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All pork has parasites

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posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Thta's not true. You have to be vegan to smell carnivores. Not to mention smelling yourself. It's hard to smell yourself objectively because you smell yourself all the time. The brain filters it out like sounds you hear all the time.

I could put it a different way: i sit in an office with 2 vegans and a bodybuilder hyper aware of his physical health. I've sat in on conversations about peoples odors, as the property HR rep. And i manage to get promoted and hired in interviews despite my malodorous emanations.

Yes, i can see how some people may be able to smell some things. My youngest son can smell things no one i know smells, and has prevented a fire once because of this.

When the vegans come back, i can ask them about how badly people smell when they eat meat. Im sure they will both relay how nasty their husbands stink.

Keep in mind prior to replying: the discussion was not about having a smell difference. It was about smelling bad after eating pork. I guess rather than use some common sense, i should have just asked for a citation.

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 03:09 PM
let's head back on topic then. I wonder where did she get those parasitic worms in order to orchestrate a disturbing hoax video. Not to mention that they really look to be evacuating the meat when exposed to most likely phosphoric acid in coke.
They look real. I guess you cant buy them in a store (except as a bonus in pork meat).
I think countless people would see them crawling around like earthworms when chopping their pork dinner, when putting their pork in various BBQ sauces etc

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