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Statistics Pertaining to Covid-19 in Vaccinated vs Non-Vaccinated Individuals.

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Was going to link the breakthrough pdf, but thought it might be overkill as I wanted to focus on the probabilities of dying between vaccinated and unvaccinated based on their own statistics. Their graphs on the breakthrough pdf are meant to scare people. Look at figure 2. It’s hard to tell, but breakthrough cases are super scary.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: bastion

Where I live (Illinois) has a horribly designed website that is filled with lies and omissions, including the "Get vaccinated and end the Pandemic" bullsh'it Biden and his people are spouting.

Starting on the front page of:

So I set my sights to the state 20 miles north of where I live (Wisconsin), and found more data...unfiltered data.

Wasn't doubting yourself, just there's so much smoke and mirrors involved n all sides as far as stats are concerned.

Just seen your link and completely understand yuor choice and am pretty shocked/disgusted how innaccesable and devoid of any real data or info it is - Seems they spent all their budget on a flashy website with videos and photos rather than collate any local data or evidence.

The Wisconsin site at least a couple more data rows but is also misleading and very poor dataset as there's no mention or breakdown of all the knwn risk factors for covid or essential data required to perform modelling or provide a measure for vaccine efficacy.

Raw data is always published in the UK and stats are done by a completely independent body and usually has 100+ pages of differernt rows/variables.

originally posted by: TrollMagnet
a reply to: bastion

That is not an argument whatsoever. You are trying to refer to some higher power like a mathematician to be the only form of data you will accept for numbers that prove the narratives incorrect.

No It's just CWM was asking if the stats were valid or could be extrapolated. I have a degree in Applied Maths, I specialised in Stats, Markov Chains offered my input, maths explanation why stats don't work that way.

It's difficult to answer an iquiry about maths and stats withut mentioning maths, data and stats. I'm confused why you think doing so must mean I'm invoking a higher power or could care less whatver Biden or FDA have said.

I don't live in the US or pay any attention to whatever narrative is going on over there as I'm a UK based mathematician.

Likewise I have no idea why you think data science (maths and stats) is a faith rather than science apprach. It's a science degree 10 - 15 years traning, not a priesthood.
edit on 10-9-2021 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:29 AM
Similarly to Wisconsin, Michigan Covid-19 hospitalizations are composed of a significant percentage of VACCINATED individuals.

+20% of Covid-19 inpatients are Vaccinated:

If these were vaccines against a truly deadly pandemic, like Ebola disease, everyone would be vaccinated. No coaxing would be needed.

And everyone who is vaccinated, would be scared out of their mind, due to the 20% failure rate!

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:42 AM

originally posted by: MrEnergy
a reply to: carewemust

Was going to link the breakthrough pdf, but thought it might be overkill as I wanted to focus on the probabilities of dying between vaccinated and unvaccinated based on their own statistics. Their graphs on the breakthrough pdf are meant to scare people. Look at figure 2. It’s hard to tell, but breakthrough cases are super scary.

I started this thread with the assumption that deaths amongst Non-Vaxed are significantly higher than they are amongst those who are Covid-19 vaccinated.

What I was taking issue with, and the reason I started this thread, is to COMBAT THE LIE coming out of the Administration, Medical "experts", and CNN-ABC-NBC-NYTimes, etc... that 98% of everyone in the nation's hospitals undergoing treatment for Covid-19 are Non-Vaccinated.

That is a bald-faced LIE.

And a dangerous/deceitful LIE, because it gives those who are vaccinated a false sense of security.

IMO, the best long-term peace of mind and security comes with Covid-19 recovery. If everyone would contract Covid-19 and recover, this Pandemic would come to a screeching halt.

Covid-19 would become an "Endemic" disease, like the Flu, Pneumonia, H1N1, Hepatitis, etc..

(fyi: The H1N1 Swine flu Pandemic transitioned to Endemic in 2010, but since then, over 65,000 Americans have died from H1N1. Source: )

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:51 AM
You’re looking in the wrong places. The SCAM is the manufactured class division. There is no vaccinated vs anybody, why do the vaccinated feel so superior?

a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: TheLead
a reply to: Bunch

Does anyone know how they are counting the J and J jab? When they say fully vaccinated they mean 2 weeks post second jab, so do they consider those who took the J and J vaccinated?

Luckily we have some good data since it was used in South Africa with healthcare workers.

Some helpful data:

In July, J&J released the results of two studies that found that people who were vaccinated with the single-dose vaccine elicited an immune response against the delta variant and that the immune response lasted for at least eight months.

And in early August, a clinical trial that followed nearly 500,000 health care workers in South Africa found that the J&J vaccine was 71% effective against hospitalization and 95% effective against death due to the delta variant.

In early August 2021, the South African government released data showing that against the delta variant, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine provides 65% to 66% protection against hospitalization and 91% to 95% protection against death. This lower efficacy against delta means some fully vaccinated individuals will get infected.

edit on 11-9-2021 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: carewemust

The other part of the lie is that 14 days after the jab you are not counted as vaccinated.
So when you die or you are hospitalized for vax related problems right after the jab you are counted as not fully vaccinated. This makes the 23 % number even less valid.
Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative In-Studio with Alex Jones

Nice I have been meaning to check out this interview, thank you!

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