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Roswell Autopsy Fake??

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posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:51 AM
I have finally seen the "official roswell autopsy footage" on the alien that they found. I have to say that the video is obviously a fake, no? I mean, maybe I am wrong, but looking at, it , the whole operation takes place in 3 hours, which i would think is too little, for an investigation on the first alien to have landed on the eath. Plus there is the fact that it seems like the people know exactly what they are doing. They delve into cutting the body open and go directly to where the organs would be, without any exploration, then they stuff their hands into the aliens head and pick out the brain. Could someone tell me what they think please.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 04:56 AM
Yeah, it was debunked a couple of years ago.
And people tended to be alot more ..."accepting"...when the video was released.

Yeah, I never thought of the Time they spent (or lack of it) investigating the innards.

Nice job!

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 05:05 AM
Best way to cover something up: Make it so improbable that the believers themselves say its fake.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 05:11 AM
The video is REAL, i have investigated it for myself, most of the information you hear is incorrect about the autopsy.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 05:15 AM

The video is REAL, i have investigated it for myself, most of the information you hear is incorrect about the autopsy.

I hope your not serious.
The guy who made it came foward YEARS ago. He took a documentary camera crew to the place he did it and recreated it.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by Gear

The video is REAL, i have investigated it for myself, most of the information you hear is incorrect about the autopsy.

I hope your not serious.
The guy who made it came foward YEARS ago. He took a documentary camera crew to the place he did it and recreated it.
Your Spot ON its all old NeWs lets not visit-rehash this lot again other wise we will start getting UFO-ALIEN reports coming in.....

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Gear

The guy who made it came foward YEARS ago. He took a documentary camera crew to the place he did it and recreated it.

Do you have any links to this? The last time I googled it, the film owner still claimed it was real and answered all of the hoax claims pretty well.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 07:48 AM
There's ample evidence for it being fake.
Here's an excellent site pointing out some of this...(check the other links there too, on the main table of contents...some good work here)

However...I should point out some disturbing things....

1. The photos of someone working on such a dummy, are actually proven fakes (a fake of a fake if you will). (there are photos of someone touching up a dummy, etc.) Many use these photos to discredit the film, but the fact is, the photos themselves are fake..(check out BUFORA's research on this.)

So why go through the trouble? Why reinforce the fakery with more fakery?

2. The most troubling thing for me is the removal of the eye lenses. Other than Corso's book (which wasn't out before the video release if I'm not mistaken, though it was written prior), I've seen NO other mention of the dark eyes actually being like contact lenses, as shown in the video, and described in Corso's book. This particular is really of interest, as it seems such an odd assumption to make on the part of the video hoaxers. This makes me wonder if the video has more fact than fiction (i.e. as a disinfo special fx piece...)

All in all, my conclusion so far (imho) is that it is indeed a dummy in the video, but that it was made by people familiar with the real it puts it into the disinfo category for me...(possibly even for Project Cosmic Journey)....

[edit on 25-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 07:55 AM
No links but I know there's alot of websites showing how fake it was.

The head bouncing like rubber, the muscle texture as though it was taken from casting someone standing up. The fact that it was on FOX.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 08:10 AM
See my link above, points out what you mention and more.

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 10:09 AM
Good points Gazrok, and I'm inclined to agree with you (as usual), but what of the accounts that a specimen of original film from the Santilli autopsy video, tested by Robert Shell, Editor of a popular American Photography Magazine, proved that the film was manufactured by Kodak in 1947, was bought in bulk by the U. S. Government and was used within 4 months of its manufacture? Is this all B.S. too?

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Good points Gazrok, and I'm inclined to agree with you (as usual), but what of the accounts that a specimen of original film from the Santilli autopsy video, tested by Robert Shell, Editor of a popular American Photography Magazine, proved that the film was manufactured by Kodak in 1947, was bought in bulk by the U. S. Government and was used within 4 months of its manufacture? Is this all B.S. too?

Agreed, this was one of my sticking points too.

But it's answered by the link I gave.

The problem is that the film provided for testing, (get this) DOESN'T SHOW anything featured on the autopsy footage! One's of a corridor and another frame appears to be a staircase, etc. No frame with a pic of the alien was ever tested this way. So it isn't BS, but it is misdirection. The producers provided a different sample of film for testing (stating it was the leader for the film, so it was expendable). You can see these frames for yourself at the link provided...may need to go to the table of contents though...

EDIT: Here are two of the frames made public. Note, no aliens anywhere to be seen....*sigh*

Here's the link if you like...

[edit on 25-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 10:52 AM
Ahh Gazrok, that's right!

I did read that before but I just forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I'm going to have to read through that webpage you linked too to see what else I may have forgotten about.

So yeah, seems like it's a hoax. But because of the point you made about the little detail of the eye lenses, makes me believe that the hoaxers either knew Corso or were working with him in some capacity, or like you said it's clever disinformation. Sh1t, we may never know.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 03:16 PM
There were no aliens in the roswell crash. The whole concern is over the secret gov't programs.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by TheRanchMan
There were no aliens in the roswell crash. The whole concern is over the secret gov't programs.

I would agree but what about the witnesses? They were talking about aliens. Not only something weird in the sky that crashed.

posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 08:30 PM
As most of the most controversial documents, I must say that it must remain in the "consider with care" category...

I have in my drawers (others have also) hundreds of pages of testimonies, reports, analysis, opinions of experts, so on... The Roswell case is quite obviously one of the most interesting, because it is one of the most documented and commented.

As some say, "I want to believe". There are indeed a few things to cast a doubt, but there are also a few things to remove any doubt. Before any definite proof, all we have is personal belief.

And once again Gazrok, you have good points!
(no wonder you're a mod!

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 11:20 AM

There were no aliens in the roswell crash. The whole concern is over the secret gov't programs.

Care to back that up?

And if you're going to use Mogul...

No such balloons would have been in the area at the time. (Brazel had to even change his story initially as ordered by the military, for Mogul to even remotely be an explanation)
None of the materials used in Mogul would have been strange to civilians of 1947, and especially not to an Intelligence officer.
Top Secret projects aren't just allowed to land in anyone's field without a massive effort to recover them...

If you're going to use High Dive for the bodies...

The biggest problem is of course that it was about 5 years AFTER the event.
The dummies were 6', not the diminutive creatures described.
The dummies were wearing flight suits (which would be pretty familiar to a town existing mostly for the AIR FIELD there...)

If you're going to use OTHER saucer-like projects, the simple fact is that these projects have pretty much all been declassified, and yet no such records of any such tests in the area on the date in question. Nor even one SCRAP of evidence (other than mere speculation) that such projects could be responsible for the incident.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:05 PM
Has there ever been any debunking on the photos of the alleged 1966 Yugoslavia alien autopsy? Link below.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:25 PM
I've never seen much more about it, even scanning the italian sites for info either way on it. Can't say they've ever been debunked, but haven't seen more support for it either. Could go either way on it....

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:27 PM
As mentioned before I have not seen any of its makers come forward with information proving it is false body or autopsy. That's been all I've been waiting for - for some eight years.

Debunkers coming out of the woodwork in droves with the same-old, same-old comments but without prove that I have seen.


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