posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to:
Morgellons would be interesting, they believe it’s caused by the same bacteria that causes Lyme disease or related bacteria. For some reason the
medical community frowns on chronic and persistent Lyme infections but that bacteria is known to do it, don’t get that one at all.
Doxycycline and steroids.
You could also try steroid creams, that would increase a fungal or parasite problem. Antibiotic ointment, that could increase fungal or resistant
bacterial infection. Thick oils to suffocate what may be in there. Antihistamine to rule out some type of after effect or hypersensitivity. It’s
just way too many possibilities. Plus all the dangerous and generic stuff we have to watch out for in those areas. They even have OTC parasite stuff
which paralyzes or starves them, can’t remember but they all come out if they’re there.
ETA: for fungal terbinafine, very quick compared to the other OTC stuff. But doctors have much stronger doses and tools which would help prevent
making something worse.
edit on 29-8-2021 by TheAMEDDDoc because: (no reason given)