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Urgent massive unreported CDC cover up of vaccine deaths

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posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: ratcals
Have they EVER had a legitimate source?

Of course. Joe Biden. If he says it's safe and effective, that it prevents COVID, it's got to be true. You can't trust all these racist scientists, terrorists that say things to the contrary.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar
Simone Gold, the one from America's Frontline Doctors? I knew as soon as I clicked on the thread you didn't have a legitimate source. She's a joke and a fraud who puts politics before medicine. Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

Just because there are some bizarre things she apparently believe3s in her personal life does not invalidate her purely medical opinion on certain things.

I would agree it means you should examine her claims closely... but these claims of here hold up.

You're simply dismissing her just because you don't want to listen.

So... what does that make you?

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: GammaD

The West Virginia governor must feel horrible. He personally handed out $100 gift cards to those who agreed to be vaccinated, and followed through on that promise.

He may as well have been paying them $100 to commit suicide.

At least they got a free donut.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Doctor Smith

"Bitchute" once again. LoL

Bitchute is just a platform - similar to youtube, with one important exception - they do not censor information just because someone on their staff doesn't agree with the content.

So, what does dismissing information you don't like because of the platform it is hosted on make you? I would say it is engaging in 'deliberate ignorance', one of the worst of the sins, imnsho...

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: peter vlar
Simone Gold, the one from America's Frontline Doctors? I knew as soon as I clicked on the thread you didn't have a legitimate source. She's a joke and a fraud who puts politics before medicine. Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

Just because there are some bizarre things she apparently believe3s in her personal life does not invalidate her purely medical opinion on certain things.

I would agree it means you should examine her claims closely... but these claims of here hold up.

You're simply dismissing her just because you don't want to listen.

So... what does that make you?

I am? How did you get inside of ky head and decipher my decision making process? Dr. Gold is a notorious fraud with an anti-science approach. Which to me is bizarre considering you need to have a grasp on the fundamentals in order to be a practicing doctor. But like the OP, the cited Dr. Gold is full of S# and can't back up any of her claims. That doesn't mean that I don't engage in due diligence though.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Doctor Smith

"Bitchute" once again. LoL

LOL your 1st post on every thread is you attacking the source

try something new

Bitchuts is just a platform not a source the video is the source

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:27 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


(post by sciencelol removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: sciencelol


As to trying something new one, well something other than BitChute might be nice.

except its actually on the CDC website

So there is that
edit on Mon Sep 6 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Covid-19 deaths that occur within 14 days of vaccination?

Or all deaths that occur within 14 days of vaccination?

You get run over by a bus, how do authorities know you have, or have not, been vaccinated?

The CDC statement clearly says if you die from COVID within 14 days of vax, you are counted as unvaxed. This is because it takes 2 weeks for the vax to provide any immunity. The same mythology happens with a flu shot. People get the flu shortly after the shot, they blame the shot.

Any doctor that would misquote and claim this has an agenda. Doctors surely cant be that dense and pass med school.
edit on 9/6/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: sciencelol

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: sciencelol

Its called "BitChute" not "Bitchuts"

So there's that.

As to trying something new one, well something other than BitChute might be nice.

except its actually on the CDC website

So there is that

The CDC website says deaths from COVID after vax not all deaths. Clearly. This has gotten crazy, that this claim is being made.
edit on 9/6/2021 by BrujaRebooted because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: BrujaRebooted

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Covid-19 deaths that occur within 14 days of vaccination?

Or all deaths that occur within 14 days of vaccination?

You get run over by a bus, how do authorities know you have, or have not, been vaccinated?

The CDC statement clearly says if you die from COVID within 14 days of vax, you are counted as unvaxed. This is because it takes 2 weeks for the vax to provide any immunity.

I wonder why people who get "vaccine" passport don't have a two-week waiting period before it can be used for admittance to places.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: MrBuddy

Not just me that got vaccinated all the same.

Good luck with with wishing bad things to happen to others MrBuddy.

That's just nasty.

And the vaccine i received is now FDA approved, so not experimental any longer.

As to my own reasoning, seemed prudent to get vaccinated given the circumstance and pandemic.

Good luck with your mad hate filled rants all the same, shows your true colours in spades.

Wrong again buddy. Noone alive has taken any vaccine thats approved. AGAIN....THE CURRENT PFIZER VACCINE YOU ARE ALL TAKING IS NOT NOT NOT APPROVED.

This is from the FDA website itself. No, I will not post it, I have in 3 other threads that you and your girlfriend Phage have just glossed over.

So one more time for the dyslexic:

There is NO, NONE, ZERO, ZILCH, approved vaccine currently available to the general public. NONE. Now stop being stupid humans and f'n think critically for half a second.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:44 AM
Double post.
edit on 6-9-2021 by MrBuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
The CDC is now listing vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated if they die within 14 days of vaccination! Since March 8th 2021.

Just as I've always known they would do. So predictable. They're still pushing the vaccines and at the same time covering up the extreme failure of the vaccines. Pretending that the vaccine deaths are unvaccinated covid-14 deaths and skewing the data! Stupid criminals in control of our emergency disease control.

Dr. Simone Gold


Simone Gold, the one from America's Frontline Doctors? I knew as soon as I clicked on the thread you didn't have a legitimate source. She's a joke and a fraud who puts politics before medicine. Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

The M.O. of following the facts and science?
Just obey your masters as you always do. Don't listen to thousands of doctors and scientists. Your Gods Gates and Fauci should be obeyed at all cost.

Spare me your self pious homilies. Every source you post is garbage from known shills. I do follow the science. You should try it sometime instead of finding BS sources that jibe with your confirmation biases. Simone Gold is notorious for being full of s#, just like you.
Come on then Mr scientism why always attack the messenger?
Your beloved CDC is doing exactly as he says.Seems like you missed the memo before you started shilling.
edit on 6/9/2021 by glen200376 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:46 AM
Bitchute is where misinformation and disinformation go to die.

Just because they don't censor doesn't mean what you're viewing is true.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: glen200376

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
The CDC is now listing vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated if they die within 14 days of vaccination! Since March 8th 2021.

Just as I've always known they would do. So predictable. They're still pushing the vaccines and at the same time covering up the extreme failure of the vaccines. Pretending that the vaccine deaths are unvaccinated covid-14 deaths and skewing the data! Stupid criminals in control of our emergency disease control.

Dr. Simone Gold


Simone Gold, the one from America's Frontline Doctors? I knew as soon as I clicked on the thread you didn't have a legitimate source. She's a joke and a fraud who puts politics before medicine. Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

The M.O. of following the facts and science?
Just obey your masters as you always do. Don't listen to thousands of doctors and scientists. Your Gods Gates and Fauci should be obeyed at all cost.

Spare me your self pious homilies. Every source you post is garbage from known shills. I do follow the science. You should try it sometime instead of finding BS sources that jibe with your confirmation biases. Simone Gold is notorious for being full of s#, just like you.
Come on then Mr scientism why always attack the messenger?
Your beloved CDC is doing exactly as he says.Seems like you missed the memo before you started shilling.

This may be hard for your willful ignorance to swallow, but if I didn't understand the science and engage in appropriate due diligence then I wouldn't know that the OP's sources were utter hacks. I learn this through researching their claims and the science they claim supports said claims. With this particular OP, they consistently utilize garbage pseudoscience to support their own confirmation biases.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: MrBuddy

Not just me that got vaccinated all the same.

Good luck with with wishing bad things to happen to others MrBuddy.

That's just nasty.

And the vaccine i received is now FDA approved, so not experimental any longer.

As to my own reasoning, seemed prudent to get vaccinated given the circumstance and pandemic.

Good luck with your mad hate filled rants all the same, shows your true colours in spades.

No your saviour is not FDA approved.Look at the wording,a clue is the name is different.The vaccine that they approved hasn't even been manufactured yet.You won't look into it though because you're stuck in your ways,if MSM tells you it's approved then it is-am I right?
edit on 6/9/2021 by glen200376 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Bitchute is just a platform - similar to youtube, with one important exception - they do not censor information just because someone on their staff doesn't agree with the content.

So, what does dismissing information you don't like because of the platform it is hosted on make you? I would say it is engaging in 'deliberate ignorance', one of the worst of the sins, imnsho...

It's all classic deception. A lot of what goes on here is simply trolling, the vaccine cheerleaders frauds, looking for negative responses, some reaction, because they're sociopaths, on the margins, and crave any attention, even negative attention. Any dumb enough to be sincere and actually think they're influencing anybody, like, what, you're going to get a clot shot, despite the likes of VAERS, because anonymous liberal hack spews little partisan nothings and lies, on ATS, but they're actually employing the tactic of those that have lost the debate. As the saying goes, "If you can't argue the facts, attack the messenger." The entire censoring and cancelling government and MSM engages in this, simply slander everybody that doesn't agree, call them terrorists, racists, silence them, declare the whole platform and everybody on it fake, because neither their "facts" or agenda can stand any intelligent scrutiny, any intelligent discussion, can't stand even obvious questions. In this, they're wearing on their sleeves what bankrupt and deceptive losers they are, daresay dumb and narcissistic enough actually think they're clever, though.

If you're about truth and your agenda is right, you don't even mind opposition and discussing things. You want to vindicate your views, show the opposition is wrong, have nothing to hide. Only the likes of rats can't stand the light. Only the worst of the human race, the totalitarians, have to force their dark agenda, by deceit, trickery, fear and terrorist tactics, which is interesting. Calling others terrorists, they are projecting what they actually are, their very mindset, on others. What they really want is to steal your freedom and totally control you, and everybody knows this. I believe these freaks in D.C. are just a step or two over the line, for a rude awakening, but also believe they don't have the balls to really fight for their agenda. If you've noticed, the BLM and Antifa thugs only thrive, where the police are ordered to do nothing. The perverse school boards only thrive, where there's no mob of angry parents. Karens and snowflakes, who flee to their safe spaces over gender pronouns, or some basement in Delaware? I'd require proof they're ready to go toe-to-toe, in any fashion, with serious and courageous Americans. In fact, I question they even have a serious following, since they have to shut everybody up, who's not a talking head, on the devil's payroll, and while I don't know anybody that can stand any of them, have not even run into anybody that likes what's going on in the nation. Where I live, I don't see any throngs of communists, compulsive liars, sociopaths and sexual deviants, at all. Is there anybody here that would pickup a gun and fight for that? Anybody? It's a serious question. Of the liberal hacks here, how many of you are ready to go to war, over your, say, dismay over being born with a penis? Or your hatred over people that don't do clot shots? Anybody? How many penis dismayed and such will be in your regiment? What are you going to make any of us do, when we say, "Make me, then."?

edit on 6-9-2021 by Scrutinizing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: glen200376

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

originally posted by: peter vlar

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
The CDC is now listing vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated if they die within 14 days of vaccination! Since March 8th 2021.

Just as I've always known they would do. So predictable. They're still pushing the vaccines and at the same time covering up the extreme failure of the vaccines. Pretending that the vaccine deaths are unvaccinated covid-14 deaths and skewing the data! Stupid criminals in control of our emergency disease control.

Dr. Simone Gold


Simone Gold, the one from America's Frontline Doctors? I knew as soon as I clicked on the thread you didn't have a legitimate source. She's a joke and a fraud who puts politics before medicine. Are you Dr. Gold? Her M.O. is eerily similar to yours actually.

The M.O. of following the facts and science?
Just obey your masters as you always do. Don't listen to thousands of doctors and scientists. Your Gods Gates and Fauci should be obeyed at all cost.

Spare me your self pious homilies. Every source you post is garbage from known shills. I do follow the science. You should try it sometime instead of finding BS sources that jibe with your confirmation biases. Simone Gold is notorious for being full of s#, just like you.
Come on then Mr scientism why always attack the messenger?
Your beloved CDC is doing exactly as he says.Seems like you missed the memo before you started shilling.

This may be hard for your willful ignorance to swallow, but if I didn't understand the science and engage in appropriate due diligence then I wouldn't know that the OP's sources were utter hacks. I learn this through researching their claims and the science they claim supports said claims. With this particular OP, they consistently utilize garbage pseudoscience to support their own confirmation biases.

so then is this not true?

The CDC is now listing vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated if they die within 14 days of vaccination! Since March 8th 2021.

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