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Militia vs. The New World Order

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posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 01:06 PM
The US Gov't takes militias very seriously. And for good reason too.

At the highschool I went to, a bunch of kids were in a militia. And they were receiving very, very good training out in the desert. Almost alarmingly good. Not just how to point and shoot a gun, but how to hide out in the desert, how to set all sorts of extremely lethal traps, how to make explosives etc etc... I never found out who was teaching them, they wouldn't say. Anyway, the FBI got involved and threatened all sorts of legal action against it's members. Most of the high school kids left, but I'm fairy certain it's still active. They never found the person(s) who was training them.

It made the school administration extremely nervous as well, having kids walk around their schools who know how to hit every vital spot on the body with a sharp pencil in under 5 seconds.

EDIT: Think: 'The Hunted', that Tommy Lee Jones movie. Pretty lethal stuff.

[edit on 5-4-2005 by rp001]

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Elgringoloco

Originally posted by MrMarc

Surely any right minded individual wouldn't carry out these orders.

[edit on 1-4-2005 by MrMarc]

Ask a Naval officer whether he thinks the Marines will kill US citizens and he'll tell you that he has no doubt the Marines will kill Americans. They will follow orders as they have been taught to do.
This was the response given to me by a Naval officer who commands marines at sea. These guys are fukn whacky and they have been trained to carry out orders. Brain-washed in other words.

I suggest that everyone who reads this considers going out tonight and purchasing a fire arm. Even if it is never used, it is a detterent for the NWO.

As I write this, there is an 80 million member army of registered gun owners in the US. There is probably several million more who are not registered.
This is why the NWO has not yet attempted a door to door removal of guns. The military WILL follow orders and they WILL be slaughtered. If anyone thinks Iraq is something, they need to just wait until the US population is being threatened. There will be a revolt like no one could ever imagine. We have more firepower in the hands of the people than that of the entire middle east. Explosives are so easy to make. Hell, using soap, styrofoam, and gas will make some nasty napalm. Not to mention how easy it is to make a mulatav cocktail or some other fire bombs are.

Buy as many guns as you can. When or if the time comes and you must put a bullet into the chest of someone trying to take your guns away, you will need all the fire power you can muster up. There will be many bleeding hearts out there that were too stupid to buy a gun and you may have to loan them some of yours as well.

A militia isn't needed.

Remember the Rodney King riots?
Imagine those same people all in possesion of automatic rifles, bombs, grenades, shotguns, and etc.
Do you think a military could stand up to the likes of this?

This is funny advice from one whose handle means "crazy foriegner".

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 01:32 AM
The militia movement was pretty much shut down after Oklahoma City, in fact, to some "Conspiracy Theorist" this was the intended goal of that explosion.

Any militia still in existence has already been compromised by government intelligence plants as mandated by laws signed under Clinton.

The NWO has its bases covered.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Legalizer
The militia movement was pretty much shut down after Oklahoma City, in fact, to some "Conspiracy Theorist" this was the intended goal of that explosion.

Any militia still in existence has already been compromised by government intelligence plants as mandated by laws signed under Clinton.

The NWO has its bases covered.

The militia near me hasn't been compromised that I know of. Those are the key words though. "That I know of". Anyway, the militia near my town has basically been apathetic as of late. They haven't organized in many many months so they could easily be caught off guard. Some militia that is.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 09:48 PM
Could someone explain to me how the NWO will attack?
Who are the troops that will be used, as in what countries?

I just ask because if anyon eknows for sure, or at least has a pretty good idea that will make it easier to try and determine if it will be at all possible to surivive or effectively fight back against any nwo

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by GU47
Could someone explain to me how the NWO will attack?
Who are the troops that will be used, as in what countries?

I don't think anyone can answer how they will attack, including themselves.
Please remember their plan is a work in progress and is constantly changing. Some things work great for them while others do not. And us "little people" keep doing things that slow them down. As an example, the Bilderbergs spent many hours discussing the militias spreading around the USA and how to stop them.

According to a report from the National Economic Council in 1960, The game plan is for several countries to become the "Police" of the USA. Columbian and Venezuelan troops in the north east, Russian troops in the southeast, Belgians in the north central, Irish on the west coast, Chinese for Mexico and Central America.

US troops are to be sent to Australia, Argentina, Western Europe, India, Nepal, Pakistan, southeastern USSR.

This is information is old enough that I doubt this is still the game plan. But they are smart enough to know US troops won't kill US civilians. In fact, they fear the civilians might convince the troops to go after their leaders. So don't expect any troops that can speak English here.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Qwas
This is information is old enough that I doubt this is still the game plan. But they are smart enough to know US troops won't kill US civilians. In fact, they fear the civilians might convince the troops to go after their leaders. So don't expect any troops that can speak English here.

That wil make it easier to shoot them then

On a side note I don't see how we can stand against them now unless we have their same weaponry, i.e. fully autos at least, we would need things like stingers too i believe

I guess we'd just have to kill the first wave and take their stuff

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 08:14 PM
Where did you hear of this; "Game Plan"?

And yeah, as far as I can see first wave you'd have to take out, take there stuff and get the hell out of there. there is no way you can win against teh Army, when they'd have helicopters, etc, without amazing fire power - which I don't doubt a few people have.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 08:52 PM
Why do you all believe they will take over by force?

"Peak oil" will hit within a few years. Whoever controls vital resources by then will have the power to do what they want. If you don't co-operate you'll starve.

Like the resistance in Iraq you'll be a thorn in their side, but not a serious threat.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 09:14 PM
Not one of us can claim to know how it'll come into power, we just guess and assume. I'm just seeing what the majority of people think, feel, putting my view across and in other posts explaining to people how to survive in the great outdoors.

I wish I could say for sure, this will happen or this will, but none of us can which is why it's important we discuss things like this.

As for the Militia in Iraq/Terrorists in Iraq, they seem to be doing a fairly good job of things especially with the way in which they're changing to do things now.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 09:50 PM
You guys are taking the NWO to literally.
The NWO is a concept, not something that is planning to attack and take over.
The instigators of the NWO don't have to openly attack us. They are already here, it is your government. Or to be exact the ppl who have the money to control your government.
Every time a new law is passed, every time a new security measure is enacted, it is a part of the new world order.
Every time someone blindly buys the government line, it is allowing the new world order.

It's nothing new. The NWO is the final push to world dominance by the power hungry families that have been in control from day one.
Things are getting desperate for them. We are becoming more aware of them. Resources are running out. They are being more obvious now, taking risks. They know their time is running out.

We are seeing the last desperate attempt to reap what there is left to reap.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Where did you hear of this; "Game Plan"?

And yeah, as far as I can see first wave you'd have to take out, take there stuff and get the hell out of there. there is no way you can win against teh Army, when they'd have helicopters, etc, without amazing fire power - which I don't doubt a few people have.

I don't remember who I received the information from. It was back in the early 90's and I was sharing information with lots of people back then; religious groups, legal groups, militia groups. I think this same information is in another document called "Blueprint 2000" or something like that. I was hoping to see a post about this other source since it is more recent.

Gekko - I don't think oil will peak for many more years yet. New reserves are being drilled regularly. An example is the new drilling planned for oil in Alaska. Other examples come from the southern parts of the old USSR. My understanding of the latest oil price increases seen in the USA is because the price of oil is switching to being based on the Euro. The price increases are actually the fall of the dollar.

Anok - I think you are very correct. The NWO does not want to confront us directly. They would rather change laws and slowly gain control without the people knowing. So far, this method is working for them. I believe they have a game plan if war is necessary but they don't want to use it.

There are some misinterpretations as to when and why militias came back to life in the USA. It was before David Koresch and Waco, or Randy Weaver in Idaho. It was started a couple of years prior when the US Supreme Court ruled the Second Amendment only allows militias to have guns. So many citizens decided to start militias and turn their guns over to the militia.

[edit on 4/17/05 by Qwas]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Not one of us can claim to know how it'll come into power, we just guess and assume. I'm just seeing what the majority of people think, feel, putting my view across and in other posts explaining to people how to survive in the great outdoors.

I've always felt the same way. If it comes to war, each militia group will do it's own thing which will depend on their own strengths and weakness. I always felt it would be best to run during the first wave. Get outdoors and hide. I recommend practicing how to camouflage yourself into the terrain, whatever it may be. I've planned for several places in different directions to run to that will have the resources that I can work with.

You can practice wearing camouflage in the woods and putting camouflage make-up on and disguising a rifle. Then have friends come find you. You should be able to get good enough that no one can see you when 6 feet away. Very do-able. You can purchase military manuals publicly to assist on this.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 07:16 PM
I myself am in a bind

I can easily survive and what not but those closest to me would not beable to camo them selves and not get caught so for me the issue isnt hiding, I have to either stand and fight so people with me can get away or get cut down by the enemy

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by GU47
I myself am in a bind

I can easily survive and what not but those closest to me would not beable to camo them selves and not get caught so for me the issue isnt hiding, I have to either stand and fight so people with me can get away or get cut down by the enemy

Might not need to wear camo. If you are in a city then your camo might be to look like a homeless person or "druggie". If close to an ocean, looking like a beach bum or surfer. Different scenarios call for different camo. The "camo" is just something to make you blend in and not stand out.

The main thing is to have a plan ready to execute if need be.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 03:21 AM
we already have a thread about surviving the NWO

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:44 PM
damn double post. :-)

[edit on 20-4-2005 by Odium]

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:49 PM
This topic is meant to focus around the ability for a Militia to be able to stand up to a Government, for information on Survival I’ve already wrote these:
Wilderness NavigationWATER CROSSINGS
Martial Arts

Hopefully, this weekend I'll be adding three more posts to that forum (I've not forgotten about it) and adding another important one to this. Please keep the Survival bases talk to the other topic, unfair of me to take away from his excellent topic.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:40 AM

Wikipedia Information on the Militia.

Militia Watchdog

Information on Militias

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:16 PM
Anyone remember Vietnam. I would say that the Vietcong fought a pretty successful guerilla war against superior firepower etc...

2,594,000 Personnel served within the borders of South Vietnam. Jan. 1, 1965 - Mar. 28, 1973
Another 50,000 men served in Vietnam between 1960 and 1964.
Of the 2.6 million, between 1 - 1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack.

All of these men that are still alive would provide a great resource to the militias. They were trained by the US government and saw how the Vietcong had waged a successful war for decades by use of tunnels booby traps etc....
It would be a long hard struggle but any enemy coming from the outside would eventually lose.

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