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Statistics Pertaining to Covid-19 in Vaccinated vs Non-Vaccinated Individuals.

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 02:28 AM
Friday, September 10, 2021

Some states have a Health Department that uploads useful data for learning about Covid-19 infections amongst the population.

Take WISCONSIN for example:

The above page at the Wisconsin site provides a comparison between Covid-19 infections of VACCINATED and Non-VACCINATED individuals.

Based on the chart, it looks like the medical "experts" on TV, along with President Biden and his personal spokespeople, are LYING when they say 95% to 99% of those in the hospital for Covid-19 have NOT been vaccinated.

In Wisconsin, 23% of those in the hospital for Covid-19 treatment are fully vaccinated.

Can we assume Wisconsin's ratios are typical for America as a whole?

Does YOUR STATE have a website with data like this? If so, please post a link to it.

Thanks in advance for any useful contributions to this important subject, because the Covid-19 Vaccinated vs Non-Vaccinated data is not being presented accurately by those in charge of our country, our health system, and our news media.

Any updated Covid-19 "reinfection" data from the your state health department, or the CDC, is appreciated as well. Over 31 million Americans have recovered from Covid-19. It's important to know what percentage have remained free of reinfection. And of those who contracted Covid-19 again, were they vaccinated, or not-vaccinated, at the time of reinfection.


edit on 9/10/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Friday, September 10, 2021

Some states have a Health Department that uploads useful data for learning about Covid-19 infections amongst the population.

Take WISCONSIN for example:

The above page at the Wisconsin site provides a comparison between Covid-19 infections of VACCINATED and Non-VACCINATED individuals.

Based on the chart, it looks like the medical "experts" on TV, along with President Biden and his personal spokespeople, are LYING when they say 95% to 99% of those in the hospital for Covid-19 have NOT been vaccinated.

In Wisconsin, 23% of those in the hospital for Covid-19 treatment are fully vaccinated.

Can we assume Wisconsin's ratios are typical for America as a whole?

Does YOUR STATE have a website with data like this? If so, please post a link to it.

Thanks in advance for any useful contributions to this important subject, because the Covid-19 Vaccinated vs Non-Vaccinated data is not being presented accurately by those in charge of our country, our health system, and our news media.

Any updated Covid-19 "reinfection" data from the your state health department, or the CDC, is appreciated as well. Over 31 million Americans have recovered from Covid-19. It's important to know what percentage have remained free of reinfection. And of those who contracted Covid-19 again, were they vaccinated, or not-vaccinated, at the time of reinfection.


The numbers in hospital are different than the numbers that have died, or are dying. I think you need to refer to these numbers separately, to get a true indication of things.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:15 AM
It's fully vaccinated vs not fully vaccinated. There lies the scam. Maybe 70% of hospitalized for covid treatment had a first dose of the concoction. The fully vaccinated may be sent home in favor of saying that their symptoms are milder when in non-fully vaccinated they take a precaution and hospitalizing their ass. The FDA recommendations may force them to take different approach and even shove a tube down their throat when 9 out of 10 of those put on a ventilator die.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
It's fully vaccinated vs not fully vaccinated. There lies the scam. Maybe 70% of hospitalized for covid treatment had a first dose of the concoction. The fully vaccinated may be sent home in favor of saying that their symptoms are milder when in non-fully vaccinated they take a precaution and hospitalizing their ass. The FDA recommendations may force them to take different approach and even shove a tube down their throat when 9 out of 10 of those put on a ventilator die.

Don't forget the BIG LIE we're being told every hour of every day by the media.

It's not 1% of those hospitalized are fully vaccinated.

It's 23% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 are fully vaccinated.


HUGE difference.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:45 AM
Oregon Department of Human Services - Oregon Health Authority

Down towards the bottom of the page, there are some links for latest news

Reading through, I found it odd that “To date, 4.9% of all vaccine breakthrough cases have been hospitalized and 0.9% have died. The median age of the people who died was 80.”

So does that mean the age group dying of vaccine breakthrough cases is 60-100 years old, and they have a 0.9% chance of dying, even after being vaccinated?

Can someone please link an official document or something showing what the statistics are for unvaccinated individuals contracting covid, and what percentage of them are dying? Supposedly, it’s less than 0.9%, but who knows.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The link below is for the state of Indiana and I think it clarifies on what you are trying to discuss:

Regarding overall cases

As of Friday, the Indiana State Department of Health has logged 6,740 breakthrough cases — infections occurring after a person becomes fully vaccinated.

That means of all cases this year, just 2.4% have occurred in vaccinated Hoosiers, as compared to 97.6% in unvaccinated Hoosiers.

Regarding hospitalizations

The state department of health has identified 226 individuals with breakthrough cases who have required hospitalization.

Of the total hospitalizations in the state this year, just 1.4% have been vaccinated Hoosiers, compared to 98.6% unvaccinated.

Regarding COVID deaths

Statewide, Indiana has recorded 5,787 deaths attributable to COVID-19 in 2021. Of those, 78 deaths have been among vaccinated patients who experienced a breakthrough case. That’s 1.3% of all deaths, meaning the other 98.7% have been among unvaccinated Hoosiers.

More to the point regarding COVID deaths

Of the 78 breakthrough deaths among vaccinated people in the state, 74 of them were people 65 years old and older.

This report aligns pretty much with the picture all across the country which is:
1. Get vaccinated and even if you get COVID you have a better chance at not ending in the hospital.
2. Even if you go to the hospital you have a better chance at surviving.
3. Our elderly are still the most vulnerable group but with Delta the 40-64 age group is very at risk.

Now, let’s keep in mind that the mortality rate is 1.6% which is much lower than SARS and MERS.

I think all this boils down to personal responsibility. No need to bash the vaccine or the vaccinated and no need to bash the one that don’t want to get vaccinated.

I wish all people got vaccinated if anything for their own well being. I took a chance on the vaccine because I have severe asthma and COVID could annihilate me in days according to my Dr.

I’m I concerned of potential long term effects? Yes. But everyday I get to spend my my wife and my daughters is a blessing and I believe the vaccine for me was the best way to make sure I’m here for them.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: MrEnergy

Deaths are highly dependent on both Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated individuals.

Oregon does a good job of reporting numbers, but not not explaining what they represent, which is all too common across most governmental agencies, unfortunately.

For instance, 1,036 hospitalized for Covid-19 in Oregon. Is that the number who are currently in the hospital? Or the number who were admitted to the hospital during the week covered by the below report?'s the Oregon weekly Covid-19 "Breakthrough" report:

Thank-you for the links to Oregon's Health Dept data, Mr. Energy.

edit on 9/10/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: Bunch

Excellent post with good Covid-19 stats for Indiana, along with your accompanying sentiments, Bunch.

One thing that's important when interpreting the data, is the time-frame. Indiana says FOR THE YEAR, only 1.4% of hospitalizations have been vaccinated individuals.

Wording like that indicates a Health Department Director who is aligned with the Vaccine-pushing CDC/Media.

Why? Because the vaccination rate slowly ramped up in Indiana (and all states) over the past 9 months. So naturally, most of the year saw NON-Vaccinated hospitalizations. Govt and Businesses are good with using specific wording to influence people. Most are too busy with life to really THINK about what they're being told.

Thanks again for your input from Indiana.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: Bunch

Now, let’s keep in mind that the mortality rate is 1.6% which is much lower than SARS and MERS.

Given that a certain percentage of people have no symptoms when infected, or have symptoms that are very mild, how can an accurate mortality rate be shown, since there has never been widespread antibody testing to get an accurate number of how many have been infected?

edit on b000000302021-09-10T04:49:45-05:0004America/ChicagoFri, 10 Sep 2021 04:49:45 -0500400000021 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: carewemust

The other part of the lie is that 14 days after the jab you are not counted as vaccinated.
So when you die or you are hospitalized for vax related problems right after the jab you are counted as not fully vaccinated. This makes the 23 % number even less valid.
Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative In-Studio with Alex Jones
edit on 10/9/2021 by PapagiorgioCZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Bunch

Does anyone know how they are counting the J and J jab? When they say fully vaccinated they mean 2 weeks post second jab, so do they consider those who took the J and J vaccinated?

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

In Wisconsin, 23% of those in the hospital for Covid-19 treatment are fully vaccinated.

The vaxxed represent 75% of the adult population, but only 23% of the seriously sick?

That's a stunning case for vaxxing everyone.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Bunch

Now, let’s keep in mind that the mortality rate is 1.6% which is much lower than SARS and MERS.

Given that a certain percentage of people have no symptoms when infected, or have symptoms that are very mild, how can an accurate mortality rate be shown, since there has never been widespread antibody testing to get an accurate number of how many have been infected?

It's actually about 2.7%. Not 1.6%.

While the US might not be checking everybody for antibodies, the Europeans have been doing widespread studies. Their figures come out strongly in favor of vaxxing rather than getting immunity naturally, especially for vulnerable people such as the elderly. At present day infection and mutation rates it's not currently possible to gain herd immunity. New variants would emerge faster than natural immunity could adapt. As shown by the number of people who've previously had Covid who then get the Delta varient. Vaxxing seems to be more effective in this area.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: carewemust

The other part of the lie is that 14 days after the jab you are not counted as vaccinated.
So when you die or you are hospitalized for vax related problems right after the jab you are counted as not fully vaccinated. This makes the 23 % number even less valid.
Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative In-Studio with Alex Jones

I think you meant "within 14 days of a vaccine injection".

Yes...if you drop dead from the experimental drug within 14 days of receiving it, you are statistically "Non Vaccinated", even if the vaccine itself caused your death.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: carewemust

You have a PM
a teaser .....

Covid Death chart

* Not included is a value between 1 and 9 that has been suppressed by the CDC in accordance with NCHS confidentiality standards.

The huge amounts of deaths were those at or above the Average Life Expectancy .... Think Nursing Homes

edit on 9102021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: carewemust

In Wisconsin, 23% of those in the hospital for Covid-19 treatment are fully vaccinated.

The vaxxed represent 75% of the adult population, but only 23% of the seriously sick?

That's a stunning case for vaxxing everyone.

It should be up to every individual if they want to be vaccinated....similarly to the choices we have regarding the flu vaccine.

But the point is, for the purpose of THIS THREAD, is pointing out how the MEDIA, MEDICAL EXPERTS, JOE BIDEN, and PSAKI, BLATANTLY LIE when saying 98% of those in the hospital are Non-Vaccinated. THE TRUTH is vaccinated stand close to a 1 in 4 chance of being hospitalized, should they contract Covd-19.

And, just as importantly, the further they get from their Vaccination Date, the better the odds of being infected and hospitalized.

It's a crazy non-stop hamster wheel, over a disease which is barely lethal for those under age 75.

edit on 9/10/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Is there any reason why Wisconsin was chosen? What are the vax rates there? It reads as if an organisation/alt-right media has cherry picked that State and used lying by numbers to mislead the public into the falsee belief of vax not being effective.

I thought the 99% things was from a month or two back as general US-wide but may well be wrong as don't pay any attention to press or politicans abuse of stats. 95% f hospitalised being unvaxxed sounds abut right/99% seems like lying by numbers by the other side.

No the ratios can't be viewed as typical as there's a few thousands different variables involved, different rates of vax uptake, health, weath, access healthcare, ages, race, health demographics.

Tl;Dr - Unless you have a maths or pharma degree and post grad statisticall modelling you have more chance of winning the lottery than getting valid stats, whether pro or anti on any subject.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: bastion

Where I live (Illinois) has a horribly designed website that is filled with lies and omissions, including the "Get vaccinated and end the Pandemic" bullsh'it Biden and his people are spouting.

Starting on the front page of:

So I set my sights to the state 20 miles north of where I live (Wisconsin), and found more data...unfiltered data.
edit on 9/10/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The only person I know to get COVID is my brother who currently has it and is fully "vaxxed". I merely identify as fully vaxxed and am in perfect health as usual. My brother is 33 and it seems about the same as a cold for him.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: bastion

That is not an argument whatsoever. You are trying to refer to some higher power like a mathematician to be the only form of data you will accept for numbers that prove the narratives incorrect. All that says is that unless someone labeled an expert by your TV spoon feeds you answers you are told are correct, you have no way of understanding if the data is correct or not. So basically, anyone labeled an expert can tell you what they want, and you will believe it is correct because you lack the information to verify whether it is true or false. Thats how you create useful idiots who push for things they dont understand in the least.

That is a faith based stance. That's the same as asking a priest how they know god exists. If you don't understand how they got their answer, then it does not matter. Stupid people are turning science and data into a faith based religion where you follow government picked experts to tell you what to think. That's the type of thinking that brought on the Spanish Inquisition.

That type of thinking is why so many people are so sure they know and understand so many things that just arent true. This is also called, willful ignorance. Its not a defense. The citizens who think like that need to be recognized as gears in the machine of gov that want to run over all of us freedom lovers. I see no difference between those who want to put the needle in my arm by force, or my neighbors that argue they should. They are both the same thing.
edit on 10-9-2021 by TrollMagnet because: (no reason given)

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