I've been stuck using mobile data through Koodo for the last couple weeks. Generally it works well. I even used my hotspot to build a website for a
client with it. But...for some reason....ATS and only ATS, whether on my phone or on the computer through the phone's hotspot, will regularly time out
and give connection refused errors that only resolve after repeatedly refreshing.
Needless to say, it's been aggravating. At first I thought maybe it was an ATS configuration issue or something, it started right around the switch to
I was wrong though. I'm 99% sure my phone company is doing it.
I came across this issue here in my search for an answer
The user was experiencing the exact same issue for their home ISP provider's IP address on the koodo website as i've been experiencing on ATS. Both
the ISP and koodo confirmed the site was blocked by koodo.
So, i tried switching my DNS, no luck, tried browsing ATS directly using its IP address instead of the URL
No luck again. Tried out a free VPN, sure enough. ATS loads totally fine, no issues. No timeouts, no connection refused, nothing.
Double checked using a crappier phone with a chatr account again no timeout issues, ATS works just fine.
So, just a warning, if you're experiencing issues with ATS and other websites are working well, it may actually be your ISP or provider and not an ATS
Now, why koodo would be blocking ATS is a whole other question but if anyone else on ATS uses Koodo and does or doesn't have issues, it'd be good to
know. Because it seems from what i can tell, the issue is almost definitely with koodo.
edit on 29/8/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason