posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:33 AM
Deputy Speaker of the State Duma of Russia Pyotr Tolstoy proposed to disperse the guardianship authorities, because they have become "a bureaucratic
machine with a juvenile ideology borrowed in the 90s as a Western cargo cult."
Tolstoy said that the current guardianship authorities do not meet the needs of society and it is impossible to reform them. We need to dissolve them
and create a new structure, he added.
“All the efforts of these former teachers, former law enforcement officers in small towns and villages, are aimed at fulfilling a certain plan to
remove children from the family. They will receive money for computers and new furniture in their offices, depending on how many children they take
away, ”Tolstoy stressed during a working meeting of the chairman of the patriarchal commission on family issues with the State Duma deputies.
I would like to add that from a legal point of view, it is completely illegal to introduce the norms of Anglo-Saxon case law and western juvenile
justice into Russian legislation and judicial practice, based on traditional Russian law with the reception of the norms of Roman law. Now the
question is being discussed, as a protection of Russian families from juvenile justice, to recognize Russian families as a subject of law.