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Biden mandates all employers with 100+ employees to require Covid vaccinations

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: GravitySucks

I am sorry to hear this GS

It is unfortunate. It started out too simply...every person you'd ask..."Hey, you know anyone sick with COVID?" and you almost always heard "no" or "a friend of a friend" type things. But as it continued, with variants and the types of people succumbing...younger and healthier, it should be painfully obvious how dangerous it will be

Heck, it might not be the end of the world but to those struggling for breath, on vents, hearing those ICU alarms in your ear 24/ those folks, it is the end of their world

I understand people's total distrust in the federal government, given their history of human experimentation and bio weapon testing. But this virus does not care what our reasons are (or were in some cases). My daughter talked me into getting my jab and I couldn't be happier. 5 days ago was my "fully vaccinated" mark

Might not 100% prevent infection...but it makes it a heck of a lot less likely I will end up in the ICU on a machine or god forbid getting my family or pets sick
edit on 9/10/2021 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: JBurns

It's a crapshoot either, way, J. It seems your family was a very important if not the most important factor in your decision, as it was in for our family. At least if we go down, we all go down together is what we figured.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Almost no one wants to go back to the office at all

I retired before covid. (im so diasappointed that covid has stolen nearly 2 years of retirement travel and activities from me, but thankful Im and my loved ones are healthy!)

I was out for a dog walk one morning and encountered a woman I used to work with. She is still a federal employee at the nearby base. She told me she is working remotely, and hasnt even been into the office or even on base in a year! I remember when working one day a week from home was an issue with managers and productivity, but they did so to meet carpooling goals. I cant imagine what its like to lead a team of people you havent even seen for a year.

I recently had to pay 400 in fees to get a passport in two months instead of 6 months, for travel in oct. Thats the bite for the fast lane. I once got a passport in 2 weeks. Only one indication that the govt isnt functional. Im sure there are many more such examples of loss of productivity.

If we can afford for employees to not even show up at the office in a year, maybe we can lay some off, shutter some expensive office bldgs, save some money. Perhaps half the federal workforce isnt even needed?

I work from home and know tons who do....and the only time one needs to go in to the office is for classified information either to review in person or for calls. But a lot of govt agencies have computers that have hardware that are specifically made for govt workers to use at home and you access with CAD cards. These computers are not just stuff you buy off the web or at Best Buy....Im sure you catch what I am laying down. I wont even get into all the technical aspects and other things for opsec reasons. And with the ability of encrypted virtual meetings has made remote working way easier.
edit on 2021 by shaemac because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
Disgusting to see this kind of overreach.

However, you don't want to end up in an ICU over this crap. I'd think long and hard about vaccination, and ignore about 90% of the crazy half-cocked stuff out there. Vaccines will cause minimal side effects in most people. The disease itself could easily put you on a ventillator

Make your choice folks but do it from a position of knowledge not ignorance

If you don't want to get it don't get it
If you had reactions to ingredients in it dont get it
If you are worried about the side effects work with a trusted provider to address your worries and maybe not get it
But for the love of god if you are not getting it just to be stubborn or because you think it will 5G magnetize you GET THE SHOT

Damn China for what they did to us. They need to pay.

Nobody knows the long term effects. There are plenty of medications one can take if you catch covid. They can be obtained....too bad doctors will not easily hand them out.

90% of the crap out there is coming from the government and it's lies. Dont ever side with them...they are not here to help us.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 12:59 AM
What people don't understand about mixing government/politicians and "professionals" is: The politicians are gonna cherry pick.

In the end, politics will always be what you get from that. Not science.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 07:11 AM
How is this not a violation of HIPPA laws? $100 fine and a year in jail per violation. Is your HR person willing to go to jail for 100 years?

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: sciencelol
a reply to: DBCowboy

They have done quite the job in a short amount of time.

If you love America and what it stands for then you are now the enemy

Patriotism will be a hate crime, independence a felony, and liberty outlawed.

Over our dead bodies literally. We must understand this is going to be the death of people who want to be left alone. In Huxley's "Brave New World" you are not aloud to be alone or to avoid sex with different partners on a nightly basis. Hard to say damn I don't like that last part as a male who likes women. I am married to a wonderful woman, but I do have a heartbeat enough to understand that would be titillating for young males at the very least. I think this might not be so cool for most of the women.

Well however, that was before Gayness was considered a faux majority by the media whores preaching about straight people who believe in God as if we were the evil that is lurking. Now the new version will likely be required bi sexuality. We need to stop this not very fun "merry-go-round".
edit on 11-9-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: SirHardHarry

originally posted by: In4ormant

This is straight crazy. I don't care what political affiliation you are.... My brain is melting.

You know what's even crazier?

Not getting vaccinated, keeping the pandemic going, as people keep drying in record numbers and hospitals fill up, simply because people's heads have been filled with a bunch of baseless anti-science propaganda, which has been weaponized against then because of selfishness.

"BuT MaH FrEdUmB." Now *that's* crazy.

Vaccinations prevent disease, and have for over a hundred years. And all the dumbasses who want things to get back to normal but won't even do the simple things to try to even get there.

Except, this isn't a real vaccine and it is an experiment. Do you wish to find out about the difference by being the guinea pig. Please, be my guest.

I would always 100% of the time advise anybody not already vulnerable in a critical way should wait to find out if it will ruin my body before I even consider such. Those that are one foot on deaths door should be our guinea pigs before it is ever officially available to normal people with a working immune system.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: JBurns

At the same time, it is also true that for some age groups, say boys between 12 and 20, the risks of serious complications from the vaccine actually do outweigh the risks of serious (ICU + ventilator) illness from COVID. So in that scenario, why would any responsible person endorse vaccination?

The person in question is twice as likely to experience cardiac effects from the vaccine as wind up in the ICU from COVID!

And yes, those are the statistics.

Granted, in either case, neither outcome is at all likely ... as in fractions of a decimal point ... but it would still seem smarter to remain unvaccinated until one is older.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: trollz

“A country where people are afraid of even their own shadows is surely a country of dictatorship! In such vile countries there are two groups of people: The zombies, the living-dead who serve the dictator and the rest, the clever and honourable people who fight for their freedom!”

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: BrujaRebooted

Good points, all.

I worked remote for 12 years before this mess, with a global team of 60 working for me, from India, China, Austria, Canada, Australia, and Belarus. We kicked butt in productivity and had to consciously uncouple at the end of the day.

Taking a new job and going back to the office was pure hell for me for the last 10 years.

Same now, working remotely the past 18 months is a win-win for both the employees and the company. For many jobs, there is simply no need to be in an office sitting on calls all day in a cube when you can do it from home, avoiding stressful commutes and regaining some semblance of a work-life balance.

Thinking that a lot of people have figured this out, and that in addition to this vax thing is going to be a factor for companies wanting to retain good employees

Working from home works far better when employees can be easily terminated. Federal employees cant. If an employee isnt producing then they need training and guidance. Literally, cant be fired for not performing well. If they arent performing well in the office, the reasons for it can be observed and documented. Sleeping at their desk, spending too much time visiting with others, doing their nails, surfing the net…whatever it is they are doing instead of being productive. Not so when they arent being productive from home. No discipline or slacking issues can be observed and thus documented and thus termination is somewhat doable.

Federal gov is broken even worse than ever. Its like a 3rd world country… pay a bribe to get a passport in any kind of reasonable time. How is it different?

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:01 PM
A lot of federal employees are playing along with the Covid thing, most don’t want to go back to the office for the 8 hour grind, they all got too used to golfing, hiking, day drinking, cough cough, I mean “Teleworking” .

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
a reply to: donscorpio

Do you work for a government owned facility?

Asking for a friend.

I work in public health. There's the real world version of public health and the mainstream media version of it. In the real world version, we still have to deal with poverty, obesity, social determinants of health, crime rates, and access. These are the things that drain the healthcare system. In the mainstream media version, everything is about Covid 24/7.

We've been treating Covid for 2 years now. There is nothing new under the sun. Standard protocol is azithromycin/chest xray to check for pneumonia and send the patient home. If the patient's blood oxygen level dips below 90, they are to come back to the ER for steroid treatment such as dexamethasone. 99.99% suvival rate. Unless....

The patient is morbidly obese, has diabetes, heart disease, or any pre-existing condition. Vaccinated or not, these people still get the worse or it or even die. Before the vaccination rollout to after, the patients dying are still the same patients who already had health defects. The narrative hasn't changed at all since 2020. Every doctor that I know (I'm not talking about the ones you see on TV) have reported the same thing.

The only thing that has changed is politics. A lot of you people arguing on this message board have some kind of political bias and you probably aren't even aware.

100% vaccination is not going to help the morbidly obese, diabetic, and heart patients. Those people had their entire lives to adjust to a healthy lifestyle. They are the ones draining the healthcare system, not the unvaccinated. Covid has essentially become a complete political grab.
edit on 11-9-2021 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2021 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2021 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: donscorpio

"a simple matter of getting a buddy to sign a signature"

The above statement told me you work for govt.

But thank you for providing confirmation.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Almost no one wants to go back to the office at all

I retired before covid. (im so diasappointed that covid has stolen nearly 2 years of retirement travel and activities from me, but thankful Im and my loved ones are healthy!)

I was out for a dog walk one morning and encountered a woman I used to work with. She is still a federal employee at the nearby base. She told me she is working remotely, and hasnt even been into the office or even on base in a year! I remember when working one day a week from home was an issue with managers and productivity, but they did so to meet carpooling goals. I cant imagine what its like to lead a team of people you havent even seen for a year.

I recently had to pay 400 in fees to get a passport in two months instead of 6 months, for travel in oct. Thats the bite for the fast lane. I once got a passport in 2 weeks. Only one indication that the govt isnt functional. Im sure there are many more such examples of loss of productivity.

If we can afford for employees to not even show up at the office in a year, maybe we can lay some off, shutter some expensive office bldgs, save some money. Perhaps half the federal workforce isnt even needed?

I work from home and know tons who do....and the only time one needs to go in to the office is for classified information either to review in person or for calls. But a lot of govt agencies have computers that have hardware that are specifically made for govt workers to use at home and you access with CAD cards. These computers are not just stuff you buy off the web or at Best Buy....Im sure you catch what I am laying down. I wont even get into all the technical aspects and other things for opsec reasons. And with the ability of encrypted virtual meetings has made remote working way easier.

Its called CAC not CAD. Common 10 years ago was to issue people with laptops that accept the card and docking stations.
There was access from home as we worked 2 days a pay period from home. All our hardware at that time was managed by EDS, Ross Perot’s old company. Clinton awarded the contract to build and maintain that network for Navy and Marine Corp. Largest IT contract ever awarded. I always felt like it was the reward for being a spoiler in his election against Bush the Elder. It was chaotic, but in the end, they built a secure network for all devices. Im not sure how they are handling SIPRNET during the pandemic work from home, people i know still working dont commonly sign on to that more secure layer. And I dont ask, having no need to know now.

The federal problems with working from home arent in security as much as lack of productivity. Its not easy to terminate a federal employee.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: GravitySucks
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Almost no one wants to go back to the office at all

I retired before covid. (im so diasappointed that covid has stolen nearly 2 years of retirement travel and activities from me, but thankful Im and my loved ones are healthy!)

I was out for a dog walk one morning and encountered a woman I used to work with. She is still a federal employee at the nearby base. She told me she is working remotely, and hasnt even been into the office or even on base in a year! I remember when working one day a week from home was an issue with managers and productivity, but they did so to meet carpooling goals. I cant imagine what its like to lead a team of people you havent even seen for a year.

I recently had to pay 400 in fees to get a passport in two months instead of 6 months, for travel in oct. Thats the bite for the fast lane. I once got a passport in 2 weeks. Only one indication that the govt isnt functional. Im sure there are many more such examples of loss of productivity.

If we can afford for employees to not even show up at the office in a year, maybe we can lay some off, shutter some expensive office bldgs, save some money. Perhaps half the federal workforce isnt even needed?

I work from home and know tons who do....and the only time one needs to go in to the office is for classified information either to review in person or for calls. But a lot of govt agencies have computers that have hardware that are specifically made for govt workers to use at home and you access with CAD cards. These computers are not just stuff you buy off the web or at Best Buy....Im sure you catch what I am laying down. I wont even get into all the technical aspects and other things for opsec reasons. And with the ability of encrypted virtual meetings has made remote working way easier.

Its called CAC not CAD. Common 10 years ago was to issue people with laptops that accept the card and docking stations.
There was access from home as we worked 2 days a pay period from home. All our hardware at that time was managed by EDS, Ross Perot’s old company. Clinton awarded the contract to build and maintain that network for Navy and Marine Corp. Largest IT contract ever awarded. I always felt like it was the reward for being a spoiler in his election against Bush the Elder. It was chaotic, but in the end, they built a secure network for all devices. Im not sure how they are handling SIPRNET during the pandemic work from home, people i know still working dont commonly sign on to that more secure layer. And I dont ask, having no need to know now.

The federal problems with working from home arent in security as much as lack of productivity. Its not easy to terminate a federal employee.

Im sure you catch what Im laying down.
edit on 9/11/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
a reply to: donscorpio

"a simple matter of getting a buddy to sign a signature"

The above statement told me you work for govt.

But thank you for providing confirmation.

Even though I work in the healthcare sector, I'm on your side. I acknowledged that 100% vaccination is not going to help the morbidly obese, diabetic, and heart disease patients. Those people will get seriously sick from Covid regardless. Unhealthy people (or rather, people who live unhealthy lives) are the ones to blame, not the unvaccinated. They cost the healthcare system billions of dollars every year. If Joe Biden cared about public health, he'd tax the obese, put restrictions on fast food advertising, crack down on bad farming practices where animals are injected with hormones (the real epidemic, btw), and mandate physical fitness like they do in the military. But fast food chains and farmers routinely donate to politicians so that's never going to happen. I've seen fat people openly chastise the unvaccinated. You can't make it up.

Anyway, what do politicians care about since the beginning of time? Power and control. Covid is another opportunity for them to grab that extra inch. All in the name of public health.

Not all of us who work in the public sector are "indoctrinated". We might have to toe the line but some of us are aware of the politics.
edit on 11-9-2021 by donscorpio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:11 PM
Wrong, who told you that BS? You just can't get any thing remotely correct when YOU analyze America. We have clear proof you have no proof.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Tarzan the apeman.
a reply to: chr0naut

He just said it's not about freedom. WTF.

The USA is a country that maintains strong control over its citizens via financial and legal means. Probably more so that any other country in the world.

It is clear that the poor in America do not have the legal recourse available to the rich.

It is clear that 'the government' can get away with doing things that are illegal for common citizens, without fear of repercussions. A prime example of this is the Iran/Contra affiar where the then President Reagan, and his vice President George Bush were deeply implicated in arming and funding terrorists (Hezbollah) and supporting the illegal drugs trade in the US (the 'Crack coc aine' epidemic that was being used to 'top-up' funding to the Contras). Although a number of small-fry in the scandal were found guilty, they were ALL pardoned by George Bush when he came to office as POTUS. This is just one instance where entrenched money and power has gotten away with crime. There are many such instances.

In the US, more people, in total numbers, are incarcerated than in any other country. Also, as a percentage of total population, more people are incarcerated in the US than in any other country. And those values aren't more by a small degree, they are significant multiples of the next worst country's statistics. Yet at the same time, the crime rate in the USA is about average for any country. WTF are all those people imprisoned for, then? If that doesn't scream tyranny, I don't know what does?

Clearly, the USA has not had even a moderate level of individual freedom, at least on a national and systematic basis, for decades.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Stevenmonet

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: Stevenmonet
a reply to: ketsuko

You are either bound to christ or bound to this world of sin. There is no in between. If you think you can take this jab and somehow refuse some obvious later mark you are only fooling yourself.

Whether the jab is "the" mark or simply anprecurser does not matter because by taking the jab you have shown where you have placed your faith.


I and those who have been sealed in christ will refuse this jab to our last breath, if you can't say the same, then you are allready marked by your master who is the prince and ruling principality of the air.


Quick question: does this apply to ALL vaccines, or only the COVID vaccine, and if so, why?

What other vaccine will or has been required to work buy sell or trade? Just this one? Yep it's the mark.

It is not. I do think it is around the corner however. In order to fulfil Revelations, it will cause boils and great suffering to those who take it. This one has some of these signs now but it won't be long you will have to have the mark to buy. France is fighting this now, as are many citizens of several nations who have free will still.

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: JBurns
Disgusting to see this kind of overreach.

However, you don't want to end up in an ICU over this crap. I'd think long and hard about vaccination, and ignore about 90% of the crazy half-cocked stuff out there. Vaccines will cause minimal side effects in most people. The disease itself could easily put you on a ventillator

Make your choice folks but do it from a position of knowledge not ignorance

If you don't want to get it don't get it
If you had reactions to ingredients in it dont get it
If you are worried about the side effects work with a trusted provider to address your worries and maybe not get it
But for the love of god if you are not getting it just to be stubborn or because you think it will 5G magnetize you GET THE SHOT

Damn China for what they did to us. They need to pay.

Nobody knows the long term effects. There are plenty of medications one can take if you catch covid. They can be obtained....too bad doctors will not easily hand them out.

90% of the crap out there is coming from the government and it's lies. Dont ever side with them...they are not here to help us.

To not know the longterm affects means it is criminal to mandate it. There is no other way it can possibly be.

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