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Narcissim on Full Display

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posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: EternalShadow

I think most narcissists wouldn't think of themselves as selling an artificial image. Instead, a narcissist would think that what they're posting is actually important and worthy of attention.

I mean, I might be wrong but what I think I'm seeing in a lot of those people, the ones posting that sort of self-important content, what I think they're doing / what I think they're thinking is that they have to fake it 'til they make it because that's how the game is played nowadays; and that, to me, is not so different than anyone else who searches for social status as a means to an ends. Now of course I'm not saying that social / political pageantry without merit isn't a problem, because it most definitely is, it's just that, if that's the game that everyone is playing then I don't know how much I can fault some idiots for playing it especially if their ends are actually justifiable.

Lastly, what's maybe most concerning is not that those people "steal" money, fame, btches, political influence, etc by posting all that fake or useless crap content but instead its all the young and naive people, it's their audience falling into it and wanting to be like them or its their audience buying into the illusion and falling victim to it and the fact that no one warns them its all fake.

That's my thoughts anyways: it's a "new" kind of market or game and its trash and we shouldn't let the young and naive fall into it but I don't think everyone playing it is actual narcissistic.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
We literally have armies of "influencer's" that are being trained to have the same mannerisms and deliveries as they spew their garbage ideals and "life lessons" on the feeble minded; mostly young viewers.

The word "influencer" is one of the most brazen but honest terms I came across lately. Not only does the economy know that these people can influence others, those being influenced even know the term "influencer".

So people let themselves be influenced willingly. What they really do is manipulating, most people connect something negative with being manipulated. They should called be manipulators and only then the masses will understand the ironic relationship between them and their "influencers".

There was this radio advertisement for a big outlet store in Stuttgart. Where they ride a bus and one woman says like "I am going to get out here because @ "name of shop" I get my deals".

And then a younger voice joins braindead-funny-proud "And I am a follower hihihih". And the Fremdschämen is high.

edit on 31.8.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: store, not story

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Come on... no fremdshäming needed, this is comedy gold.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: Macenroe82


Are a lot of us that empty inside? I thought this technology was supposed to bring us together in a meaningful way, not turn us into self-serving ego bots..

Yes, they are. And I do place blame on the Get Women To Work movement in the 70's. After that bum rush of the employment sector, life lost a LOT of real meaning, and became ALL about the money. And it's STILL all about the money, sorry sacks are now called paid "influencers".

I have to both point and laugh at those women that hobbled their lives & cheapened themselves down to a dollar sign that way, and eh, I might as well throw out the Single Finger Salute. Just because something is a flashy, exciting lure at first glance, does not mean it's actually best for us. Ruining the nuclear family approach has lead to a downward spiral across the board from poor self-esteem (thanks, Joneses), to money obsession, to absent parenting, and I have no problem going to the root of the matter.
edit on 8/31/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Where do I start... I am fairly young but have experienced how my grandmother, who was a real "house wife", worked the house. It's a fulltime job if done right.

For example all those expensive helpers, remember the tide pod advertisements, every two months they invented something new. Tripple-quadrupple super calgonite. "Hyper calgonite will save you a minute per load!". These things, compared to normal power wash are a couple times the money per wash. And it goes on and on with other examples. We traded the time a housewife took for gadgets that we need to work for.

But there's a different side too. I am a single mother, I own business and I drive a nice car. People notice. It came to my ears that I supposedly either married rich (wrong) or that my husband died (wrong) and I overtook the business.

Well neither is true, but because I am a single mother, it's either that, or I am a bad mother, because I surely must skip time on my daughter to make that success possible. Just that I spend more time with my child and even other's children because we seem to be the only ones planning things like hiking, swimming or visiting a natural park.

Why am I the one able to have a fulltime self-employed job, annoy ATS with my opinion and raise my own child and some others (it feels like) while doing all that? How much potential has to be hidden in all those housewives, reading magazines and watching TV soaps?

little rant here but hey, had to be said one time.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: EternalShadow

Joebtoonz has a few good videos on this subject. Here is one fine example:

And also this one :

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: everyone
These will be the fathers and mothers of this generation:

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Valid points from a single working parent, but it does not justify the current "influencer" influencing & narcissism. That social change back then, ties directly into the that distasteful trait today. And we can't even begin to tackle that misguided crap without going at the scaffolding holding it up -- the militant "women MUST work/earn money" mantra. It's created 2 solid generations of very vapid money-hungry people with no shame, though I'm not sure how X'ers largely avoided that trap. Kudos to them

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: Macenroe82


Are a lot of us that empty inside? I thought this technology was supposed to bring us together in a meaningful way, not turn us into self-serving ego bots..

Yes, they are. And I do place blame on the Get Women To Work movement in the 70's. After that bum rush of the employment sector, life lost a LOT of real meaning, and became ALL about the money. And it's STILL all about the money, sorry sacks are now called paid "influencers".

I have to both point and laugh at those women that hobbled their lives & cheapened themselves down to a dollar sign that way, and eh, I might as well throw out the Single Finger Salute. Just because something is a flashy, exciting lure at first glance, does not mean it's actually best for us. Ruining the nuclear family approach has lead to a downward spiral across the board from poor self-esteem (thanks, Joneses), to money obsession, to absent parenting, and I have no problem going to the root of the matter.

Excellently worded and factual.

Influencing feminists from the 70's who for instance wrote for big magazines and news paper now admitting that they lied and how what they said was and is destructive to woman and destroying the nuclear family also comes up in this one if i remember correctly:

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: everyone
These will be the fathers and mothers of this generation:

That's how i have been looking at all this as well. And don't forget these will be our doctors and surgeons of the future as well. We are already seeing bizarre behaviour among parents and medical people even in todays last generation in there.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

No it doesn't justify "influencer" or being so narcistic at all. I was just drifting way off topic here and mixing influencer with your comment about how we need to make career.

Like I wrote, housewife is a fulltime job if done right. It goes beyond cleaning, washing clothes and making food, it's also managing, raising and keeping the family together, financial management and so many other "trivial" things.

One either buys marmalade or produces it, was what my grandma used to say and she hinted on the type of housewife.

posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 12:57 PM
Yeah tech and social media have made narcissistic tendencies abundant, in Seattle they LOVE to pose on front of the Pike Place Market sign, in front of the original starbucks, at Microsoft in front of the MS sign, in front of the Amazon buildings.

Some are historic landmarks, but most are just homages to big business


posted on Aug, 31 2021 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

I looked at the views on the vid's in OP. Fortunately there aren't like 25 million views so it means not EVERYONE is viewing the narcissists. That's all. If all the narcissists are getting say 200 million views regularly, it is pretty much worst case scenario.

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