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Galactic dust storm ends global warming?

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posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:14 PM
My apologies if this has been covered before. I did do a brief search.
A galactic dust storm is entering our solar system. Could this hasten an ice age or at least a cooling of the earth and making global warming predictions moot?

The effect this will have on our planet - if any - is unknown. But some researchers have speculated that sustained periods of cosmic dust bombardment might be related to ice ages and even mass extinctions.

During the last decade, the magnetic field of the Sun acted like a shield, deflecting the electrically charged galactic dust away from the Solar System. However, the Sun's regular cycle of activity peaked in 2001.

As expected, its magnetic field then flipped over, so that south became north and vice-versa. In this configuration, rather than deflecting the galactic dust, the magnetic field should actually channel the dust inwards.

More links: (article preview only)

[edit on 25-3-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:37 PM
I will keep checking this thred to see what other people say, but my gut feeling is that it will have no real efect.
thanks a bunch for posting it though

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:46 PM
That's a nice bunch of extra links you found.

I'm thinking that the "snowball earth" experience should be driving us underground where the temperatures will at least be livable. Survivors would have to forage amongst the snowdrifts for food, escaping back into the caves at night.

It certainly increases the possibility that this was what really destroyed so many cultures, leaving nothing but stone temples and a lingering clue of interest in the stars.

The 2012 tripling before it actually leaves us is thought provoking too, considering the Maya calendar.

great post

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 05:09 PM
Interesting you menchen the Myan calander
that is a good comparason

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 08:20 PM
Interesing but I have seen no obvious signs of a galactic dust storm. I have read some research that put galactic dust storms on the same timeline as massive extinctions on Earth. That is when they happen the Earth gets a massive extinction.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 11:45 PM
I do find it odd that this can be happening around the same time frame as the Maya 2012. I'm about to go find a cave to claim for my family.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 08:57 PM
I came across an article that says that these clouds of debris may have casued earlier ice ages and extinctions.
Although the theories are not yet supported by solid evidence, they offer a possible scenario for galactic material changing our climate.

Mass extinctions have occurred in Earth's past. That much is clear, from the fossil record. But what cause them is less certain. A widespread die-off 65 million years ago, which wiped out the dinosaurs and many other species, is thought by most scientists to have been caused by an asteroid impact.

Other extinctions have been attributed to impacts, climate change, cosmic rays, exploding stars, increased volcanic activity and even global warming. Multiple events may have conspired to make life difficult in any one of the five known worst mass extinctions.

The idea that we pass through clouds of galactic debris is not new. In fact, a 2003 study found that we're traveling through a mild one right now.

Huge Space Clouds May Have Caused Mass Extinctions

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