (Excepting things like the military, etc.)
I understand that a school with kids running around and packed inside classrooms presents a perfect breeding ground for the spread of communicable diseases. And perhaps that's why it's mandated for them. But don't adults do the same thing in many scenarios, including work, theaters, stores, long lines/queue's, etc.?

Or is it that children are not of an age of accountability/reason sufficient to make the decision to be vaccinated or not?

Or is there an assumption that adults have already been immunized against communicable diseases since they presumably went to school as a kid?
The only problem with that is, at least in Florida, the Florida Statutes statutes say:
"(11) The provisions of this section do not apply to those persons admitted to or attending adult education classes unless the adult students are under 21 years of age."
So adults are exempted from the law.

I am thinking when Biden's vaccine mandate goes to court, the argument by his lawyers will be something like, "All states already enforce public and private schools vaccine mandates. So we have constitutional authority to extend these mandates, during this pandemic, to include adults in the work force."

My point is, clearly until now, there has been a dividing line between children and adults with regards to vaccine mandates. And we have the seasonal flu vaccine which is not required (in children or adults), and we've had other deadly communicable diseases which have not resulted in mandates.

And I'm not looking for an answer like, "This is just a power grab by Democrats, plain and simple." That's a political answer.
I want to understand the big demarcation in the law between children and adults mandated vaccines.

posted on Sep, 12 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Le93baron

Without doing research the quickest thing that comes to mind is that some of the vaccinations you get as a child builds antibodies for life, at least that’s how it works with MMR. Since everyone is expected to go to school and to go to school you need these vaccines then in theory as an adult you should already be vaccinated.

Some employers require you to show proof of vaccination to get into certain positions specially in the service industry. If you don’t have required vaccination then you either get them or apply somewhere else.


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