posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:40 AM
Ya know, I can understand how in today's world someone can be either born and/or created to be a crazy sick- piece of sh!t like "Kony". What I just
don't get is how, if indeed his actions reported are facts, these guys get so many followers. It totally blows my mind that so many people have this
desire to follow the leadership of whack-jobs like this. I mean are the options in such short supply that these kinds of ideals start sounding
good?!?!? I'm pretty sure that anything dealing with the killing or torture of children or force feeding the mutilated parts of any creature back to
that creature is so far out of the spectrum of normal, that it would be the red flag warning you couldn't help but see. Actions like that serve no
purpose except to show a devotion to evil such as how Christian's view Satan worship. Or as some kind of experiment to explore the connection
between mankind and the infinate levels of pain and horror that can be lived through before death.
Why is it you never hear about the rebel group roaming the country teaching kids to read, or handing out food, or even secret rebel meetings to help
the ever increasing number of abused, uneducated, and confused people of the world "not to give up hope" or that the abuse they've gone through is
neither their fault nor is it just, and that they ARE worthy of anothers love.
Will the world ever realize that radical actions, no matter the direction will always cause problems??
Maybe the problem is the fact that it's impossible to be "Radically Neutral"??