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Biden to require COVID-19 vaccines, tests for millions of private workers

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I agree. I am confused that so many people are this scared that somehow this became acceptable. I can't blame the media fearmongering either because people have brains and can use critical thinking, they just don't. My personal experience over the last almost 2 years of this pandemic is to see almost no one ever wearing a mask or social distancing where I am and all the same people are everywhere I go, so they aren't dead. Like at the grocery store and movie theater and just any business, my neighbors. I am aware that people are dying and getting sick, I just haven't seen that at all where I am. So I guess that is why I am confused. I can't put myself in their shoes because I haven't experienced it and have no idea about it.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Well thanks for being positive

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Well thanks for being positive

Sorry about that.

Life is full of things we cannot control or prevent. The good news comes in how we respond to those events.

It reminds me of an old lady that lived not far from me as a child. She had a tiny house, no bigger than a shed. There was no grass around her house, but she had several tires, painted white, filled with beautiful flowers all the time in season. She had a dirt floor, that she swept daily, and her house always looked so neat and clean.

I remember my sassy teen self, once asking her why she spent so much time sweeping dirt.

I will never forget her answer. She told me she was a poor old lady. She said she didn't have much, but that did not mean she had to live in filth, and that she valued what little she had. Her pride in self kept her strong, gave her purpose, and allowed her to fight back against the debris of poverty.

There are some things we can't control. But I refuse to give up what little I have. For me, it is not about the outward trappings required for social acceptance.

I am ready to accept my fate. I have spent a good portion of my life standing up for what I thought was right, when going along to get along, would have been far easier, and sometimes, far more lucrative.

I have fought enough battles, where when the smoked cleared, I was the last person standing on the battlefield. Alone. With all my fellow combatants, seeking aide and shelter from the enemy, while repeating over and over about how sorry they were, and listing excuse after excuse, about why they had to given in.

Yeah. I am not very hopeful that many will stand strong through it all. But it all has a purpose. I may have little hope that I will ever see that purpose fulfilled, I still find some solace in myself with fighting for my perceived liberties till my death.

I am not trying to sound noble or brave. My time is short anyway, I can only hope to make it mean something, if to no one else. To myself.

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