posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 12:57 PM
A totally nude person, not sure what gender, but very old and ugly from the backside not unlike my recently deceased Mom, hitchhiking down the
I'm from Vegas and have seen lots of weird things, but this is an anomaly. Never seen that here in all the years I've been here. I couldn't look to
see what the gender was as it was too shocking. When you have thought you have seen it all, then today happens. I thought it was bad as the sun
couldn't seem to avoid my rear view mirror, then I saw THAT?
Trying to hitchhike, nonetheless. Obviously, some sort of mental health issues there but seeing that flabby ass walking down the street was quite a
shock. Didn't even have shoes or socks. It was around 115 or so today and he/she had no shoes or socks? That will burn you badly out here.
Just had to share this one. I don't get out much until I can get my crap together after Mom dying and all that drama but really, I had to see that? I
actually was on my way to get some work and become a responsible human and damned near wrecked the car. I've had people pull screwdrivers on my ass
at bus stops here, I've had random acts of violence against me, I really thought I'd seen it all. It really does all happen here in Vegas but I'd
never seen that.
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, eh? Let's hope so as I hope you never get to see that sight.
So never thought I'd see that sight but it really does make me laugh, even though I shouldn't be as that was obviously a person in need of help.
Well, let's see what tomorrow has to show me. I'll probably see some unicorns or some crap.