a reply to:
It's just arbitrarily decided.
I could go on about these things, but I guess people can agree; there is a very strict masculine role that men are expected to completely conform to
and identify with, and some human beings living in masculine bodies have a problem with this - understandably.
So this kind of FORCED false identity, even if it's -based- on biological facts (men are naturally more inclined to certain things, but they shouldn't
be forced to anything), is a problem.
I guess that's why many people, especially men, are grasping at these straws that the 'activists' are throwing them, and then taking it way too far.
It's ok to NOT want to identify with 'man' just because of your body's genitalia. But it's stupid to believe that by arbitrarily choosing some other
identity, you somehow magically BECOME that something. That's taking it too far, that's just insanity at that point, it of course doesn't work.
Woman doesn't become a man because she goes to an office and someone in white coat puts an X on a certain application. She doesn't become a man just
by 'identifying as a man'. You don't turn to attack helicopter by identifying as such. This is where the crux of the problem is; the 'freedom to NOT
have to identify as gender, just because your body has one' was turned on its head to 'you can become anything by identifyin as such'.
In my viewpoint, a human being is energy, pure, genderless energy, that can't be destroyed. This means, a soul is an eternal lifeforce. A physical
body is temporary; it is born, and it dies, while never being really alive in itself, only with the help of a living soul.
As soul has no gender, it's a bit false to identify as a gender - therefore, there's -really- no truthful 'gender identity', even though people that
obsess with the physical body, often obsess with 'being' a gender and thus trying to obtain one.
You have no gender, your physical body does. You are energy, your physical body is.. well, technically, it's also atoms and such, which are not purely
physical things, but for all intents and purposes, your physical body is just a tool that you're using only for a time, then you go away and the body
rots or is turned to ashes.
People of this planet seem to think 'I am body' instead of 'I have a body'. This probably leads to the whole confusion of 'free identity'. Sure,
you're free to identify as anything you want - I like to keep it real and true, so I identify as 'human being' or 'energy pulsation' or whatnot. I do
not identify as gender, nationality, flag, job, car, etc.
Just because you don't have to identify as 'man' just because you live in a male physical body, doesn't mean you can freely identify as anything you
want and everyone else has to respect your insanity, it doesn't mean you become that 'anything you want' just by identifying with it. You still better
face the reality that people still see you first as 'man', and only secondarily as 'human being' (if at all), and never anything else unless you do
something drastic to 'deserve' it, and it's still gonna be within pretty narrow confines, most likely. No stranger is going to look at you and think
you're a 6 year-old girl or attack helicopter.
If they like you, after a long discussion, they might indulge and humor you for awhile, but even they don't expect you to -realistically- identify as
something completely out of bounds.
The freedom to identify whatever you want can happen silently within yourself, you don't have to tell anyone, and no one else has any obligation to
accept it. My identity is easy, because even if people try to force some kind of gender or whatnot on me, it's pretty easy to explain and people often
tend to agree at least that we are indeed human beings first, even if they don't quite understand my 'energy ball' identity.
Someone that identifies as some manga girl or spacecraft might have more explaining and convincing to do, but that's why it's better, easier and less
hassle to just identify with what you REALLY are, your innermost self that's eternal - if you listen to that part instead of looking at the temporary
bits you're surrounded by, you might actually feel good about identifying as something deeper and more everlasting than some biological, crude blob of
mass that's soon in a grave or urn.
That's why, in the end, at least in my opinion, it would be the healthiest and best to identify with the most real self you actually are, instead of
trying to reach for this or that, like a lunatic in a candy store, or imagining being this or that, only to some day realize that's not really what
you actually, truly are.
In any case, identity is a pretty small thing in life, you shouldn't make it the core main center, no matter WHAT it is.. I almost never think about
it unless I see a topic like this, or if it happens to become a topic of conversation, and I am often shocked how shallow other people's view on
'identity' is.. it's always 'what's your gender / so what do you do / so where do you live / so what is your physical body shaped like' and so on.
That last one was a bit of an exaggeration, but these questions usually amount to being interested only on what kind of muscle-skeleton coat I am
wearing, and no questions about what I am like as a human being, what my personality is like, what kind of creations do I like, have I explored
anything interesting lately, and so on.
If people would let go of their obsession about the physical body, we could be human beings much more easily, and thus communicate more effectively
and understand each other better, and the world would be such a better place for everyone to live in. Think about how many problems come from this
kind of things - religion, body, nationality, and other such temporary or artificial things. It's like people fight over anything and everything..
instead of being real about themselves and trying to understand the reality of others as well.