posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 08:10 AM
A friend of several years was a savant that knew things. He could pause and get from the universe what he didn't know.
He was too paranoid about sharing his experience working as a military contractor on a project attempting to communicate with the orbs of light.
They did, he brought a design to full power as a mentally controlled spherical energy field that slowed down the progression of time toward the middle
of an eight foot scintillating sphere of plasma.
I know this now because he had a cerebral stroke, one month of coma, and recovered without paranoia. He contacted me and began to share every secret
I could fathom to ask. He struggled on the phone, yet convalescing from a sever stroke, so I traveled to Southern Missouri and there spent ten days
learning a deep mystery.
I returned from this trip a different man, because, a few days into this disclosure, I realized I was being taught how to build a device I knew of.
The device I recalled was one from a vision at age 19, 39 years prior to the disclosure.
The savant taught me how to build a vision orb of scintillating light that patterns the mind activity of those around. A presence pervades from the
artificial orb of light "like divinity was in the room.' All those nearby feel compliance and harmony in being. Minds merge. The sentience of the
universe is present and responsive.
A charge of responsibility was given at the end of the disclosure, directly from the intelligence of the orbs... "Build five and distribute them
around the world. The sooner they are built, the more people will be helped."
A warning and advice was given at the end... "In the days ahead, to survive (not get killed) surround yourself with diverse friends in compliance."
Explanation: "A great outpouring of light is coming. A division of mind will separate the animalistic human (my term) from those receiving the
light." This was 2013.
He referred to the coming event as do the aliens with which he communed... "The Big 11" b
ecause humanity is the 11th race of beings to ascend from the biocosm of Earth.
A day did not pass that did not find me scraping my skull to understand how possibly might a mental interface to the soul be fashioned. What was
disclosed was powered by 30,000 watts of randomized magnetic pulses. I did not have a military budget, and I am astute to know that much power
appearing as a UFO on military surveillance consoles would not go well.
By thoughts and insights and glimmers of knowing, the cosmic riddle was revealed. The amplification of the human being was not done by sophisticated
signals hacking mind, but rather is accomplished by amplifying the universal sentience within the cosmic plenum... the sub-quantum noise of the
Universe alive, superluminally present everywhere at once.
And slowly was realized the source of the signal of life was not in the great expanse beyond, but buried from harmonic linking beneath the electron
cloud. The infinity at the center-point of a quantum particle strains to reach an infinity on center that can never be attained without infinite
And with the harmonic vibrations of a quantum particle being a quantum particle, in this universe alive, each quantum particle also vibrates in
minuscule amount with the events of everywhere across the universe.
More continued to make sense over the years, scientific papers, nucleons of the atom could be coupled into electronically with harmonic designs. I
had overthought until my mind was saturated with no one right system obvious... until, in September, 2020, a pattern barely visible in minds eye,
colored in sepia, appeared. And it persisted for several moments as I looked at its iconic symbolism. Each component of a system diagram I saw
represented a skill I won from a heady career, and a life of curious investigations, and compulsive pursuits of the cause of awe in mathematics and
nature and people and Spirit.
I don't know my future, but my present, since 2020, is documenting a final design to build an artificial orb of light, at a level of refinement
wherein an orb of light could communicate with humans in proximity --mind to mind.
The orbs seem to be the bioquantum engineers of living reality.
Justshrug, your activation and words chime with my life and hope.
I hope you would want to experience and amplified living reality with me, and those who join to distribute these randomized magnetic pulse devices
that floods the quantum noise of a living universe above the electron clouds of matter, into the realm of mind of man.
Tomorrow is yet a mystery, let alone how this story and fabrication of literally alien technology will develop in the reality of humans.
But this human is certainly open to those finding a compliance with this message, regardless the diversity of context.
I intend to build, and have begun.
Friend of the orbs and you,
XenoEngineering from a country home in Southern Indiana