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originally posted by: gunshooter
a reply to: HawkEyi -65-earthquake-in/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16310013425048& %24s&
Occasionally our systems produce erroneous information that is released to the public via our web pages or Earthquake Notification System. These mistakes are generally promptly identified by seismologists, removed from our web pages, and “delete” e-mails are sent through ENS. In the interest of rapidly providing earthquake information to the public, most of the information about earthquakes that occur in the USA is automatically posted to the web and ENS if it meets quality standards.
originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: Ceffer
False reports get deleted. It happens. Here an explanation and some examples. USGS is pretty transparent.
Occasionally our systems produce erroneous information that is released to the public via our web pages or Earthquake Notification System. These mistakes are generally promptly identified by seismologists, removed from our web pages, and “delete” e-mails are sent through ENS. In the interest of rapidly providing earthquake information to the public, most of the information about earthquakes that occur in the USA is automatically posted to the web and ENS if it meets quality standards.
New Earthquake Hazards Program
Errata for Latest Earthquakes
originally posted by: Ceffer
OK, so today I saw on Telegram a post that a 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred along the coast of Canada. I went to the USGS site, and sure enough, there was a big red spot indicating a big earthquake about half way up the Canadian west coast. Red spot indicates it occurred within the hour. I was curious about shake and tsunami, so I went to the shake map and took a screen shot for reference. When I went back to the main map, the big red spot was GONE, it has never come back. When I went back into the shake map, it said event was deleted.
The only evidence I have is the couple of screen shots. The question is, why would USGS remove evidence of an earthquake? I did hear that the various earth watchers have said that evidence of earthquakes along the west coast and Canada were being scrubbed, but I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself in real time.
Any theories?
I have four images of the Telegram announcement of the earthquake, the shake map, the item announcing that the event deleted, and the regular USGS map with nothing in the area. I did not get a screen shot of the big red dot when it was there.
I am using Chrome, and I cannot figure out how to include these pictures in the post. All I get is a bar at the top that does not respond to the pictures.