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Sweden Resists COVID Hysteria

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posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Eta I will give the link some credit it does include the vaers disclaimer, I suggest you read it.
edit on 2-9-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
You claimed Sweden has managed to steer clear of the Vaxx as did the OP.

I literally just answered that question directly and stated the exact opposite of what you claim. Did you already forget? Here, allow myself to quote myself:

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

But I'll answer your question: The OP's claim that Sweden steered clear from the vaccine is wrong, but it certainly was much slower to roll out, and as I noted in the graphic, Sweden STILL doesn't have a big enough supply to even have given every single adult in the nation one shot. So, you're insinuation that 66% of Sweden is vaccinated is misleading, since "being vaccinated" means that you have received the full dose of a vaccine.

Again, you have misrepresented what I have said. Again, you are wrong.

Nowhere in any post that I have made did I claim that Sweden doesn't have the vaccine and/or that many of their people are not fully or partially vaccinated. I mean, there's a note in the graphic that I created for you that references the vaccines in Sweden, AND I said these things in my initial response to you:

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Let's discuss the 55.8% fully vaccinated rate in Sweden and compare their numbers ... to the US, which has a fully vaccinated rate of 53%--for all intents and purposes, the same, considering that we reached a higher level much more quickly that Sweden and they played catch-up in the last couple months.


And while Sweden had a second surge larger than the US' spring or 2021, our nation was already heavily vaccinating our citizens while Sweden STILL, to this day, does not have the supply necessary to open up the ability to have at least one single dose for every adult in the country.

At this point, all I can do is assume that you are lying as an excuse not to engage in logical discussion. You refuse to answer a couple simple questions that are based on facts and data that I spoon-fed to you (and are easily looked up with no pay wall) so that this exact thing didn't happen, yet here we are.

To quote you again:

You claimed Sweden has managed to steer clear of the Vaxx as did the OP.

So, are there any more lies you want to concoct about my statements to continue avoiding answering the questions? Why stop now?

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I know that the world doesn't revolve around the US (what an ignorant thing to say), but since the argument was that Sweden did little-to-nothing compared to other countries, I figured that I would use the US (since I live here and am dealing with the BS mandates) as an example of over-reactive lockdowns and mandates and how it got us nowhere in comparison.

Here, I'll remind you that part of the OP since it seems to have escaped your memory and then seem fit to lecture others on the topic of this thread:

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I wonder how Sweden managed to steer clear of the Vaxx and Lock downs? It is what it is. Sweden did nothing. And they are way better off than any other country.

So, you see, the topic of this thread includes comparing Sweden's response to other countries and how they are better off than those that did a lot of mitigating actions. Hopefully that doesn't come as a shock to you and your unwillingness to address things that directly contradict your comments and implications in this thread.

If you can't follow along with that, that is not my fault, but I respectfully request that you stop being dismissive of relevant things and actually address points that counter yours. And if you're unwilling to do so, then at least please stop berating others for not discussing things.

You said this here. Now, what part of sling your hook don't you understand?

Good day. Fare well. Auf weidersein, goodbye.

Go slap your monkey.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

Yes... interpretation. Well done.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

Yes... interpretation. Well done.

Yes, you are interpreting VAERs incorrectly.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

So, no acknowledgement of the lie, no apology (from either times), just a goodbye and a quote that doesn't show me saying that Sweden managed to steer clear of the vaccine (or even anything remotely similar about Sweden and the vaccine).

Keep doing you.


posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

So, no acknowledgement of the lie, no apology (from either times), just a goodbye and a quote that doesn't show me saying that Sweden managed to steer clear of the vaccine (or even anything remotely similar about Sweden and the vaccine).

Keep doing you.


"originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I wonder how Sweden managed to steer clear of the Vaxx and Lock downs? It is what it is. Sweden did nothing. And they are way better off than any other country."

From your earlier post which for some reason did not come out in my earlier quote from your post.

So. Goodbye. Go fish elsewhere.

I have no interest in debating with internet warriors who clearly have no actual life.

Be seeing you.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

Yes... interpretation. Well done.

Yes, you are interpreting VAERs incorrectly.

Guess I interpreted this incorrectly as well?

Lin k


Lin k

Should all be fact-checked right? Because we all know the companies and organizations involved in profiting from the vaccine are completely honest and won't do a single thing to divert attention and lie about the statistics right?

I honestly don't care whether the vaccine is a pure cyanide shot, filled with mercury, lead, stainless steel, or whether it can potentially cure Covid-19, Cancer, Alzheimer's and Aids.

I simply don't care. I do however refuse to be blind to the fact that corporations are doing their best to take advantage of the pandemic situation in order to profit in the maximum possible way, with impunity.

You believe what you want. I'll believe what I want.

edit on 2-9-2021 by Kreeate because: format

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

Yes... interpretation. Well done.

Yes, you are interpreting VAERs incorrectly.

Guess I interpreted this incorrectly as well?

Lin k


Lin k

Should all be fact-checked right? Because we all know the companies and organizations involved in profiting from the vaccine are completely honest and won't do a single thing to divert attention and lie about the statistics right?

I honestly don't care whether the vaccine is a pure cyanide shot, filled with mercury, lead, stainless steel or whether it can potentially cure Covid-19, Cancer, Alzheimer's and Aids.

I simply don't care. I do however refuse to be blind to the fact that corporations are doing their best to take advantage of the pandemic situation in order to profit in the maximum possible way, with impunity.

You believe what you want. I'll believe what I want.

All your links bar the last one (which isn't about vacinne deaths) are doing the same thing and lying about what VAERs data says.

You are doing the very thing you claim you are against and believing and spreading propaganda.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

Yes... interpretation. Well done.

Yes, you are interpreting VAERs incorrectly.

Guess I interpreted this incorrectly as well?

Lin k


Lin k

Should all be fact-checked right? Because we all know the companies and organizations involved in profiting from the vaccine are completely honest and won't do a single thing to divert attention and lie about the statistics right?

I honestly don't care whether the vaccine is a pure cyanide shot, filled with mercury, lead, stainless steel or whether it can potentially cure Covid-19, Cancer, Alzheimer's and Aids.

I simply don't care. I do however refuse to be blind to the fact that corporations are doing their best to take advantage of the pandemic situation in order to profit in the maximum possible way, with impunity.

You believe what you want. I'll believe what I want.

All your links bar the last one (which isn't about vacinne deaths) are doing the same thing and lying about what VAERs data says.

You are doing the very thing you claim you are against and believing and spreading propaganda.

Right... so all your information is absolutely correct and infallible and all my information is incorrect and propaganda. Gotcha.

ETA: The last link literally has this in the headline "4,100 people have been hospitalized or died with Covid breakthrough infections after vaccination"

Are you blind or just inflicted with selective reading syndrome?
edit on 2-9-2021 by Kreeate because: format

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey

originally posted by: chr0naut
The virus does not have a 99% survivability ratio. Nowhere in the world is the survivability rate that high. That figure is entirely false. It would also imply that 1 in 100 will die, which is not acceptable to me, or to anyone with an ounce of humanity.

1. Don't misrepresent what I said, because I choose my words very carefully. Please note that I said, "...a more-than 99% survivability rate for the average person," not a 99% survivability rate overall. The mean (another word for "average") age of humans on Earth is right at 30 years old, and the average 30-year-old is not wrought with comorbidities that make COVID very deadly to them. Since the mortality rate due to COVID-19 in both the 20-29 and the 30-39 age groups is well below 1%, then you can used that data to come to the conclusion that the average person has a more-than 99% survivability rate when it comes to COVID-19.

Please let me know what part of that you don't understand, and how the fact that I do understand it makes me 'breathtakingly ignorant.'

2. Nice attempt at a false dichotomy, trying to say that either someone has humanity and is okay with all of New Zealand's ridiculousness, or that they lack humanity altogether. That type of argument has no place in what should be a debate with logic and facts and is a transparently poor tactic in debating an issue.

3. Yes, many nations in the world have overreacted to what amounts to a highly survivable virus that we know plenty about. It was maybe possibly understandable in the early months, but right now we are educated enough to remove every single mandate and restriction and let human beings be human beings. Yes, viruses, bacteria, accidents, violence, and many more things take the lives of humans every year. But, pretending that it's sane and "not an overreaction, by a long shot" to put an island nation on lockdown because we are in the throes of a viral outbreak with "a more-than 99% survivability rate for the average person" is, like, well, your opinion, man. Others in your nation, as evidenced by the protests and less-dramatic comments and discussions from some of your countrypeeps, hold different opinions. I disagree with it also, because...well, hell, just read my Jefferson quote in my signature block in case you missed it the first time.

4. Have a wonderful day!

Has it occurred to you that 50% of the US population is older than the average age? All those people are at risk and if you play statistics, do you feel you can just ignore that?

The average age of Americans in 2021 is probably closer to 38.6 (but I'm not sure yet if COVID-19 will have skewed those estimated figures), so 30 is just a number, once again pulled out of the air. A guessed at basis for your 'statistics'.

It has been reported that COVID-19 is also the third leading cause of death in the USA at the moment. That isn't trivial.

Provisional Mortality Data — United States, 2020 - CDC

643,593 US citizens have died from COVID-19 in the last two years. That also isn't trivial.

JHU COVID-19 Dashboard

Writing-off something that affects more than 50% of the population, just because a particular younger age group is less effected, is not a valid argument, and definitely not the way someone responsible for the healthcare of the population should react.

Also, there are indications that the Delta strain, which is becoming the predominant strain, is affecting more in lower age groups, and also those without other health problems as well.

edit on 2/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Kreeate

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So far it's by far the best solution we have.

There are 13 627 families who will disagree with you. What happened to ceasing a vaccine trial after 50 deaths? Honest question. Not wanting to get into a bunfight here.

What 13,267 families?

The 13 267 families who have lost a loved one one as a result of the vaccine.

I am going to take your claims at face value and belive you ate being genuine so my recommendation is you read up on what VAERs actually is and what it can and can't tell you.

One of the things you will find is it doesn't tell you how many people have died from covid vaccines. People telling you it does, like your link, are the ones pushing propaganda.

Riiiight... so everyone reporting to openvaers are pushing propaganda, and only have the "true" data. Right? Right?
I'll leave you to to it. Not much point in going any further with this.

openvaers uses the official data, read your own link you might learn something if you go beyond the bright coloured numbers.

Yes... interpretation. Well done.

Yes, you are interpreting VAERs incorrectly.

Guess I interpreted this incorrectly as well?

Lin k


Lin k

Should all be fact-checked right? Because we all know the companies and organizations involved in profiting from the vaccine are completely honest and won't do a single thing to divert attention and lie about the statistics right?

I honestly don't care whether the vaccine is a pure cyanide shot, filled with mercury, lead, stainless steel or whether it can potentially cure Covid-19, Cancer, Alzheimer's and Aids.

I simply don't care. I do however refuse to be blind to the fact that corporations are doing their best to take advantage of the pandemic situation in order to profit in the maximum possible way, with impunity.

You believe what you want. I'll believe what I want.

All your links bar the last one (which isn't about vacinne deaths) are doing the same thing and lying about what VAERs data says.

You are doing the very thing you claim you are against and believing and spreading propaganda.

Right... so all your information is absolutely correct and infallible and all my information is incorrect and propaganda. Gotcha.

ETA: The last link literally has this in the headline "4,100 people have been hospitalized or died with Covid breakthrough infections after vaccination"

Are you blind or just inflicted with selective reading syndrome?

Any link that say VAERs says x number people died from the covd vaccine is wrong or just plain lying. it doesn't matter I'd they say it is ten people, ten thousand or ten million the same still applies.

That's because VAERs data does not tell you how many people died from vaccine. If you read the disclaimer from your own link you would know that.

Your last link is about people who contracted covid after being vaccinated, not about side effects from vaccine. Your quoted text even says that.

I think you need to start paying a bit more attention to your own links before you accuse others of being blind or selective reading.

I was wrong about something, when I said I would treat you as being genuine as it becoming clearer with every post you make that isn't the case.
edit on 3-9-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2021 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Has it occurred to you that an intelligent person responds to what is actually written instead of making things up in their head and then berating the commenter under a false premise and calling their humanity into question?

Way to move the goalposts instead of just acknowledging that you had a reading-comprehension problem. Instead of admitting that you argued against something that I didn't claim, you double down on adding info to make your inappropriate comment seem warranted. I mean, it's a super-sweet logical fallacy, but it's the tactic of the poor communicator.

I said average and spoke about the average. If you want to go on a rant about the top 50% of Americans, feel free to do that in your own comment, but don't throw it into a response to me to make your failings at reading what I wrote disappear from memory. Don't bring in specific strains to try and make your point more valid (I'm talking about mortality rate, and you're bringing up infections instead...derp).

I wrote a specific comment, you responded based on an unwillingness to accept what I actually wrote, or with a lack of reading comprehension (but with a dash of moral superiority and ad hominem). Now, you're doubling down on ignoring that you were wrong and my point was correct in how I wrote it (and that it wasn't misleading at all).

Please explain why are you worth anymore of my time on this topic?

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
You have an extreme interest in debating with me, you just fail to do so with any actual substance and you refuse to answer questions that go against your implications and narrative.

Also, you did it YET AGAIN--you have attributed a quote by someone else to me, when you know damn well that I was using that quote of the OP's comment to make a point that he referenced a comparison to other countries (since you cried about me bringing the US into it). Damn, man, you are some kind of special when it comes to communication. This is exactly how I quoted the OP's comment because I was showing you that comparing Sweden to other countries was on-topic:

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I wonder how Sweden managed to steer clear of the Vaxx and Lock downs? It is what it is. Sweden did nothing. And they are way better off than any other country.

How many lies or misrepresentations about me is that now, at least 4? Do you have anymore?

You could have just answered my couple questions about a baker's-dozen posts ago. Are you this obtuse and dishonest with everyone else on here, or am I just the lucky winner this week? Are you and chr0naut working together in this display of silliness?
edit on 3-9-2021 by SlapMonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
You have an extreme interest in debating with me, you just fail to do so with any actual substance and you refuse to answer questions that go against your implications and narrative.

Also, you did it YET AGAIN--you have attributed a quote by someone else to me, when you know damn well that I was using that quote of the OP's comment to make a point that he referenced a comparison to other countries (since you cried about me bringing the US into it). Damn, man, you are some kind of special when it comes to communication. This is exactly how I quoted the OP's comment because I was showing you that comparing Sweden to other countries was on-topic:

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I wonder how Sweden managed to steer clear of the Vaxx and Lock downs? It is what it is. Sweden did nothing. And they are way better off than any other country.

How many lies or misrepresentations about me is that now, at least 4? Do you have anymore?

You could have just answered my couple questions about a baker's-dozen posts ago. Are you this obtuse and dishonest with everyone else on here, or am I just the lucky winner this week? Are you and chr0naut working together in this display of silliness?

I have an "extreme interest in debating" with you, do I?

Which part of this are you not understanding?:-

"So. Goodbye. Go fish elsewhere.

I have no interest in debating with internet warriors who clearly have no actual life.

Be seeing you."

Nice try, no cigar.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

pssst...because you keep responding (actions speak louder than words). At least you didn't lie about being wrong yet again about what you claim that I said, so there is progress. I'm proud of you.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

pssst...because you keep responding (actions speak louder than words). At least you didn't lie about being wrong yet again about what you claim that I said, so there is progress. I'm proud of you.

At the risk of extending this pointless trolling nonsense, may I just say that my response to you would be on all fours with the well known legal response in Arkell v Pressdram?

Now, just sling your hook.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
643,593 US citizens have died from COVID-19 in the last two years. That also isn't trivial.

Once again you omit that it's not "died from" but, I will quote your own source:

...COVID-19 was listed as the underlying or contributing cause...

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